Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

995 The Killing Of The Three Divine Pillars

Two months later, Regigigas has arrived in the middle of the Western Ocean, and its movement speed is much faster than in the previous months.

Otherwise, at the previous speed, it would take at least half a year to reach the middle of the Western Ocean.

After arriving in the middle of the Western Ocean, Regigigas suddenly stopped. This action attracted the attention of all the viewers who had been watching the live broadcast.

Regigigas’s attention is not as high as it was at the beginning. After all, every day when the live broadcast is started, it’s the same and there’s nothing new. “Of course I’m a little tired of watching it.

[If you stop, it means you have reached your destination, right?]

[It’s also possible that I’m tired. I’ve been walking for months without stopping. Even a first-level god must be tired.]

[Are you a human? Humans only feel tired when they walk a lot. If first-level gods felt tired even when they walked, they would have fallen from the altar long ago.

[Does anyone know where this is in the Western Ocean, and why the water looks black?]

[This is the middle of the Western Ocean. The water is black because it is very deep, about 10,000 meters]

Countless people were speculating why Regigigas stopped and whether he had really reached his destination. Even Yang Qing was staring at the scene of the child.

The same is true for the top 15 people in various countries. Why did Regigigas wake up, what will it do after waking up, and where is its destination? They have reviewed countless information in the past few months, but they still have not figured it out.

Perhaps today is the time to reveal the answer.

Looking to the middle of the Western Ocean, Regigigas stood quietly on the sea, with three divine pillars standing next to him like guards.

The indicator lights on both sides of the chest are flashing slowly, slowly, and gradually faster.

Many people with eyes have discovered this. Under normal circumstances, the flashing frequency of Regigigas's indicator light is relatively fixed. It will only change when a situation arises or its mood fluctuates.

As the indicator light flashed faster and faster, Regigigas, who was standing quietly, finally made a move, and his hands were thrust into the sea below.

The next second, when its hands reached out to the sea again, something surprising happened. In the meantime, its hands were holding a thick chain.

The moment he held the iron chain, the indicators on both sides of Regigigas's chest flashed faster. As his waist and wrist exerted force, the iron chain was lifted up section by section.

【Fuck, where does iron come from?

[We won’t be fishing for Kyogre below, right?]

[What is this for? Why is there suddenly an extra chain?]

[What’s under the chain? It looks like it’s very heavy.

[I feel like something big is going to happen]

[It seems that the sea water is slowly surging]

With the attention of billions of people around the world, Regigigas kept raising the chains one by one, and most of them were guessing what was underneath the chains.

Many people typed the words Kyogre.

The sea water also began to rise slowly following Regigigas' movements.

I thought it wouldn't take long for Regigigas to completely pull up the chain, but I still thought it was too simple.

The mention of Regigigas lasted ten days.

For ten days, it kept repeating the action of lifting the iron chain, no matter it was windy or raining, it never stopped.

More and more seawater is rising, as if something big is being lifted up.

On the fifteenth day, a white light suddenly appeared on the bottom of the sea. The light was so faint that you couldn't even see it if you didn't look carefully.

As time goes by, the chain continues to be lifted up, and the brightness of the light on the seabed is also constantly increasing.

Ten days later, the light was clearly visible, and the area was very large. The sea surface within a radius of three or four kilometers was filled with white light.

This light is especially obvious at night.

[Isn’t this just a sun rising up?]

【Could it be some kind of treasure】

[Even if it’s a treasure, it’s not our turn]

[I advise you not to commit suicide. If it really is a treasure, even if the champion comes, it will only be to commit suicide.]


This possibility still seems very high.

This white light has such a large range. If it is really a treasure, what would it be?

What kind of treasure can make the first-level god Regigigas spend several months to come here.

Driven by interests, ambitions and desires, countless trainers and businessmen set out towards the Western Ocean, with self-evident goals.

The first batch to arrive were basically Trainers, and those with the lowest strength started as Elites. There were hundreds of them, including two champions.

These are Trainers from all over the world.

They didn't dare to get too close and stopped thirty kilometers away from Regigigas.

Many people want to continue to get closer, but they dare not, for fear that they will stand out and become someone else's backing.

At this time, the three divine pillars that had been guarding Regigigas finally made a move, and Regirock and Regigirus were seen heading towards Trainer in the distance.

Regice was left to continue guarding Regigigas.

Facing more than a hundred Trainers, Regirock and Reggie Chirus launched an attack directly without any unnecessary nonsense or action.

Both Pokémon are at the pinnacle of champions.

Fighting Elite at the peak of the championship is as easy as crushing an ant. Even if two of them are championship-level Trainers, they are only in the early stages of the championship.

Facing Regirock and Regic 670 Russ who launched attacks without saying a word, these Trainers were instantly stunned.

Because Regigigas has not shown any aggression for several months, even walking around the car when passing through human cities.

It passed through more than a hundred cities in Western Europe, causing almost no damage.

As a result, many humans feel that this first-level god is easy to talk to.

Easy to talk = easy to bully.

It is the bad nature of many humans to be bullied by others when they are kind, and it is the same when it comes to Pokémon.

Just because Regigigas was labeled as kind by them, they had the courage to come here, and even wanted to steal the "treasure" that Regigigas was trying to pull up.

If you had replaced them with Yveltal or Groudon, they would have been able to run as far as they wanted, let alone dare to get close.

Massacre, one-sided massacre, more than a hundred Elites, two champions, Regirock and Reggie Chirus, completely killed them all in less than ten minutes.

No one was left, not even one of their Pokémon escaped. Blood stained the sea below, and the corpses attracted a lot of Sharpedo to eat.

At this moment, the three divine pillars showed to the world that they were the guardians of the king. In front of them, no one could underestimate their king.

Killing is the best way to intimidate, bar none. .

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