Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

927 Origin Of Death

Black and White After Opelucid saw Mewtwo complete Mega Evolution, the battle with Yveltal immediately stopped. It was not that they didn't want to, but that they felt a huge pressure from Mewtwo.

Even if they are the same as Mewtwo.

Perhaps it was the first Mega Evolution, MewtwoX was a little unaccustomed to his world-destroying power, so the power involuntarily leaked out.

As a result, the surrounding space began to shatter like glass, and within a few breaths, the shattered space spread to a radius of hundreds of miles.

MewtwoX looks at the surrounding space that is about to collapse, and it clearly feels that as long as it has a single thought, this space will disappear instantly.

At that time, all living things in it will be reduced to nothingness, but the black and white Opelucid and Yveltal can survive, but they will definitely be severely damaged.

"come back"

Jiang Qing took out the Poké Ball and took back the black and white Opelucid.

Now that the ending has been decided, Mewtwo, who possesses world-class strength, is definitely not something Yveltal can resist.

But looking at the broken space around him, Jiang frowned and said, "Can't you grasp the power in your body?"

If this space is broken, the first person to die is himself.

Following Jiang Qing's words, the power leaked from MewtwoX slowly disappeared, and then the broken space gradually healed.

Yveltal breathed a sigh of relief.

But as MewtwoX looked at itself, its heart suddenly tightened, and the surging pressure poured down like the sky.

Not to mention breathing, at this moment, it even felt that its consciousness had stopped.

The Mieshi class and the first class god are no longer at the same level.

When Yveltal regained consciousness, he saw that MewtwoX had come in front of him, his pupils shrank fiercely, and he opened his mouth with a Dark Pulse.

But this Dark Pulse, which was enough to destroy the Baga Kingdom, was easily blocked by MewtwoX with one hand, pure body, and did not use any moves.

How can it be!

Yveltal, who does not believe in evil, uses Steel Wing for his wings and Iron Tail for his tail, and the continuous attacks hit MewtwoX like raindrops.

Each blow caused Sora to explode with a huge roar.

Impossible! Impossible! Impossible!

Yveltal found that no matter how fast it attacks, MewtwoX dodges every attack.

In the eyes of MewtwoX, Yveltal's attack is as slow as a snail.

"MewtwoX quickly end the battle, I'm about to die"

MewtwoX is indulging in his current power, and Jiang Qing's exhausted voice can be heard in his mind.

Mega Evolution consumes Trainer's physical and mental strength, and Jiang Qing's target for Mega Evolution this time is Mewtwo. If not for his physical strength, he has the Mega Pallet Town body, and mentally, he has top-level Psychic.

Otherwise, he would not be able to perform Mega Evolution with Mewtwo at all, and even if he did, he would instantly become an idiot due to mental exhaustion.

Jiang Qing estimated that his physical and mental strength could support Mewtwo to carry out Mega Evolution for about two to three minutes.

I didn't expect that one day I would become a three-minute man.

Jiang Qing had already spoken, so MewtwoX naturally stopped pretending.

With a look from MewtwoX, Yveltal found himself unable to move his body again.

It's Psychic again, but this time the mental force is countless times stronger than before.

The pressure continued to come, and its bones made a crackling sound, and the severe pain made its death force violent.

But he was suppressed by Psychic.

"MewtwoX hits a million pounds," Jiang Qing said.

This is all Mega Evolution, so I don’t have to command it, otherwise I don’t know when I want to command MewtwoX next time.

Millions of punches turned into meteors. Because he was controlled by Psychic, Yveltal was now a sandbag and couldn't avoid it at all.

Punch, punch, and punch.

Every punch can easily sink the Baga Kingdom.

Baga Country: Don't always use me as a metaphor.

The powerful fist force destroyed the organs in Yveltal's body, and at the same time, the power of death spread throughout the body began to leave Yveltal's body with the landing of a million punches.

The Death Force is being broken up by MewtwoX.

At this moment, the only sounds left between heaven and earth were the explosions caused by MewtwoX's punches, Yveltal's screams, and the dissipating power of death.

After more than a dozen punches, there was no intact part of Yveltal's body.

Against the world-destroying Mewtwo, it had no power to resist at all.

"You can't kill me. As long as there is death, I will not die."

Yveltal itself is the god of death. It is naturally not afraid of death, and it will not die.

Death is the end of all living beings, not its own.


Seeing that Yveltal was acting like this, Jiang Qing's face turned slightly cold.

It is true that I can't kill it, but I can break it into the Contest Condition of the cocoon of destruction and let it enter a slumber for thousands of years.

The mental power turned into a physical knife, and with a stabbing sound, it pierced Yveltal's heart, and suddenly more power of death emerged from its body.


Perhaps the knife pierced the heart, making Yveltal's pain even greater. Growl felt a lot more miserable.

"Why hasn't the power of death dissipated? The color seems to be much darker."

Jiang Qing looked at the fist-sized power of death located next to Yveltal's heart.

The previous power of death was light black, but this one is extremely black, like ink, and even the sunlight is absorbed by it.

Exploring Eyes.

Death Origin: A part of Yveltal's Death Origin. This powerful power is released from the body. After being absorbed by the appropriate Pokémon, some of the power of death can be mastered.

Seeing the information fed back by the Probing Eye, Jiang Qing's eyes suddenly burst into light.

Needless to say, Jiang Qing (who is good) said that Metagross tried to use Psychic to pull this mass of death origin, but found that he could not pull it at all. Instead, he watched the death origin slowly moving towards Yveltal's heart, as if he wanted to Return to Yveltal's body.

"Don't even think about it"

Yveltal was shocked and furious.

The origin of death is the basis of its existence. Although it itself is transformed from the origin of death, even if this small group is gone, it will not die.

But the loss of this small group of death origin will make it fall into a long-term sleep, and it will take endless years to make up for it.

And once a Pokémon absorbs this small group of death sources and is lucky enough not to die, it is very likely that it will also control ten small parts of the death power skin.

In other words, its "divine position" is no longer unique, and once its "divine position" is no longer unique, it may be replaced by another one.

That's when it's truly dead. .

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