In the backyard, Jiang Qing was already dressed up. The caretaker arranged his clothes and told him to pay attention to safety on the road. He was about to release Dragonite, but found Salamence's Poké Ball shaking.

Salamence: Ride me, ride me.

Salamence was released, and the latter looked at Jiang Qing expectantly.

"Okay, just you"

Jiang Qing nodded. After Salamence evolved, he had indeed never ridden one.

He jumped on Salamence's back, took the two little ones with him, waved to the caretaker, and with a slight flap of Salamence's wings, he came to pull onions on a dry land.

Jiang Qing swung and disappeared together with Salamence in front of the love steward.


The carefree waiter shouted: "Don't speed"

It is estimated that Jiang Qing can no longer hear this sound.


When riding a Flying Pokémon in the air, the relevant departments actually stipulate the maximum speed and the distance between adjacent Flying Pokémon.

However, most trainers will not comply.

I'm already flying in the sky, and you still don't care whether I'm speeding or not. So what if you're speeding? You don't know.

There are relatively few air traffic police. After all, if you want to ride Flying Pokémon, a trainer must take a Flying license, and the minimum requirement for a Flying license is Elite, except for some special occupations.

Therefore, most cities do not have air traffic police on Sky, but big cities like Lancang City definitely have them.

This off-duty air traffic policeman is riding this car to manage the order in the air.

Suddenly, a red figure flashed past, and the wind and waves almost lifted the surrounding air traffic police off Bi Diao's back.

"Fuck, you really dare to speed under my nose."

Looking at the speed test in his hand, the red light flashed. Looking at the value of 500% over the speed limit, the air traffic police immediately asked Bi Diao to catch up.

But it didn't move.

"Bi Diao is leaving, hurry up and catch up." The air traffic police was anxious.

Bi Diao: Why are you walking? I can't even see their taillights.

Okay, it seems that he understood what Bi Diao meant. The air traffic police smiled, then his face became serious, and he picked up his high-speed camera hanging on Bi Diao.

"I want to see who is so fierce and speeds 500% over the speed limit. If you don't revoke my Flying license, it turns out to be Jiang Guan."

"If it's Champion Jiang, then it'll be fine."

"As expected of Champion Jiang, he is so handsome even when he is speeding, and Salamence's eyes are also extremely sharp."

Bi Diao looked at his partner with some disdain. He was worried that he was a little too quick. His Flying license was going to be revoked.

Under Salamence's full flying force, a white cloud mark was left in the sky.

Jiang Qing sat on his back. Under the Psychic protective cover, he could not open his eyes. Feeling the joyful fluctuations of Salamence, Jiang Qing suddenly said: "Salamence, Mega Evolution

As the colorful light surges, Mega Salamence appears.

Mega Salamence's Ability is the Flying skin, and its wings are like red crescents. In this posture, the Flying speed is faster, and it can fly at high speed even on extremely complex terrain.


As if it were equipped with a Nitrogen Launcher Normal, Mega Salamence's speed continues to increase. If there is a speedometer, it is estimated that this speedometer can be exploded directly.

On the ground, a bloody light could be seen flashing through the sky, and the clouds in the sky were cut in half.

Salamence is also called Salamence in some countries because of its blood-red wings, but it is more famous for its violent temper.

The three-headed tyrannosaurus and Salamence, these two quasi-gods, are notoriously bad-tempered, especially the three-headed tyrannosaurus because they have three heads. Once they fall into chaos, they will kill all living creatures in front of them.

The fact that three Tyrannosaurus killed his Trainer is no longer news.

At the speed of Mega Salamence, it only took Jiang Qing more than ten minutes to get from his home in Lancang City to Cao's house where his grandma was in Modou.

Before coming, Jiang Qing didn't tell her grandma that she planned to give her a surprise.

However, as Mega Salamence suddenly came to Cao's Sky, the mid-to-late Elite aura was raging, but it gave Cao's Astonish.

The Cao family's escort immediately came over.

"You are so courageous. He dares to be so unscrupulous in our Cao family Sky. I'm afraid this guy is not from the Xia country. I don't know that Jiang Guanjun's grandma is here."

The captain of the Cao family guard cursed angrily.

"Contain yourself, you scared them."

Jiang Qing patted Mega Salamence's neck, and then released the Mega Evolution form.

Because Salamence did not launch an attack, the Cao family guards were unsure. Watching Salamence land slowly, they saw that the person sitting on its back turned out to be Jiang Qing.

"Jiang Champion, why are you here?"

The captain of the escort team walked up to Jiang Qing.

"Of course I'm here to see my grandma."

Take back the Salamence, Jiang Qing said matter-of-factly.

""||I think so. Some time ago I heard the great elder read your

As he spoke, he took out a small book from his arms: "Jiang Guanjun, can you sign your name for me? My daughter likes you very much."

"Didn't I sign it before?"

"You didn't have black and white Opelucid before?"

The captain of the escort team was also familiar with Jiang Qing, and knew that Jiang Qing was a very talkative person, so there was inevitably a bit of teasing in his words.


He took the pen and signed his name.

"Next time if I conquer another level one god, I will sign it for you again."

"That's a good feeling. Thank you Jiang Guanjun."

The captain happily put the signature into his arms. The task assigned by his daughter was finally completed. In order to complete this task, he had been waiting for Jiang Qing for several months.


While talking, Jiang Qing's grandmother Cao Ying had already walked out of the house. Someone just told her that her grandson was here.

Cao Ying, who has taken Ganoderma lucidum, Tai Sui and Beauty Fruit, is actually over 70 years old, but looks like she is only over 40 years old.


Jiang Qing shouted.

"You kid, why didn't you tell me before you came?"

Cao Ying gently patted her beloved grandson, unable to hide the joy in her eyes.

"Isn't this a surprise for you? Do you like it?" Jiang Qing said with a smile.

Cao Ying nodded: "I like it, but if you bring one more person, I will like it even more."

Come on, we started as soon as we met.

"Okay, then I'll bring my dad next time"

Jiang Qing nodded seriously.

"Taizhao, are you pretending not to understand on purpose?"

Cao Ying gently pulled Guisun's ear and cursed with a smile.

However, she did not continue to say anything. Her marriage was a failure, so she would not interfere much with her grandson's marriage.

After all, with how good his beloved grandson is, he is attracted by women. .

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