Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

939 Jiang Gangbar: You Can Also Take Medicine

Dong Bo——has already informed Sixth Elder Jiang Gangji about this matter.


Jiang Gangjiang was furious when he heard this, and slapped his palm on the table, his beard almost bursting with anger.

"These mice really think they can find out the secrets of our Jiang family with a little trick."

Jiang Qing is able to command first-level gods and subdue two first-level gods without side effects. There must be a secret in this. Fellow Jiang family members know more about Jiang Qing's growth history.

This growth history is simply a mysterious history of fortune.

If anyone dares to explore this secret now, wouldn't that be digging into the roots of the Jiang family?

Our family members don't even wonder about this secret, but you, an outsider, dare to wonder about it.

"Secretary Zhang, take someone to --'s house first to see if there are anything else," Jiang Gangjin said

Jiang Qing had already eliminated Dong Bo as a suspect, otherwise Dong Bo would never have appeared in front of him. Jiang Gangjiang knew this very well.

"Sixth Elder, you mean I also have something at home?" Dong Bo was surprised.

"You are Jiang Qing's secretary, one of the people who has the closest relationship with him. How could they not decorate your home?"

"And think about it, when did you buy the clothes, or did someone buy them for you? Someone will come to you for these things."

Dong Bo nodded one by one. When he thought about the possibility that someone had installed a bugging device in his home, and when he thought about how he had been living under the eavesdropping of others during this period, Dong Bo—— Rage, felt a little shuddered.

"Don't worry, as long as you are still Jiang Qing's secretary, they will not dare to touch you."

Jiang Gangjiang thought Dong Bo was scared. He still liked this girl. After all, she might become his Qilin'er's wife, and then she would become a member of the Jiang family.

"Sixth Elder, if they really attack me, I will bite off a piece of their flesh." Dong Bo said with ice on his pretty face.

Although she is only Jiang Qing's secretary, she was an Elite Trainer before becoming a secretary, and Jiang Qing would give her things she didn't want from time to time.

Her strongest Pokémon is now Elite.

With this strength, and she hasn't shown her strength yet, so if someone really attacks her, I think she still thinks that she is a Trainer in the early stage of Elite, then the opponent may be the one who dies.

With her current strength, if she were placed in Dongbo's family, she would already be a powerful person.

The Dongbo family was originally a small and medium-sized family, not very powerful.

As for why women born in such small and medium-sized families are qualified to be Jiang Qing's secretary, the reason is that the ancestors of the Dongbo family have an outstanding person.

At that time, this talented man also did a lot of favors to several big families now. This kind of kindness must be repaid.

After using up the debts owed by these big families to the Dongbo family, Dongbo became Jiang Wei's secretary.

"Okay, you girl is also a cruel person. I like it. Come on, I think you are more suitable to be my granddaughter-in-law than the little girl from the Gongyang family."

Dong Bo, who was still angry at first, lost all his anger at Jiang Gangjin's words, and his whole person became squirmy.

Jiang Gangjiang seemed to be talking enthusiastically, and thinking about Jiang Qing's character, he had a headache.

Although Jiang Feng also has a child, Jiang Ai is a girl.

Therefore, the inheritance of the Jiang family still depends on Jiang Qing.

"Yiyi, Jiang Qing, you have to take the initiative. If it doesn't work, you can use some abnormal means. If the rice is cooked, he will definitely take responsibility."

Jiang Qing: Wrong. In fact, I am a scumbag at heart. I mainly refuse to admit, refuse, and be irresponsible.

Dong Bo - was blushing because of Jiang Gangjin's vulgar words. He never expected that the other party would take the medicine himself.

"You also know how popular our boy is outside."

"Han Bingqing, the newly promoted national goddess in the entertainment industry, has a lot to do with our boy."

"People from other big families want to put their legitimate daughters directly into his bed."

"So - you have to hurry up and don't regret it then, it will be too late."

Jiang Gangjiang's words are not unreasonable. There are too many coquettish bitches out there. If Jiang Qing wasn't very interested in beauty, he might have been succeeded by these coquettish bitches.

After Jiang Gangji's PUA session, Dong Bo felt that taking medicine was not impossible.

Especially when Jiang Gangjiang said at the end: "——, the inheritance of the descendants of the Jiang family depends on you."

"Sixth Elder, I will definitely work hard."

Dong Bo - nodded seriously.


…please give me flowers…………

As soon as the chicken blood was injected, the door suddenly opened, and Jiang Qing walked in.

If you come in without knocking, there is only love.

Seeing Jiang Qing come in, Dong Bo stiffened up, his face flushed, and he was extremely shy.

The president won't hear anything, will he?

"You brat, don't you know how to knock on the door?"

Jiang Gangjiang cursed angrily, of course there was no rage in his eyes, only extreme satisfaction.

The Jiang family has such an heir, even if he dies immediately, he is still smiling.

"I knocked. Grandpa, you didn't hear it. It seems you are deaf."

"Get out of here"

He didn't know whether there was a knock on the door or not, so he was telling lies.

Seeing Jiang Qing's eyes looking at the tea can on his desk, Cha Gangjiang hurriedly put the tea can into his pocket.


"Cut, stingy"

Jiang Qing pouted.

I brought the tea leaves from Grandpa last time and asked Daidai to make tea eggs. Not to mention, the tea eggs made from top-quality tea leaves really tasted good.

"Your grandpa also has it, go and get it from him," Jiang Gangji said with a dark face.

"Grandpa's was taken away by me a long time ago"

When he said this, Jiang Qing's expression was natural.

"Then why are you kidding me about this pot? The tea leaves are used to make tea, why do you use it to eat it?"


Jiang Qing nodded: "This tea leaves are used to make tea eggs in Daidai. The taste is really amazing. Grandpa, please give me this can. Next time Daidai makes tea eggs, I will give you a few to taste =

Damn it.

Satisfied is satisfied, but what this kid says sometimes is really irritating.

And judging from his expression, it seems that he really used his tea leaves last time to make tea eggs.

My liver hurts from the anger.

Just now he thought he could smile happily, but now he is afraid that the coffin will be blown away.

"If you have something to say, if nothing else happens, get out of here," Jian Gangzhang said.

"Oh, Grandpa, keep looking for me ancient slates. There should be quite a few from private collectors. If it doesn't work, we can just buy them."

The Jiang family is not short of money at all. Let alone buying ancient slates, even some small European countries can buy you out.

So rich, so arrogant, so unreasonable. .

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