Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

992 Slow Start Ability

[Why did I suddenly stop standing still? I look a little panicked]

[What is the level of the three divine pillars next to Regigigas? They look very powerful]

[Three divine pillars are the pinnacle of champions]

[My subordinates are all champions, so how powerful is Regigigas?

[I don’t know if Regigigas is short of subordinates. In fact, I can also be its subordinate]

[I heard this plan of yours in Daqing]

Countless comments kept popping up, and Xian also posted a comment at this time.

[Regigas seems to be waiting for something]

Jiang Qing's text is golden, which is very obvious among the many black fonts. It is obvious that the user name has Douyin official certification.

So it quickly attracted the attention of most people as soon as it was posted.

[Stop talking, my husband is online]

[Suddenly there was no champion Jiang in the live broadcast, I’m still a little not used to it]

[That makes sense, this time the protagonist is not Jiang Guanjun

[I have a hunch that Champion Jiang will appear in front of the screen sooner or later]

In the recent global live broadcasts, the protagonist has been Jiang Qing, but this time there is no Jiang Qing, so the majority of netizens are really not used to it.

Looking at what they said, Jiang Qing felt speechless for a while. If she really appeared in this scene, then things would probably develop in a good direction.

In this way, after waking up, Regigigas took less than three steps and suddenly stopped for a day.

At this time, the whole world is paying attention to Regigigas, and the total number of viewers of live streaming apps around the world must have exceeded 10 billion.

Just in Xia Kingdom, more than a billion people watch it every day.

The time came at noon the next day, and Reggie Chirus had been silent for a whole day. As the indicator light began to flash faster, it started to move again.

Repeating yesterday's actions, he raised his legs and walked towards the west of the ancient wax country.

This west side is the sea.

The temple itself is on the west coast of the ancient wax kingdom.

"One step, two steps, one step, two steps, it's the pace of the devil -" Celebi was still playing music to the other side.

Not to mention that the background music is really suitable.

[Have you ever noticed that Regigigas walks so slowly?]

[Yes, it’s even slower than Magcargo]

【This slow look is really a bit classy】

[Looking at me, I’m so anxious]

Seeing that many people were saying that Regigigas was moving slowly, Jiang Qing suddenly thought of its ability, an ability as fucked up as Slaking, slow start.

The slow start (bcec) ability in the game is that the physical move damage and speed are halved in the first five rounds.

But this is reality, not a game, and the battle cannot be turn-based. You fight, I fight.

Thinking of Regigigas stopping fine yesterday, Jiang Qing couldn't help but think of its Ability.

So it’s not because of the slow start ability that Regigigas stopped after taking a few steps yesterday.

So why are you taking action today because this ability has been lifted?

Looking at Regigigas's slow movements, Jiang Qing felt that there shouldn't be.

Sure enough, after walking for a while, it stopped again. This time the distance was farther than yesterday, and it was almost to the coast.

【Stopped again, we won’t have to wait another day】

[Where are the Pokémon scholars? Can anyone explain it?]

[It is heading west. It seems that the ancient wax country is safe.

[No, if it’s a straight line distance, wouldn’t Regigigas have to go to our country?]

The Ancient Wax Kingdom was indeed relieved.

Regigigas did not go to their country, but went directly to the west.

The west coast is actually the westernmost part of the Ancient Wax Kingdom, so as long as Regigigas doesn't turn back, there will be nothing wrong with Drew in the Ancient Wax Kingdom.

The only thing that was damaged was the temple, but this temple was built when Regigigas appeared. Strictly speaking, it was not a building belonging to the ancient wax kingdom.

Even if Regigigas is really gone, then the temple's attractions will definitely no longer be able to attract as many tourists as before.

The third day, the fourth day, the fifth day.

Regigigas still stops after walking for a while every day.

Now that it has come to the sea, many netizens think that Regigigas will go directly to the seabed. After all, it looks like it probably can't swim. As a result, it is standing directly on the sea.

On the sixth day, people all over the world were surprised to find that the speed of Regigigas was actually faster, at least half as fast as yesterday.

Moreover, it did not stop after walking a short distance today. Instead, it kept walking on the waves, with the three divine pillars around it following closely.

Seeing this, Jiang Qing finally determined why Regigigas stopped after walking a short distance for the first five days, and then started walking again the next day.

It's really caused by its ability to start slowly.

And it takes a full five days for the slow start ability restriction effect to disappear.

If you were fighting a first-level god, you would always be a little slow and you would be killed by Rival before the sixth day.

It was rumored that he could drag the mainland's first-level gods. Such an awesome existence was ruined by this ability.

Pokémon's Ability is meant to increase its own strength to a certain extent. Even the most useless Magikarp has the ability to move freely.

As a first-level god, you don't have an awesome ability, but you end up with an ability that greatly limits you.

"Maybe it's because it's too strong, so Ability is used to limit its strength." Jiang Qing thought of this possibility.

Think about Slaking again. With such a high Species Strength, it is almost comparable to Groudon and Kyogre. The quasi-god is a younger brother in front of its Species Strength.

For such a powerful Pokémon, its ability turned out to be lazy, and most of it was wasted.

It makes Normal Type Trainer so angry that he vomits blood. Otherwise, without this ability, Normal Type Trainer can definitely rise.

At that time, let alone the Normal Type Trainer, other Attribute Trainers will also get a Slaking if possible.

Slaking is a Normal Type, and Regigigas is also a Normal Type, and it is also a first-level god among the Normal Types.

The former represents the pinnacle of ordinary Pokémon, and the latter represents the pinnacle of first-level gods. As a result, one is lazy and the other is slow to start.

If God did this on purpose, Jiang Qing would definitely not believe it.

Regigigas can lift a continent. Jiang Qing even suspects that this guy's strength has reached the world-destroying level, so he needs to use the ability of slow start to limit it, otherwise most first-level gods will not be able to fight it.

However, after five days, the restriction on Regigigas' slow start ability has disappeared, so now Regigigas can exert its full strength.

At first glance, it seems that slow start is better than lazy ability. .

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