Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

961 Moltres: Junk Flame

There is a fully equipped fire brigade with 300 people stationed at Harbor. As the explosion rang out, the entire fire brigade was greatly affected by the huge shock wave.

More than a hundred people were injured, and a lot of firefighting equipment was damaged.

The remaining uninjured people, under the command of the captain, immediately drove the fire truck and went to the fire scene with various water Pokémon.

At the same time, fire rescue teams from all over Lancang City are also arriving.

The warehouse where the oil was stored was already igniting a raging fire. The flames were so big that half of the sky was dyed red, and a large amount of black smoke was formed.

That's all, but there are a lot of chemicals placed around the oil depot. Once the flames spread to this location.

If chemicals are ignited, the smoke produced will flow into Lancang City in the direction of the wind. It is estimated that tens of millions of people in Lancang City will be poisoned to death.

Blastoise, Feraligatr, Silly Hippo, Staryu, Samurott, and other water-type Pokémon kept spraying Water Gun towards the flames.

There are also a large number of human fire trucks around to assist.

Because the flames were so large, the heat wave formed raised the surrounding 26°C temperature to nearly 100 degrees. If humans did not wear special heat-insulating clothing, it would definitely be a disaster.

Because of the heat wave, Pelipper could only fly very high and used the Water Gun at high altitude, but the Water Gun evaporated from the scorching heat before it even landed.

“No, it’s too hot.”

The firefighters saw that the fire was not only not getting smaller but getting bigger and bigger, they suddenly became desperate.

"Our Pokémon are too weak to put out this fire."

In fact, it's not weak. There are several quasi-Elite-level water-type Pokémon in it, but it's just because the burning materials in this flame are all flammable and explosive items.

While speaking, a violent explosion sounded again.

In an instant, Ember splashed everywhere, and at the same time, a large number of broken buildings were blown up.


Accompanied by screams, more than a dozen water-type Pokémon were knocked out on the spot. The Pokémon's physical condition was not suitable for death.

But it is no longer suitable to continue to participate in rescue operations.

At this time, the fire was about to spread to the area where chemicals were stored.

The fire chief said to Blastoise: "Blastoise Mega Evolution"

Blastoise, the quasi-peak of Elite, and Mega Evolution later became the early stage of Elite.

The strength of Elite-level Blastoise has been greatly improved, and the power of Water Gun has also become different from the past. With continuous use of Water Gun, the fire has a tendency to be suppressed.

Just as the captain showed joy, another explosion sounded in his ears, which made his face change drastically.

A more violent explosion sounded than before, and a large number of building fragments were blown away, including a lot of steel bars.

Seeing a steel bar coming towards him, the captain didn't react at all.


Mega Blastoise's seemingly bulky body burst out with powerful speed, holding it behind it, and its hard tortoise shell blocked the steel bars.

“Thank you Blastoise”

The captain said with lingering fear.

As soon as he finished speaking, three explosions sounded out.

The fire shot into the sky, the air waves rolled in, and the flames pressed towards them like ocean waves.


All the firefighters opened their eyes wide and looked desperately at the flames engulfing them.


As he closed his eyes and waited for death, a Light Screen spanned a thousand meters, like a city wall Normal, blocking the flames. Under the obstruction of the Light Screen, the originally raging flames became as weak as a baby.

"Metagross-------Ginger Champion"

The captain looked at the silver-white Metagross and immediately realized something. Sure enough, he saw an extra person beside him. He didn't know when there was an extra person.

"You're not hurt," Jiang Qing said.

The captain and others shook their heads hurriedly, feeling relieved in their hearts.

Champion Jiang is here, so this fire can definitely be extinguished.


Jiang Qing was still quite surprised when he saw such a huge flame. No wonder the fire could be seen in hundreds of houses.

Fortunately, I didn't worry and came over to take a look. Otherwise, not only would people and Pokémon die, but the damage caused by the spread of the flames would be even greater.

This is all money, my own money.

After all, this Harbor is owned by the family, so it’s not the family’s money that’s being burned.

When Moltres appeared, it made a sucking motion, and then the out-of-control flames, like tadpoles finding their mother, all rushed towards Moltres.

Moltres: I suck, I suck, I suck.

A large amount of flames were sucked into Moltres' belly, which lasted for almost ten minutes before all the flames disappeared.


Moltres burped and exhaled a puff of black smoke.

“Really awful”

There was a look of disgust on his face.

Moltres formed by the combustion of this chemical substance is like eating poor quality food to Moltres. Although it will not cause any harm to it, it is still somewhat uncomfortable.


A fireman stared blankly at Moltres.

Such a large area of ​​​​fire, and the burning materials were all difficult to extinguish with water, so they were swallowed up by Moltres so easily.

I guess you have a vision.

Moltres gave the other party an appreciative look.


Moltres: I'm going back first.

Watching Moltres fly away, Jiang Qing was a little confused as to why this guy was flying so fast.

Moltres: I knew it was dirty and it gave me diarrhea.

The action of Fire 387 Flame Bird seemed cold to others. After clearing the fire, I flapped my wings so as not to leave a single cloud behind.

"I'll leave the rest to you, I'll leave first," Jiang Qing said.

The fire chief nodded quickly.

Then Metagross left with Jiang Qing.

Returning to the backyard, Moltres was not seen.

"Where did this guy fly? He didn't get lost, right?" Jiang Qing muttered.


Arcanine came over with something in her mouth, and placed the dark object in front of Jiang Qing.

"Sandslash? Still a quasi-champion, was this burned by you?"

After careful identification, I realized that this black and unknown object turned out to be Sandslash.

Arcanine shook his head, indicating that the thing fell from the sky on its own.

Sandslash, who was knocked unconscious by the explosion, said that he was digging a hole in the ground and he was doing well, but somehow, a gas entered his hole, and then the hole was blown up, and he was blown out.

Under the impact, it was knocked unconscious.

“Just for home mining”

Jiang Qing threw a Poké Ball and brought mining tools to his door, and his strength was quite good. If he didn't give in, he would really be sorry for himself.

In this way, Sandslash, who was in a coma, became a general in the Jiang family's mining army, just in time to repay the losses it caused to Harbor.

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