Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

968 Jiang Qing Appears

"Bingqing, Bingqing, Bingqingyujie, Bingqingyujie"

At six o'clock in the evening, Han Bingqing's national concert, the first stop in Shanghai, officially started.

A large number of spectators shook their fluorescent sticks and shouted for Han Bingqing.

Jiang Qing originally thought that as a national goddess, Han Bingqing should have more male fans than female fans, but at the scene, there were many more female fans than male fans.

Jiang Qing sat at the front. This row was either business dignitaries or entertainment industry bosses, and it was separated from the back row, so the audience didn't know that Jiang Qing was in the front row.

The people sitting in the front row had no idea that Jiang Qing would come to watch Han Bingqing's concert. They came just for the Qin family's sake.

There were rumors before that Han Bingqing was related to Jiang Qing, so the Qin family fully supported Stephanie, who had no big background.

Now it seems that is really the case.

If it didn't matter, how could someone like Jiang Qing come to watch this concert?

Celebi and Jirachi also held glow sticks in their hands. They stood on Jiang Qing's lap respectively, waving their little hands. This atmosphere was different from the Pokémon battle. It gave the two Xiao Songs a great new experience.

Accompanied by gorgeous fireworks and cheers from the audience, Han Bingqing appeared on the stage riding a Rapidash. Her pure white dress revealed a section of her sparkling calves. The waistband design made her waist look particularly small. The fullness of the chest creates a strong contrast.

Her red lips lifted slightly, and her sweet voice resounded throughout the concert venue.

Jiang Qing raised her eyebrows slightly. She sang really well. No wonder she could become a national goddess in less than a year. In addition to appearance, strength is also very important.

Many audience members were singing along softly.

The songs Han Bingqing sings now are all the most popular this year, and they are all originally sung by her.

After singing five songs in a row, Han Bingqing went backstage to rest, and the assistant singer came up.

Is a veteran singer.

In fact, many fans come not only for Han Bingqing, but also for these three assistants, and one of them is Hua Xiangxiang.

After helping Sing sing a song, Shui Qing came on stage again.

After singing five more songs, the second assistant, Sing, came on stage.


Finally, wearing a black dress, her skin was whiter than snow, and her face was as delicate as if she had stepped out of a comic, and she slowly walked out from the backstage.


“Flower-flavored wife”

“Fragrance of flowers”

If Han Bingqing is the national goddess, then Hua Xiangxiang is the national wife. In terms of gold content, the national goddess has changed countless times over the years.

As for the nation's wife, Hua Xiangxiang has been in the title for decades.

She took the beauty fruit when she was about twenty years old, and her appearance has been significantly reduced since then.

So even though she is about sixty years old now, her appearance is still the same as that of a twenty-eight-year-old girl.

The grandparents liked her, the fathers liked her, and the sons still liked her.

She is the dream lover in the hearts of nearly three generations of men in the Xia Kingdom.

With her appearance, the atmosphere reached the climax of the opening, with countless people shouting Hua Xiangxiang's name.

As a generation queen and a Fairy Elite, her exquisite appearance, sexy figure, and floral fragrance satisfy all men's fantasies about women.

Except green.

In his opinion, the other party is from the grandmother's generation. No matter how young she looks, her actual age is here.

Why should I look for a sixty-year-old? Why should I look for an eighteen-year-old?

As Hua Xiangxiang finished singing, Han Bingqing came up and sang three more songs. The time had already reached eleven o'clock, and the concert was almost over.

The songs to be sung at the beginning had already been announced, so when Han Bing sang the last song a cappella, all the audience felt that the concert was about to end.

Han Bingqing held the microphone, sweat dripping down her cheeks, her hair sticking to her cheeks, and her slightly breathless voice reaching every corner of the concert through the microphone.

"Everyone, thank you for coming to my concert today. The last song has ended, but the concert is not over yet."

"There is a mysterious guest coming today."

The audience, who had already prepared to leave, suddenly became interested.

There are also Easter eggs here.

[I don’t know who the mysterious guest is]

[Must be some Elite diva]

[It may also be from abroad]

[We’ll find out if we wait and see]

"I'm not going to show off anymore. Please be prepared to have your palms swollen."

"Please invite my friend, Xia Guo's pride, circle"

Along with a loud cry, a fiery red figure suddenly appeared in the dark night sky, so eye-catching and eye-catching. Moltres spread its wings and flew, rain of fire fell, and then slowly disappeared in the air.

…Please give me flowers…


Moltres was flying at a low altitude, flying around the venue, and finally stopped in the sky on the stage. After landing slowly, Jiang Qing jumped off its back.

Wearing a black suit, Jiang Qing's height of 185 makes her figure extremely tall and straight. She does not wear any inner wear in the black suit, the collar is slightly open, and she wears a vertical necklace around her neck.

Under the slightly open neckline, the strong chest muscles are vaguely visible.

Broad shoulders, narrow waist, long slender legs.

The black suit supports his handsome face.

At this moment, Jiang Qing is simply walking on hormones.

Looking at Han Bingqing next to him, he was a little dazed. He felt that he couldn't stand it anymore and immediately averted his eyes, fearing that he would get a nosebleed if he continued to look at it.


"Hello everyone, I am Mei"

Jiang Qing's words finally brought these people back to their senses.

They all looked at Jiang Qing in shock.

"Where's the applause?"

Jiang Qing said with a smile.

The next second, sensational applause broke out, almost sending the entire venue flying.

Everyone's hands were red and swollen, but they didn't stop.

Jiang Qing, this is Jiang Qing.

[This ticket is so worth buying, not only can I see the fragrance of flowers, but even the ginger champion is here]

[Ah ah ah, this is my husband, my husband

[Damn, why didn’t I get a ticket?]

[Jiang Guanjun came to help Han Bingqing, Han Bingqing is really amazing]

[Does anyone know the relationship between Han Bingqing and Jiang Guanjun]

[Friendly reminder, they all graduated from Teito University]

[Jiang Guanjun can sing, I’ve never heard him sing before]

[Even if Champion Jiang’s song is out of tune, there is no need for applause.

Jiang Qing's appearance was beyond everyone's expectations.

After all, except for the open competition, Jiang Qing rarely appeared in the public eye and rarely participated in lectures or exhibition matches.

Other champions make public appearances at least a few times a year.

Jiang Qing's appearances were all passive.

He only comes out when something happens. If nothing happens, he doesn't even bother to update Douyin. Unlike Celebi, who updates Douyin and almost catches up with Moments. Not to mention one post a day, but it's almost there.

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