Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

981 Unexpected Discovery Of Treasure

After collecting Galgaleo and Lunala's divine stones, Jiang Qing was still uneasy, so he took out the Dowsing Machine, looked at it, and suddenly made a sound.

Let me go, a red dot representing a treasure.

However, the so-called location of this red dot is not on the altar side, it should be in the sea.

It’s really an unexpected bonus.

I have been away for more than two years, and a new treasure has been born in this secret realm.

Basically, the birth of a treasure takes at least a hundred years to form.

This treasure must not have been formed in the past two years. It should have been there for a long time, but it has never matured.

"What are you four doing?"

Jiang Qing was about to dig out this treasure when he suddenly saw Tapu-Mingming and four others blocking him.

Tapu-Fin looked at Jiang Qing pitifully and said: "Jiang Qing, this is the only good thing left in our secret territory. Please leave one for us."

Looking at Meiqing's expression, they didn't know that Jiang Qing knew about this treasure.

And I finally understood why Jiang Qing used to dig out treasures so accurately that no matter how well they were hidden, Jiang Qing would still find them.

There is such a thing in the hand of emotion.

Looking at the Dowsing Machine in Jiang Qing's hand, the four island guardian gods wanted to smash it, but they couldn't beat Jiang Qing.

"There are good things, but you still hide them from me."

Jiang Qing didn't pay attention to Tapu-fin's expression at all, but asked instead.

Think about it, as long as any treasure is born in this secret territory, they, as the island guardians, will be the first to know, especially on the island where they are located.

At the same time, the sea area around the island is the same.

The sea area where this treasure is located belongs to Poni Island, which is the island guarded by Tapu-fin. No wonder this guy is more excited than the other three guys.

"You don't need the treasure anyway, so you might as well get it for me."

As the patron saints of the island, the four of them are also very pitiful. They cannot use the treasures they see, and can only watch others dig them away.

This is also the rule Solgaleo and Lunala set for them.

In other words, they are Pokémon. If they were replaced by normal humans, they might abide by them at first, but after tens of millions of years, these rules would have been forgotten.

It’s not that humans don’t have good qualities, it’s just that humans are more egoistic.

And Jiang Qing is definitely an egoist.

"No, Jiang Qing, if you want to get that treasure, just step on me."

Tapu-fin was extremely emotional.


The next second, Tapu-Fin's entire pet was directly pinned to the ground by Metagross's Psychic, and then Jiang Qing stepped on its back and walked over.

"Okay, I've fulfilled your request, now I'm going to get the treasure."

"Really, you have to make such an excessive request."

With that said, he jumped on Metagross and left directly.


Tapu-fins stretched out palms full of despair.

Seeing Jiang Qing disappear completely, he beat his hand down, exuding an aura of despair.

"Don't be sad, the treasure is gone, it will grow again in the future."

Tapu-Diedie comforted her, but her expression didn't look like comfort, but more like teasing.

"Hey, Jiang Qing is really unethical in what he does," Tapu Mingming shook his head.

"If you don't cry, don't cry. When you cry, I want to laugh."

Serious Tapu-moo suppressed a smile.

"I know you three don't like me. Your island doesn't have any good treasures. Now that I have one on my island, I'm jealous. I wish Jiang Qing would dig up this treasure for me."

Tapu-fin stood up and looked at these three guys who didn't like other people's good things with a scowl on his face.

"As I said, the three of us just helped you stand in front of Jiang Wei," Ka-Diedie said dissatisfied.

"This is called blocking. It's obviously just for show."

Saying this Tapu-fin became even more dissatisfied.

"Who told you to keep yelling in front of us? Besides, according to the regulations, we can't stop Jiang Qing, and we can't defeat it now."

The last sentence is the most heartbreaking.

Although Tapu-Fin is not the strongest among the four of them, he is still average. As a result, he was controlled by Metagross' Psychic move and was unable to move.

This gap is really too big.

And Jiang Qing has arrived at Sky where the treasure is located.

Because the treasure is on the bottom of the sea, if you want to dig it out, you must first isolate the sea water. In fact, you can also use powerful means to bombard it, but you are afraid of damaging the treasure.


Jiang Qing said.


As the powerful Psychic erupted, the seawater below continued to press downwards, and the seabed has now been exposed. At the same time, the diameter is about 300 meters, and the depth is about 400 to 500 meters.


Send out Steelix, and then throw the Dowsing Machine in your hand to the opponent.

"`Look at the red dots above and dig out the treasure for me."

Steelix nodded excitedly.

It does this kind of thing a lot. If the treasure just suits it, Trainer will give it to it.

It disappeared in the blink of an eye, leaving a big hole.

Jiang Qing, who was waiting for Steelix to bring the treasure, suddenly felt a slight vibration in the ground and immediately used Psychic to float into the air.

The next second, Steelix was thrown out of the hole, accompanied by a huge water column.

Seeing that the dug hole directly formed a fountain, Huanwei said somewhat differently: "There is an underground river under the seabed."

Because there was an underground river, Steelix happened to dig a hole, and the huge pressure was released. Under this pressure, even Steelix was sprayed out.

Steelix, who had Spit Up, landed heavily on the seabed, but was not injured. He came to Jiang Qing and spit out the treasure from his mouth proudly.

One (Hao Li Hao) is about the size of the palm of your hand, with light blue lines, an overall oval shape, and looks similar to a goose egg.

Earth Water Egg: A treasure with a little bit of Earth Essence and Water Purify. The Earth Essence can increase the weight of Pokémon. The Water Purify can speed up the recovery speed of Pokémon after it is injured.

Seeing the introduction of this treasure, Jiang Qing knew that this thing was for Aggron. If it were used by other Pokémon, it would be counterproductive just to gain weight.

Aggron's Ability is heavy metal, which is exactly in line with the essence of the earth.

But after eating this thing, Aggron was completely out of touch with speed.

But it has also gone further and further down the path of the Strongest Shield.

"This thing is not suitable for you"

Looking at Steelix who was looking at him eagerly, Jiang Qing shook his head.

Steelix: “If it’s not suitable, forget it”

That was because there was no doubt that Jiang Qing was lying to herself. .

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