Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

948 Metagross Is Back

948 Metagross is back

Jiang Qing waved his hand and told the group of Excadrills to leave. He had no intention of doing anything to them.

Upon seeing this, the leader of Excadrill immediately left with his little brother Dig. Dig's speed was probably the fastest in his life.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of Excadrill disappeared.

Looking at the hundreds of holes left behind, Jiang Qing was a little speechless. If he went to the toilet at night, if he didn't have good eyesight and stepped on the air, he would probably fall directly.

"Steelix make up for it," Jiang Qing said.

Steelix's tail gently touched the Ground. As the Ground energy was poured into it, the hundreds of holes were healing rapidly like wounds.

The repair was completed soon.

Drink the remaining Coke and don't waste it. After all, he can only drink one can of Coke a day.

As for who stipulated it, it must be Dudu.

"Jiang Qing, look"

Jirachi's cheerful voice rang in Jiang Qing's ears, and he saw Jirachi opening his small backpack, which contained some unknown tree fruits.

Snake Fruit: It is poisonous. If eaten accidentally, it can cause diarrhea in mild cases and severe symptoms in the lips.

Mumu fruit: extremely bitter, one bite will leave your mouth bitter for a month.

Caopu fruit: tastes slightly sweet, but can cause numbness

There are three kinds of tree fruits, there are about two or three of each kind, but none of them can be eaten normally.

"Jiang Qing, why don't you eat it?"

Jirachi took out a Serpent Fruit and handed it to Jiang Qing.

"Thank you, don't eat it. It's poisonous, so don't eat it either." He shook his head.

Tree fruits are just like mushrooms in the wild. If you don't know them, don't eat them, otherwise you may die.

These three kinds of tree fruits should be unique to this secret realm. Jiang Qing has never seen them in the outside world.

The three kinds of tree fruits are definitely not edible by humans, but some Pokémon can.

The Serpent Fruit is poisonous and can be eaten by poison-type Pokémon. Not only can it fill the stomach, but the toxins in the fruit can also be absorbed by it, increasing its poison type.

Mumuguo has a very bitter taste, but some Pokémon like to eat bitter food.

As for the Caopu fruit, it has been eaten by the greedy Steelix. The fruit exudes a faint fragrance.

After eating it, Steelix trembled, but was not paralyzed. With its strength, if it wanted to be paralyzed by a fruit, it would have to eat several hundred kilograms.

Jiang Qing stayed in this place for three days. Around ten o'clock in the morning on the third day, Metagross, who was exploring the secret realm, came back.

Metagross has been there for three days, and Jiang Qing is not worried. Unless there is a level 1 god in this secret realm, and it is still awakening, there will be no Pokémon that can bring danger to the Kujin monster.

Not even at peak championship level.

"How's it going? Have you found the door to the secret realm?" Jiang Qing asked expectantly.

Metagross shook his head.

"Tsk, you are so unlucky, non-chief"

Jiang Qing looked at it with disdain.

This result is really not what I expected at all.

There was no disappointment, since he had already guessed it.

"How is the exploration of this secret place going?"

Metagross has visited the entire secret realm in three days, and its own Mega computer has naturally recorded the topography of this secret realm.

Jiang Qing took out the computer and Metagross transferred the data into the computer.

"Rivers, sand, plains, forests, mountains, and magnetic valleys"

Looking at the data transmitted by Metagross on the computer, this top secret realm covers almost four million square kilometers, which is an area larger than many countries.

Of course, this area is not very large among the top secret realms. The largest top secret realm is located in a small country in Europe, with a total area of ​​almost 30 million square kilometers.

This area is almost as large as the Xia Kingdom's land area.

Most of the top-level secret realms that have been discovered have an area between three million and six million. The area of ​​this secret realm in front of you is four million.

Fortunately, it's not very big. After all, if it exceeds 10 million, it would be almost impossible for Jiang Qing to complete the exploration within half a year.

At the same time, the larger the area of ​​​​the secret realm, the lower the chance of finding (cafa) the door to the secret realm you left.

That small country in Europe sent more than a dozen groups of people into the top secret realm with an area of ​​30 million, but they still didn't come out.

Reluctantly, he turned to the Stars and Stripes Kingdom for help, and the Stars and Stripes Kingdom also sent four groups of troops.

In the end, it took eleven years to find the location of the secret door to exit.

Few of the people sent in before survived, and the Stars and Stripes Kingdom also lost a quasi-champion.

But the benefits that the Star-Spangled Kingdom gained from this secret realm far exceeded that of a quasi-champion.

According to the map, Jiang Qing's current location is the Forest Region. Of course, this secret realm is not limited to this forest.

Now he is located in the southeast corner of the map, and going forward is the sandy area.


Metagross: "There are unknown Pokémon over there in the sand."


Jiang Qing's eyes lit up slightly, and she suddenly became interested.

Unknown Pokémon is like opening a blind box. If you open it well, it will be at the level of Quasi-God or Aggron. If you open it poorly, it will be at the level of Raticate.

“Go and have a look”

Jiang Qing mounts Metagross.


Arcanine: "Master, I will take you there"


Thinking that he hadn't been on this land cruiser for a while, he jumped on Arcanine's back and took all the Pokémon in, leaving Metagross behind.

"The dog sets out"

Jiang Qing waved his big hand forward.

The powerful inertia in the next second almost broke his neck, showing Jiang Qing a wave of acceleration from 0 to 100 kilometers in 0.01 seconds.

As Arcanine flies across the Ground, the surrounding trees have no impact on it at all.

In terms of speed alone, Arcanine really has no Rival on land, and most Flying Pokémon are not as fast as Arcanine.

Jiang Qing put a Psychic protective shield on himself, otherwise he wouldn't even be able to open his eyes.

He slapped Arcanine angrily.

"Slow down, I won't reincarnate"

Then he twisted his neck. Just now he heard a cracking sound in his neck.

He didn't die in the hands of the enemy, but almost died on the back of his own dog.

Arcanine slowed down, saying that he was too excited just now, so he went faster.

Jiang Qing took out the Dowsing Machine to see if there would be any treasures on the way to the sand.

Ten red dots were quickly displayed, but they were not very big. Jiang Qing naturally had no interest. For him now, only treasures above second-class treasures were useful.

Otherwise, other treasures can only be used as snacks for his Pokémon, and the effect is probably not as effective as eating energy cubes.

The higher the Pokémon level, the higher the quality of the treasures that can be used against Pokémon.

Therefore, the audience for high-quality treasures is at least Elite level, which means that the price of this kind of treasure must be higher than the price suitable for treasures below the master level. .

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