Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

945 New Top Secret Realm

The Lou family's status in the world of Pokémon scholars is equivalent to the Jiang family's status in the trainer world. They are among the leaders, and many well-known domestic scholars have a close relationship with the Lou family.

So Dong Bo immediately informed Jiang Qing when the investigation finally involved the Lou family.

Although the Lou family is a family of scholars, this does not mean that their family does not have strong military power.

On the contrary, the Tu family is stronger than most of the Trainer family.

After all, I have been studying Pokémon for generations, so I will be more comfortable in researching and cultivating Pokémon.

"Knowing that Mr. President, you need ancient stone slabs, the Lou family has donated all the stone slabs in the family for free."

"Leave this matter to Grandpa, he will ask the Lou family to give me an explanation," Jiang Qing said.

The Lou family is not the Xiangjiang Du family whose entire direct lineage was wiped out by Jiang Qing last time. The Du "190" family committed treason, and there were many participants in the family.

As for the Lou family, this matter has not yet been thoroughly investigated. Is it the idea of ​​a very small number of people in the Lou family or the entire top management of the Lou family.

If it's the former, then just deal with this small group of people.

But if it's the latter, then the Du family's fate will be the Lou family's fate.

Anyway, the uncle will definitely give him a satisfactory answer for this matter, and Jiang Qing is not worried at all.

He hung up the phone and asked Metagross to take him home via Teleport.

Because today is the weekend, her mother Tian Rou did not go to Lancang University to attend classes. She is now sitting on the sofa watching TV.

Jiang Lan went to Baga Kingdom to replace the Gongyang Army.

Now that the army of Baga Kingdom is controlled by Xia Kingdom, the entire Baga Kingdom has actually fallen to Xia Kingdom. Most of the senior officials of Baga Kingdom have clearly recognized the reality and dare not resist.

But there are always patriots in any country, and there are naturally some in Baga Country.

These patriots naturally wanted to drive the Xia army out of Baga. Their determination was good, but it was a pity that they were not strong enough.

There were originally two champions in the Baga Kingdom, and one of them, the Watano Champion, was the deputy leader of the Y God Organization [now missing.

Another champion has been dethroned by the Rams.

So now there is not even a single championship-level Trainer in Baga Country.

After the Gongyang Army finished all this, they returned to China and asked Jiang Lan, the new champion, to take over the Baga Kingdom in his place.

Every champion holds an important position in Xia Kingdom.

For example, Gong Yangjun is the president of the Xia Kingdom Trainer Association.

Jiang Qing is the Elite chief, and all Elites and quasi-champions in the Yinwang ranking list must obey his orders.

As for Jiang Lan, his current appointment is to guard Baga Kingdom.

In fact, it is equivalent to commanding all the armed forces of Xia State in Baga.

Jiang Lan couldn't refuse this at all. After all, he had just become the champion, so he couldn't just go fishing without caring about anything.

Fortunately, fishing can also be done in Baga Country, and there is no wife or loving caretaker abroad to take care of him, so the fishing time is actually longer.

As for handling things, among the Jiang family, except for Jiang Gangzhang who does everything himself, Jiang Oreburgh and Jiang Qing are all hands-off shopkeepers, and naturally Jiang Lan is the same.

He directly handed over the task of guarding Baga Kingdom to Yue Peng.

Anyway, there are no champion-level Trainers in Baga Country. Even though there are several families with champion-level Pokémon, they don’t dare to take action.

He's not stupid, his winning rate is zero.

So what if you defeated Jiang Lan? He also has a son who holds a black and white Opelucid.

Xia's garrison in Baga State aroused strong opposition from part of Baga State.

Why, after the Stars and Stripes garrison, you Xia Kingdom garrison, our Baga Kingdom is just a piece of cake, everyone wants to come up and take a bite.

In fact, more people in the Baga Kingdom are very willing to station troops in the Xia Kingdom.

After experiencing the Yveltal incident, the whole world has deeply realized the power of the first-level gods. Now Xia is the country with the most first-level gods.

Also the safest and most powerful champion in the world.

The Baga Kingdom is garrisoned by the Xia Kingdom. Although it has little autonomy, it is safe.

As ordinary people, whether your manager is from the Baga Kingdom, the Star Stripe Kingdom, or the Xia Kingdom, it actually has no impact on their lives.

So as long as the ruler doesn't affect my life and even gives me a better life, it doesn't matter who the ruler is.

Now is not the ancient times, where they slaughter cities and abuse people at every turn.

If Xia State really comes like this, the people of Baga State will definitely rise up to resist.

As far as the current situation of Baga Kingdom is concerned, they have little power to resist. After a divine battle, one-third of the population of Baga Kingdom died...

As for the destroyed buildings, it is secondary.

The Xia Kingdom is known as the infrastructure madman. Under their construction, the destroyed buildings of the Baga Kingdom are being restored at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At the same time, a large number of Xia Kingdom Trainers poured into Baga's country to explore their secret realms and ruins.

Moreover, a new top-level secret realm has just been born in Baga Kingdom. This may be a blessing and a misfortune.

It's a pity that this new top secret realm has nothing to do with Baga Kingdom.

Yue Peng directly led the military to control this new top-level secret realm, and immediately informed Jiang Lan and the top officials of Xia State.

A new top secret realm, the resources contained in it are unimaginable.

Yue Peng himself has explored new top-level secret realms. Of course, it is also very dangerous inside. If Jiang Qing had not been there at that time, he might have thought that he would not be able to get out.

Jiang Qing had just finished lunch at home when her grandfather Jiang Oreburgh called.

"Good boy, a new top-level secret realm has appeared in Baga Kingdom. According to the energy detection, the steel-type energy inside is particularly strong. It is most likely a top-level secret realm that is mainly composed of steel elements."

The top-level secret realms are basically multi-system secret realms, and a small number of them are mainly based on certain Attributes, but they have not appeared in the top-level Attribute secret realms now.

At present, there are only Gaoshu Secret Realm in Attribute Secret Realm.

The new top-level secret realm that appears in Baga Kingdom is likely to be a secret realm based on steel. This is definitely a good opportunity for Jiang Qing to improve his strength.

A brand new top level 4.1 secret realm, and it also matches my Attribute. If I don't go there, I will be struck by thunder.

"Go, should I go alone or in a team?" Jiang Qing asked.

"What do you mean, dear grandson?"

"I want to go alone," Jiang Qing said.

He has a secret. If you go alone, you can directly take out the Dowsing Machine. If you form a team, you can only act alone later.

At the same time, he has to be a nanny to protect them.

"Then you go in alone first," Jiang Oreburgh said matter-of-factly.

In fact, the Presbyterian Council wanted Jiang Qing to lead the team there. After all, Jiang Qing was very strong and leading the team was basically foolproof.

It's a pity that Jiang Qing wants to act alone.

The Presbyterian Council could not refuse this and agreed to Jiang Qing's trip to the secret realm alone. .

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