The white Elite mentioned by the Elites of the Ancient Wax Country is named Bai Dongfang. He is the peak Elite in his thirties and is also one of the five Elites staying in the temple this year according to the International Trainer Association.

Bai Dongfang, the top leader of the Xia Kingdom's military, was his eldest brother.

The Bai family happened to be four brothers, and the head of the Bai family was also named after the names of the four brothers, namely, east, west, north, and south.

Bai Xixi is the second eldest child in the family.

In the Xia Kingdom, the Bai family has always been a military family and has a very important position in the military.

Of the four Bai family brothers, only he and his eldest brother Bai Dongfang are alive now, and the other two have already died for the country.

Bai Dongfang's calm handling brought the Elite of the Ancient Wax Kingdom back to their senses and immediately began to contact the country's senior officials.

At the same time, Bai Xiangfang also walked out, and four Elites came over immediately. Together with him, the five Elites from Xia Guolai Ancient Wax Kingdom had already arrived.

"Zhang Elite, Li Elite, you two first help people in the scenic area to evacuate tourists. There are three Xia Kingdom tour groups coming here today. Let's see if they need help."

If Chinese people encounter difficulties when they are away from home, of course they will help if they need it.

The two Elites nodded and walked out immediately. 12

"You two go near the temple and check if there are any suspicious people around. Pay attention to safety."

Regigigas suddenly woke up. It is still unclear whether he woke up naturally or due to some man-made reasons.

If it was caused by man-made reasons, there might be people acting suspiciously near the temple.

Watching the two people go out, Bai Xixi took out his mobile phone and dialed the number of the great elder.

By the way, I would like to mention that the previous Great Elder has retired because of his old age. The current Great Elder is the original Sixth Elder, who is Jiang Gangjiang.

Jiang Gangjiang's original position of sixth elder was held by the head of the Bai family, the father of Bai Dongfang and Bai Dongfang.

After the phone rang a few times, it was quickly connected.

"Hey, West"

Jiang Gangjiang's voice came.

"Great Elder, Regigigas has awakened"

Bai Dongfang said the matter without too much nonsense.

The other end of the phone was silent for a moment, and then asked slowly: "Are you sure?"

"It's OK," Bai Xixi said solemnly.

"The senior officials of the Ancient Wax Country will contact various countries later."

"What are the next instructions from the Great Elder?"

Faced with Bai Xixi's inquiry, Jiang Oreburgh said calmly: "On the premise of ensuring your own safety, cooperate with the official actions of the Ancient Wax Kingdom."

"If they ask you to carry out dangerous actions, just say no."

Jiang Gangjin was extremely domineering when he said this.


Bai Xixi nodded heavily, hesitated for a moment and then asked: "Will Champion Jiang come over?"

"He will come when necessary," Jiang Gangjin said.

Regigigas wakes up. If the other party has done nothing like Solgaleo before, then there is no need for Jiang Qing to take action.

But if it destroys the Ancient Wax Kingdom, the Xia Kingdom will definitely use the U.S. nuclear weapon.

It's not to protect the Ancient Wax Kingdom, but to protect this planet.

The first-level god represents the rules, and its destructive power is too great. If it destroys the ancient wax kingdom, it may not stop immediately.

After hanging up the phone, Gang Gang immediately called Jiang.

"Doduo, I'm sorry, the number you dialed is currently on a call, please call again later."

Listening to the notification tone on the phone, Jiang Gangji's face darkened. He had hung up the phone.

Hit again.

"Doduodu I'm sorry for you"

Come again.


Jiang Gangjiang placed the phone heavily on the table with a bang.

"What is this bastard doing in broad daylight?"

Although Jiang Gangjin was angry when he hung up the phone three times in a row, he thought that his career situation might be related to other important matters.

So he didn't call for the fourth time. If he did, he would still be hung up.

Jiang Qing's side is indeed about "important" things.

The people on the opposite side have already pushed to the high ground. They have been fighting for more than 30 minutes, and the high ground on the opposite side has also been pushed to the high ground. So if we lose, we will be very unwilling.

Jiang Qing, Celebi, and Jirachi were all blushing, and their fingers were about to rub Tiger Ember on the tempered film.

In this case, Jiang Gangjiang actually called, but of course he hung up immediately.

He also called three times in a row, but Jiang Qing hung up three times. Jiang Fei almost accidentally blocked his phone number.

All he could think about now was his own crystal, and he never thought about whether Jiang Gangji's three calls in a row were because of something urgent.

For Jiang Qing, the most urgent thing now is to keep his own crystal.

"Wait until I start a group, you have to follow me"

Jiang Qing turned on the voice, controlled Aggron, and withstood the opponent's attack. With one move, Earthquake, Jiang Qing hurriedly shouted: "Up, up, up, I'm five bigger."

This expression is a little bit exciting, `, how can I not be excited?

The game interface also shows Aggron controlling the X5 perfectly.

Jirachi and Celebi were like chickens, killing four of each other, and only one of them escaped home in embarrassment.

"The jungler quickly kills the dragon, let's push up in the middle."

After Jiang Qing's Aggron regained its health, he took Celebi's Snipe Shot tree owl and Jirachi's Blissey towards the middle.

"Brother opposite, please don't push me to advance to the competition this time. I won. I'll send you a private message later and show you a photo of me wearing black stockings."

Jiang Qing sneered at this kind of delaying strategy, only an idiot would fall for it.

Own jungler: "Really, then I won't fight" 553 Jiang Qing: "Idiot, he is a big guy who picks his feet, don't be fooled"

Opposite: "Brother, I am really a soft girl. I lied to you about my cup size, Arnold. I am a D."

My own jungler: "Then I like it even more. Dragon, I will control the residual health for you. Come over and fight after you are revived."

There was only one person left on the opposite side, but he cleared all the troops before he died. Jiang Qing and the others could only wait for the next wave, and when the next wave of troops arrived, all the troops on the opposite side were resurrected.

Twelve, jungler, just wait for me."

Jiang Qing was furious. There was a traitor in the team.

And the guy in the middle actually started hanging up.

One hangs up and the other performs. How can Jiang Qing and the others defeat five of them?

Here Jirachi had an idea and immediately typed: "The little brother opposite, I am also a cute girl. As long as you don't push me, I will show you how beautiful she looks in black stockings."

It's a pity that this trick didn't work on the opponent, but was ridiculed by the opponent.

In the end, Jiang Qing and the others were pushed to the crystal.

"Report this idiot"

Jiang Qing's face was full of reluctance.

Celebi Rage said: "I added him as a friend, and I will scold him to death"

Jirachi threw his phone on the table: "Why, they don't believe what I said?"

"Jirachi, your username is Weeping Willow. If you change it to something more elegant, they might believe it."

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