Since the rise of Jiang Qing and the ability to command the first-level god Kyogre without any side effects, the Jiang family has become the first family in the Xia Kingdom and even the world.

And now Jiang Lan has also become the champion.

Achieved true three championships in one discipline.

This is the luck of the Xia Kingdom, but at the same time, the Presbyterian Church is naturally wary of the extremely powerful Jiang family, although they believe that the Yang family will never be treason.

But the Jiang family has always been very domineering, from Jiang Oreburgh, Jiang Lan, to now Jiang Qing, and with their domineering personalities, they are not used to being restrained.

Now it can be said that the Xia Kingdom has already followed the will of the Jiang family.

If Ginger Oreburgh really went to the Altar of Heaven to summon Rayquaza, even if he didn't die in the end, he wouldn't have much life left.

For the Jiang family, Jiang Oreburgh and Jiang Lan are not important. The important thing is Jiang Qing. As long as Mei Qing is there, as long as the black and white Opelucid is there, even if Jiang Oreburgh, Jiang Lan, and Jiang Gang are dead, the Jiang family His position in the Xia Kingdom is still impossible to shake.

"Let Lu Wan go."

The great elder shook his head. How much Jiang Oreburgh loves Jiang Qing, they don't know. So on the other hand, if Jiang Qing learns that his grandfather summoned Rayquaza to help him, resulting in death or a short life, then Jiang Wei can't I hate the Xia Kingdom.

After all, the Xia Kingdom champion is not just Jiang Oreburgh, other champions can be allowed to win.

"I have died with no regrets now. My son and grandson are all champions. Don't worry, my good grandson won't blame Xia Guo if I die." Jiang Oreburgh grinned.

"When you say this, do you believe it? If something happens to you, your attachment to the country will be much greater than that of Westbrook."

The third elder looked at Jiang Oreburgh faintly, what kind of sacrifice is this guy doing now? If Jiang Qing is just an ordinary champion, then if you want to summon Rayquaza, no one will stop you.

"Oreburgh, please don't go. You also want to see Jiang Qing get married and have children, and have a great-grandchild," Jiang Gang said, trying to dispel his thoughts with another aspect.

But these words irritated Ginger Oreburgh.

"Hug my grandson. If this boy really had a woman in his heart, I would have hugged my grandson a long time ago."

When the people present heard this, they stopped talking.

After all, they all know that Jiang Qing doesn't seem to have much interest in women. He is obviously in his youth and vigorous years, and with the strength of the Jiang family, not to mention bullying men and dominating women, it is still possible to raise him for a few days.

As a result, I only have one girlfriend now, Gong Yangnan, and I haven’t seen her for a while.

"Look, Jiang Qing has another Pokémon next to her."

Suddenly the second elder's surprised voice sounded.

Everyone hurriedly looked at the big screen and saw that in addition to the black and white Opelucid and Yveltal on the battlefield, there was a silver-white Pokémon standing upright next to Jiang Qing.


Jiang Oreburgh recognized this Pokémon at a glance. It was Mewtwo who had defeated Kyogre in Haitian City.

Unexpectedly, Mewtwo, who was short-lived, appeared again today.

"Hahaha, Jiang Qing is not just you today, these two first-level gods also want to stay here."

Lyle laughed loudly below, Yveltal's power has exceeded his expectations. After today, the Y God Organization will make the whole world tremble.


Jiang Qing looked at each other calmly.

"System, summon Mewtwo"

The effect of God's protection is about to pass. Black and white Opelucid cannot defeat Yveltal at all. If the effect of God's protection passes, then Jiang Qing will really be at a disadvantage.

Kyogre cannot be summoned, and the effect of God's protection will not last long. Once the effect passes, Kyogre will absorb its own lifespan.

So Mewtwo can only be summoned with fragments.

Jiang Qing already had ninety Mewtwo fragments, but now he used ten Mewtwo fragments to summon Mewtwo, but it only took five minutes.

Because Mewtwo was summoned by himself using fragments, there are no side effects in commanding Mewtwo.

The moment Mewtwo appeared, Mew, who was sleeping in the world, suddenly woke up and looked in a certain direction in surprise. After thinking for a moment, Mew gave a "wonderful" cry and disappeared.

Pokémon: Mewtwo(Super)



Ability:sense of oppression

Props: none

Gender: no gender

Moves: Confusion, Disable, Life Dew, Ancient Power, Psycho Cut, Safeguard, Amnesia, Aura Sphere, Mental Strength, Power Exchange, Guard Swap, Mist, Psystrike, Recover, Future Sight

Skill CD: None

Genetic Skills: None

Level 109 Mewtwo, even without a priesthood, is undoubtedly powerful.

With the appearance of Mewtwo, there was a sudden silence between heaven and earth, and the black and white Opelucid and Yveltal also stopped.

Yveltal looked at Mewtwo in confusion, and felt a huge pressure from the other party.

This kind of pressure was not given to him even by his mortal enemy Xerneas.

"Smile, why don't you laugh?"

Looking at Lyle, who had a wild expression on his face, after Mewtwo appeared, his laughter suddenly disappeared, as if someone had strangled his neck.

The expression on his face was exactly the same as when he first saw Jiang Qing release the black and white Opelucid.

Shock, disbelief, panic, etc.

Of course, it was not just the people who were shocked, the whole world was also shocked.

Jiang Qing's summoning of black and white Opelucid had surprised them for a hundred years, but in the end Jiang Qing summoned a Pokémon they had never seen before.

In this situation, the Pokémon summoned by Jiang Qing must be a first-level god.

It's true that most of the populace has never seen Mewtwo.

But the top leaders of various countries are aware of Mewtwo's existence.

At that time, Kyogre attacked Haitian City in Xia Kingdom, and satellites from various countries were aimed there. Later, Jiang Qing appeared with Mewtwo and repelled Kyogre.

Since then, Mewtwo, a first-level god who has never appeared before, has entered the eyes of high-level officials in various countries.

And if Mewtwo can repel Kyogre, it must be stronger than Kyogre5.0.

But after that time, Mewtwo never appeared again.

Therefore, some high-level officials in the country feel that Jiang Qing's summoning of Mewtwo may be just a one-time event, such as using a certain item. This kind of thing has not happened before.

And now Jiang Qing summoned Mewtwo again.

Let the top leaders of various countries know that the number of times Jiang Qing summons Mewtwo is not a one-time event.

Except for Xia Guangguo, the expressions of senior officials from various countries were as uncomfortable as eating shit.

This does not allow us to live.

Jiang Qing has both black and white Opelucid, and can also summon Kyogre. Now there is a Mewtwo who is more powerful than Kyogre, plus Xia Kingdom also has the Altar of Heaven that can summon Rayquaza.

In other words, Xia Kingdom already has five first-level gods.

Qian, I am kneeling in front of Xia Guo and begging him to accept me as his younger brother. It is still too late. .

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