Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

970 The Request Of The Head Of The Cao Family

"Jiang Qing, you wrote this song so well. I never thought you could write songs."

Han Bingqing looked at Jiang Qing with admiration. As a professional singer, she knew very well how popular this song would be in the future, not to mention that this song was written by Jiang Qing.

This song could definitely become a classic.

"It's okay, I know a little bit of everything"

Jiang Qing was not modest at all and admitted it directly.

System: Shameless.

Looking at Han Bingqing's eyes, he glanced at his naked upper body from time to time, with a blush on his face.

"Would you like to touch it?"

Jiang Qing joked that with the blessing of Mega Pallet Town's human physique, both the proportions of various parts of the body and the shape proportions of muscles have reached the most perfect form.

With such a figure, Jiang Qing is cheating. If others want to have a figure like his, they can only do it as an old man.

Han Bingqing said subconsciously: "Okay."

After reacting, his face immediately turned red and he looked at 02 Jiang Qing angrily.

"Okay, I'll leave the rest to you. I'll leave first."

The system's temporary task has been prompted to complete. Although the stage gave him a very novel feeling, Jiang Qing knew what he wanted.

After waving to the audience, he picked up the clothes on the ground. After a moment of hesitation, he threw the clothes in his hand toward the audience.

In order to prevent his clothes from being torn into pieces, Jiang Qing deliberately used a little Psychic to give the clothes to the person he liked the most.

That is, the most beautiful female audience member.

After the female spectator got the clothes, she huddled up and tightly protected the clothes inside. There were companions beside her. Under the protection of her companions, she finally saved the clothes.

Jiang Qing, on the other hand, has already rode the black dragon back to grandma's house.

The pressure of the black dragon Zekrom made all the Pokémon in the Cao family manor tremble with fear, and those with lower levels fainted directly.

"Calm down"

Jiang Qing patted the black dragon on the head.

Black and white Opelucid has different personalities. Compared to Bai Long's quietness, Heilong prefers to be public. Just like now, knowing that this is Grandma Jiang Qing's house, he still has to show off his aura.

Let me express it. My first-level god Zekrom has arrived. All of you mortal pets, please leave me alone.

Hearing Jiang Qing's words, Zekrom restrained his pressure somewhat unwillingly.

"Ginger Champion"

There was a sound in my ears.

I saw the head of the Cao family not far away, looking at Jiang Qing and Zekrom under him with trepidation.

The fearful eyes were filled with fire.

After all, no Trainer can refuse the opportunity to get up close and personal with a first-level god.

"Why doesn't Patriarch Cao take a break?"

It's past twelve o'clock in the evening, and this old man is still there. Older people shouldn't go to bed earlier.

"I came here specifically to wait for you Jiang Guanjun"

Come down from the Czech Republic and collect it into the Poké Ball West.

When I walked up to the head of the Cao family, I saw some hesitation on his expression, so I asked, "If you have anything to do, just tell me. My grandma still has to be taken care of by you."

After all, grandma has been staying in the Cao family, and over the years, the Cao family has never treated grandma badly, and now they treat her as an ancestor.

So as long as the request is not particularly excessive, I will help if I can.

Just like a certain person who is the most powerful person in the world, if your status is high, you can't influence the people around you. Even if you have a dog, I can make you a police dog and eat public food.

At the same time, Jiang Qing was also curious. Based on the relationship between the Cao family and the Jiang family, there should be no short-sighted family that would dare to mess with the Cao family, unless the Cao family wanted to do something bigger.

"Jiang Guanjun, you should have a good relationship with the Qin family."

Jiang Qing nodded. The head of the Qin family is his grandfather's biological sister, and Qin Wu is his cousin. With this relationship, how can he have a bad relationship with the Qin family.

"Then can Jiang Guanjun be the matchmaker for my eldest son?"

Let yourself be the matchmaker?

The Qin family is the top wealthy family in Xia Kingdom and is also a champion family. Although the Cao family is a wealthy family, it has never produced a champion. There is still a slight gap between the two.

But if you take action on your own, maybe you can actually do it.

"Which member of the Qin family do you like?" Jiang Qing asked curiously.

When the head of the Cao family saw that Jiang Qing did not refuse, he immediately felt that something was wrong, so he said excitedly: "Qin Wu from the Qin family."

After saying that, he noticed that Jiang Qing's eyes turned strange.

Qin Wu, your good-for-nothing son actually wants to marry Yizhihua from the Demon City, the future patriarch of the Qin family, and even the future champion.

Jiang Qing finally saw a real case of a toad wanting to eat swan meat.

"Your son is not worthy, so he should wash up and go to bed early."

If it were any other stephanie from the Qin family, even another legitimate daughter, for the sake of grandma, Jiang Qing might really talk to the Qin family.

It just happened that this guy was interested in Qin Wu.

This is not a joke.

If he really wants to go to a matchmaker, Qin Wu will directly chop him with a knife.

Jiang Qing's straightforward words embarrassed the head of the Cao family and made his eldest son feel bad.

His eldest son is already at the peak of Elite status after all.

Although she can't compare with Qin Wu, a quasi-champion, she doesn't want to be beautiful.

As a result, Jiang Qing refused so simply that he didn't know what to say next.

"Okay, don't worry. Grandma's surname is Cao after all. As long as our Jiang family is here, your Cao family will remain strong at 550, but it will definitely not be worse than it is now."

Jiang Qing doesn't know what the head of the Cao family wants.

He was just worried that if grandma returned to the Jiang family, she would ignore the Cao family in the future. Without this big backer, the Cao family would not be able to settle accounts with them if they had been offended by the Cao family in the past.

So I want to catch up with the Qin family, so that even if the Jiang family is gone and the Qin family is here, the Cao family will not decline too much.

We can't blame the head of the Cao family for trying to find a backer. In fact, the Cao family has not had a powerful Trainer since decades ago.

Among his sons, except for his youngest son who is guaranteed to become an Elite and is expected to become a quasi-champion, the others all have mediocre talents.

For a big family like the Cao family, Elite Trainer is a must. But to keep the Cao family prosperous, just opening the Trainer is not enough.

Real big families always have quasi-champions.

The Cao family actually has no living quasi-champion now. The reason why they are still among the big families is mainly because their backers are too strong.

Three champions in one discipline, with such a backer, not to mention that the Cao family has no quasi-champion, even if there is no Trainer, he is still a big family, and he is someone that most families dare not mess with.

Although Jiang Qing refused to be a matchmaker for his son, his subsequent promise made the head of the Cao family happier than agreeing to be a matchmaker. .

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