Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

917 Black And White Opelucid Vs Yveltal Under

Faced with the black and white Opelucid's attack, Yveltal naturally wouldn't sit still and turned into a giant bird covered with flames of death. With a cry, the giant bird soared into the sky, flapping its wings, and fell with the flames of death.

The Giant Bird's target is White Dragon's Fusion Flare.

Because the white dragon Reshiram does not have Jiang Qing's blessing, his strength is weaker than the black dragon. Yveltal naturally feels this.

So Yveltal's idea is to defeat the weaker White Dragon first.

Yveltal's divine bird attack collided with Reshiram's Fusion Flare. The sound of the collision resounded throughout the world, and the aftermath of the terrifying aftermath occurred in the next second.

The surrounding space was trembling, and the earth below was sunken and cracked. The cracks spread out around like Spider Web, and at the same time, the cracks continued to expand.

The largest crack is hundreds of meters long and bottomless.

Behind him, Zekrom's Fusion Bolt had already attacked, but when it was about to hit Yveltal, the power of death on the latter suddenly increased greatly.

With a bang, the fierce attack of the divine bird defeated Reshiram's Fusion Flare.

There was another bang, and the divine bird attacked Reshiram's heavy Tackle. The powerful Tackle force, coupled with the power of death, made Reshiram scream, and a lot of white feathers fell off his body.

The Tackled Reshiram fell towards the crack below.

Lyle was happy when he saw this.

But don't forget, Zekrom's Fusion Bolt did not disappear. Just when Yveltal knocked Reshiram away, the Fusion Bolt also hit it.

Yveltal is of the Evil and Flying type. When hit by Fusion Bolt, the damage will be fully increased. At the same time, Fusion Bolt also contains the power of fire.

I thought that Yveltal, who was hit by Fusion Bolt, should be seriously injured, but suddenly a large amount of black energy appeared around him.

As the black air continued to pour into Yveltal's body, the wound on its surface that was hit by the Fusion Bolt healed instantly "and the breath was even stronger than before.

Seeing this, Jiang Qing was startled.

Where did all this black energy come from?

"Hahahaha, Jiang Qing Yveltal cannot be killed, it is invincible"

While he was thinking, Lyle's loud laughter came to his ears. He looked at the black energy coming from all directions, and the smile on his face became more and more crazier.

Watching the gathered black energy being continuously absorbed by Yveltal, this is also the main reason why it can heal injuries and become stronger.

And where does this black energy come from?


Suddenly Jiang Qing thought of a possibility.

He looked at Yveltal and said: "This black energy is probably the power of death formed by the humans and Pokémon who died in the aftermath."

"I am the god of death"

Yveltal's calm voice came from my mind.

it is as expected!

Jiang Qing's heart sank slightly.

Since Yveltal is the god of death and brings death, natural death can also make it stronger.

The entire Baga Kingdom has a population of 100 million, and the number of Pokémon is innumerable. The aftermath of these battles cannot destroy the secret realm. Otherwise, if even the Pokémon in the secret territory are affected, the power of death will be enormous.

But even so, the number of Pokémon in the wild is very large.

Dead humans and Pokémon become Yveltal's nourishment.

Thinking of this, Jiang Qing felt a little troubled, and felt that the development of things was gradually out of her control.

This is to let him protect the people of Baga country, regardless of the grievances between the two countries, the scope of the aftermath of the battle is so large, even if Bailong is specially asked to stop it, it can only stop one direction.

As for getting a protective cover, this is even more impossible.

Unless Arceus made this protective shield himself, even if Mewtwo made a protective shield, it would not be able to withstand three first-level gods fighting inside.

At this time, the white dragon has already flown to the black dragon, its Contest Condition is not very good, and there are still some black flames on its body, which is Yveltal's death fire, which can continuously consume the white dragon's physical strength.

Jiang Qing cut off Zekrom's divine protection and connected the divine protection with Reshiram.

As Reshiram's aura suddenly increased, the death fire on his body also dissipated.

"Human, you are special"

Yveltal was slightly startled when he realized that Jiang Qing possessed the ability to increase the level of God. In the long years, he had never seen such an ability.

No wonder this human being can win the favor of three first-level gods.

Hearing this, Jiang Qing said tentatively: "How about you hang out with me?"


Although you are special, it doesn't mean that I want to hang out with you. I'm a first-level god with a "clergy title". Do you think it's the two ordinary first-level gods beside you?

Seeing that the death flames on Yveltal's body became more raging because of his words, the black and white Opelucid looked back at him.

Black and white Opelucid: It's not enough for you to have both of us, you scumbag.

Jiang Qing's expression was somewhat awkward at this moment.

And his words were naturally known to people all over the world through the translation of lip language experts.

[Really slippery, worthy of being the champion Jiang, letting the opponent mess with him in the middle of the fight]

[I seem to know how Champion Jiang conquered the black and white Opelucid]

【Yveltal seems angry】

[Experts say that Yveltal can absorb the power of dead creatures around it. With so many people in Baga country, wouldn’t it make it stronger?]

[Why didn’t Jiang Guanjun summon Kyogre to fight three against one? No matter how strong Iltar is, he will definitely have a way to go.

Many people are also speculating that Jiang Qing can already summon Kyogre, but Jiang Qing has not.

Although the black and white Opelucid is very strong, Yveltal has the power to absorb death, that is to say, only (Li Lehao) has life and death, and it becomes very difficult to harm it.

Unless all the people and Pokémon in the Baga Kingdom are dead and no death is born, then Yveltal's source of power will be cut off.

But if this time really comes, absorbing the lives of 100 million human beings and a huge number of wild Pokémon in the entire Baga country, how powerful will Yveltal be?

So now Jiang Qing is in a dilemma.

Black and white Opelucid cannot defeat Yveltal in a short time, but the latter can strengthen itself by absorbing death.

Under this ebb and flow, the longer the time, the more detrimental it will be to Jiang Qing.

Damn it, how could you have such an ability to absorb death? Jiang Qing was extremely troubled. This was a first-level god with a "priesthood".

Emotions are so difficult.

By the way, Yveltal has come out, its death, Rival cannot come out, Xerneas will come out. .

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