"Have you got your pocket money?"

Facing Jirachi's inquiry, Celebi showed off the three hundred yuan of pocket money that Jiang Qing had just given him, and said proudly: "Jiang Qing said that we have been better behaved recently, so he gave us an extra hundred yuan today."

The daily pocket money for the two little ones is one hundred yuan, which Solaceon has at their disposal.

"Jiang Qing is such a good person"

Hearing this, Jirachi narrowed his eyes with joy and gave Jiang Qing a good guy card.

"Come and give it to you"

Celebi handed Jirachi one hundred yuan, and then put two hundred yuan into his small backpack.

Jirachi happily accepted his one hundred dollars, seemingly not seeing Celebi put in the two hundred dollars.

"Let's go, today's Crazy Thursday, Old Man Ken ~ half price"

Jirachi nodded vigorously.

"We can eat a lot for three hundred yuan-" Jirachi said innocently.

I didn't see Celebi's slightly weird expression at all.

Just when the two little ones were about to go out, Jirachi suddenly said: "Wait a minute, I'll take little Nebula with me."

"Why are you carrying this little burden?"

Celebi asked confused.

"Yesterday I told it that I would take it to eat well today."

"Jiang Qing will not agree."

"It's okay, Jiang Qing is in the backyard, and Little Nebula is resting on the bed. We can just take it away secretly."

Jirachi looked like I was very smart.

Because Little Nebula is still in the toddler stage, it needs a lot of sleep every day. Basically, it spends twenty hours a day resting.

When Jirachi picked up little Nebula from the bed, this guy was still in Rest.

"Let's go"

Jirachi said.

Celebi nodded helplessly, thinking that there would be one more competitor later, and he would probably spit out the hundred dollars he was greedy for.

Hope little Nebula doesn't eat too much.

As for whether Celebi has ever thought about the problem of little Nebula not eating junk food like Old Man Ken, in its opinion, no Pokémon can resist Old Man Ken. If so, then add a cup of milk tea.

There are many Old Ken stores in Lancang City, and they have branches all over the world.

Celebi and Jirachi chose the old Ken’s shop located in the center of Lancang City. This store is the largest in Lancang City, and both of them think this guy’s old Ken’s has the best taste.

Why do you think so? Because they have been eaten by all the old Ken's restaurants in Lancang City. Finally, I concluded that the taste of this one in the city center is better than the others.

So as long as you buy the old man, you will basically come here.

Because the two little ones often come to this store, they are naturally regular customers. It is almost noon, and the store is already full.

However, a small table was left, which was obviously not suitable for humans to sit on.

There is also a small sign on this table with the faces of Celebi and Jirachi on it.

Many customers in the store look outside and at the tables from time to time.

Many guests are actually waiting for Celebi and Jirachi.

Because they come more often, we have figured out the pattern of their coming.

Basically, whenever it's Old Man Ken's Crazy Thursday, they will come over to eat when they have time.

The time is not necessarily certain, it may be in the morning, it may be in the afternoon, it may also be in the evening.

One time, these two guys even came over to eat at 12 o'clock on a Wednesday night.

So whether you can see Celebi and Jirachi depends on luck.

Because of this, the store is particularly busy on Thursdays, and even many tourists from out of town come here.

A fantasy beast, a legendary Pokémon. This identity alone is enough for many people to flock to it, not to mention that they are all Meiqing's Pokémon.

"I'm coming"

A sharp-eyed customer saw two small dots flying towards here in the distance.

A few seconds later, Celebi and Jirachi appeared, with Jirachi holding Little Nebula close by.

In this way, Little Nebula was exposed to the public eye for the first time.

"What kind of Pokémon is Jirachi holding in his arms? It's so cute."

"Another unknown Pokémon, worthy of being the ginger champion"

"This Pokémon was brought out by Jirachi while it was still in Rest."

"I can't even sleep with such noise. Isn't this Pokémon still in the toddler stage?"

People around were talking a lot, but no one bothered Celebi and Kira to get closer.

There is an unwritten rule that everyone here abides by. You can take pictures and talk, but you can't go up and disturb Celebi and Jirachi.

“Order quickly”

Celebi said hello. Although the staff didn't know what it said, they were already familiar with it, so a list full of fried chicken burgers was placed in front of them.

It has long been popular to scan QR codes to order and pay, but the pocket money Jiang Qing gave today was banknotes, not online transfers, so this was the only way to order.

0......Please give me flowers......

"This, this, this, I want three no's"

Celebi held up three fingers.

"This, this, this, I want four."

Jirachi held up four fingers.

“Coke needs to be iced”

“The French fries come with two servings”

“I want ten fried chicken legs”

"Jirachi has new products today"

Celebi's eyes lit up, as if she had seen a new world.

"Yeah, let's take a look."

Looking at the new pineapple burger written on the list, Jirachi said: "I want six of this."

“New fries are also available”

"Then hurry up"

“Do you want to return what you ordered before?”

"No, I've finished eating."

“There are also new ice cream products”

"Here are six"


"Why are there so many new products this time? [Fortunately, Mondo gave us ten hundred yuan."

"Okay, that's it, we'll take a look at it then."

Celebi slapped her hand on the order to indicate that the order was over.

The staff nodded and walked into the kitchen. When passing by the manager, he whispered: "Manager, they ordered nearly 400 yuan today."

"Did Champion Jiang give them four hundred yuan of pocket money today?"

How much pocket money the two little ones have every day has long been revealed by Celebi on her Douyin.

"That's right, the American champion is sometimes more Hideki"

The manager nodded seriously.

Jiang Qing's stinginess towards Celebi and Jirachi is something that is talked about in Xia Kingdom and even the whole world.

After all, if someone has such a Pokémon, they must treat it like an ancestor and provide it with delicious food and drink. How can Jiang Qing be like this and limit his pocket money?

"Okay, you go get ready first, I'll watch from here," the manager said.

The staff nodded, and after walking into the kitchen, the staff inside began to get busy.

Celebi and Jirachi order more than 40 kinds of food in total, normally. This is enough to feed a dozen adults.

The staff are also used to Celebi and Jirachi’s appetite. With their appetites, it would be a pity not to participate in the Big Eater competition.

"Taking pictures is taking pictures, but you have to open up your beauty for me and slim your face to the maximum."

Celebi took out a piece of paper from her small backpack and wrote this paragraph on it.

"Hahaha okay"

"so cute"

The surrounding diners all laughed. .

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