Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

963 Ginger Champion Fight

963 ginger champion fight


He watched Arcanine come to him with a ball in his mouth, put the ball down, and then looked at him expectantly.

Jiang Qing pointed at the three females and two males not far away. Now they were all fighting, but the key figure among them, Arcanine, ran over.

"If you don't care, I will be beaten because of you anyway."

Arcanine looked back and then said with disdain: "Women will only delay my playing ball."

These words sounded strangely familiar.

He looked at Arcanine suspiciously, wondering if this bitch was making fun of himself.

But Jiang Qing really couldn't see any other expression on that innocent dog face.

Also, my dog ​​is so stupid, how could he possibly be making fun of himself?

Picking up the ball on the ground, Arcanine swung his tail so fast behind him, his eyes fixed on the ball.

With a whoosh, the ball was thrown out by Jiang Qing.

Jiang Qing is relatively strong, so the ball will naturally be thrown high and far, otherwise Arcanine will not be able to have fun if it is too close.

As the ball fell downward, a yellow figure flashed past and handed the ball to Bite.

Wagging his tail, he placed the ball in front of Jiang Qing again.

"I'm going to use a lot of strength this time, and it will fly very far. Are you ready?"

Jiang Qing looked at Arcanine seriously.

Arcanine nodded.

No matter how far it is, it will give it to Bite before the ball hits the ground.


After weighing the ball, he leaned back a little exaggeratedly.


He shook his arm hard.

The next second, Arcanine ran straight out. As he ran, he looked up at the ball in Soaring in the sky, but when he looked at it, he found that there was no ball at all.

The naive Arcanine had no doubt that Jiang Qing did not throw the ball. Its first thought was that it was running too slow and the ball had already flown very far.

"Hey, you have such an IQ. Fortunately, you followed me. If you were outside, you wouldn't have been tricked into going to a dog meat shop."

Jiang Qing held the ball and didn't throw it out at all. He watched Arcanine in the distance sniffing the ground, trying to find the ball with his sense of smell.

Then Jiang Qing threw the ball out. If he didn't throw it again, he was afraid that the dog would throw the ball away.

The ball hits the ground.

Arcanine, who was looking for the ball, smelled it, and his eyes suddenly lit up. He locked the ball and was about to bite it to Jiang Qing. Suddenly, an Arcanine moved faster than it and bit the ball directly in his mouth.

At first glance, it turned out to be the male number one Arcanine just now.

This guy is looking at Arcanine proudly, as if if he wants it again, I won't give it to you.

It's a pity that this guy messed with the wrong dog. Jiang Qing's Arcanine is just a fool. If you play tricks with it, it will play with you with force.

With a slight bump, Arcanine felt as if he had been hit by a Steelix and flew out directly.

However, this guy is quite perseverant. After being hit, he was still biting the ball in his mouth.

This made Arcanine a little angry. When he walked over, he was about to hit his face with his claws.

But at this time, the second male, Arcanine, had already come over and bumped into Arcanine. He thought he could knock him away, but in the end, he seemed to have hit a big mountain, but instead he was knocked away.

With her paws on the opponent's dog's face, Arcanine sneered: "Spit on me."

The number one male, Arcanine, felt the power coming from his paws and knew that there was a big gap between him and his opponent, but he still refused to spit out the ball.

"Stop it"

A voice came, and a young man quickly came to Arcanine and said angrily: "Why did you hit me Arcanine?"

He was accompanied by another male number two, Arcanine.

The man pushed Arcanine, trying to push it away and rescue his dog, but with his strength, there was no way he could push Arcanine.

Jiang Qing, who was watching the excitement from a distance, didn't want to join in. After all, this was the three Arcanine's own affairs, and it was his own Arcanine who was bullying them.

But now that their Trainer is here, it seems that Arcanine, who is still preaching to him, can still sit still.

Damn it, you can only bully your own dog.

So he walked over quickly.

"What are you doing"

Pushed the man who was pushing Arcanine away.

Because Jiang Qing was wearing a mask and sunglasses, the other party did not recognize Jiang Qing.

He pointed at Arcanine angrily and said, "You are its Trainer."

"Yes, what?"

Jiang Qing nodded and patted his dog.

"Didn't you see your Arcanine bullying my family?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't see it." Jiang Qing shook her head.

The man was immediately shocked when he heard these words. Damn it, you are telling lies with your eyes wide open.

…………Please give me flowers…………

"Let your Arcanine let go of my Arcanine, or you will suffer the consequences," the man began to threaten.

Jiang Qing was happy and pointed at him: "Come on, don't say I won't give you a chance. We are training alone. If Pokémon battles, you will definitely not be my Rival."

After hearing the next words, the man was angry for a while, but when he saw his own Arcanine being easily pinned to the ground by the opponent's Arcanine, he used his claws.

This difference in strength can be seen to be very large.

So if there is a Pokémon battle, it is very likely that you are not the opponent's Rival.

But if you want to train alone with Trainer--look at Jiang Qing, his strength value doesn't seem to be high, but he often goes to the gym.

"Okay, let's practice alone. If you lose, apologize to my Arcanine."

"Okay, you lost Xi Xi"

Jiang Qing nodded.

The timing of the two people has long attracted the attention of people around them. After all, Jiang Qing's Arcanine looks so good, and it attracted a lot of attention when it came out.

It is the nature of many people to watch the excitement.

Not only did the people around not stop it, but they watched the scene happily. Many people took out their mobile phones to take pictures.

The man took off his coat, exposing his tendons, and looked at Jiang Qing proudly, only to see Jiang Qing curling his fingers in disdain.

"I want to swell my face"

The man rushed over and punched Jiang Qing in the face.

This show-off wears a mask and sunglasses, thinking he is a celebrity.

The powerful punch looked really powerful. In his fantasy, he had beaten this pretentious fan until he burst into tears. As a result, his vision went black, and when he came back to his senses, he had already fallen to the ground. .

Man: What's going on, where am I, why is this happening.

"Did you feel that the dog and the man wearing the mask were a bit familiar?"

A photographer asked his companion curiously.

"Jiang Guanjun, you haven't recognized it yet." His companion said with some contempt: "You are just a fake fan. You can't recognize me even if you wear a mask and sunglasses."

"Damn, it's Champion Jiang. Why are you taking pictures? Hurry up and get an autograph." The companion was excited.

"You're stupid. Champion Jiang's fight isn't exciting. It's not too late for us to get autographs after the fight."

"Yes, yes, this is exclusive. If I post it on Douyin, it will definitely gain a lot of followers."

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