Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

915 Black And White Opelucid Vs Yveltal On

Because the black and white Opelucid resurrected them by themselves, to a certain extent, Jiang Qing is their reborn parent.

Therefore, commanding the black and white Opelucid, even without God's protection, Jiang Qing does not have to pay the price of life.

But commanding a first-level god consumes a lot of mental power, which is unavoidable. However, Jiang Qing has a top-level Psychic, so his mental power is still very high.

Besides, it's two against one now. Even if Yveltal is the famous God of Death, he probably won't be able to last long against the black and white Opelucid of the same level as it.

But later Jiang Qing said that he underestimated Yveltal.

"Fucked Zekrom, Reshiram"

Jiang Qing shouted softly, and God's protection was activated, blessing Zekrom, increasing its overall strength by 2%.

Yveltal keenly felt that the black dragon's aura suddenly became much stronger.

An increase of 20%, "950" is very big for a first-level god.

At that time, Jiang Qing increased Kyogre's power, and it could directly overwhelm Groudon, who was originally about the same strength as it.

Now that Opelucid has the numerical advantage, and Zekrom has been enhanced by Jiang Qing, he asked how Jiang Qing lost this battle.

Jiang Qing: Your Excellency, I will take out the black and white Opelucid, how will you respond?

Black and white Opelucid was flying in the air, Jiang Qing jumped on the black dragon Zekrom, and said to Yveltal Taunt: "Silly bird, let's fight in the sky."

Fighting at high altitudes can minimize the aftermath. If you fight here, even with these champions, a large number of these spectators will die.

"Yveltal, ignore him, kill all these people"

Lyle naturally knew Jiang Qing's purpose in saying this. Although he was at a disadvantage now, he also had an advantage. Everyone here was his hostage.

He doesn't need to care about the life and death of these people, but Jiang Qing can't.

Fighting here will tie Jiang Qing's hands and feet.

This is the advantage of being a villain, you don't have to worry about other people's lives at all.

Because Yveltal was summoned by Lyle with the soul of the God's Attendant, he is exempt from the side effects of command and will also obey Lyle's instructions.

Only this time of course.

Yveltal, who was about to catch up, stopped after hearing Lyle's words, flapped his wings, and said Air Cutter towards the audience.


Jiang Qing cursed angrily.

He hurriedly asked the white dragon Reshiram to block the Air Cutter, but a huge aftermath occurred. Even though the black dragon Zekrom had blocked most of the aftermath, the remaining aftermath "still killed tens of thousands of spectators."

The scope of the aftermath was so large that Zekrom simply couldn't block it all.

And when moves collide, no matter which side wins, there will be aftermath. Even if it's a draw, it will explode.

"Go quickly"

Jiang Qing shouted towards the frightened audience.

There were many people in the audience who were Trainers. They took out their Pokémon and immediately let the Pokémon run with them. Some of them were more enthusiastic and even rescued other people.

Of course, more Trainers are just escaping on their own.

This is also normal. People are selfish. When facing a life threat, unless you are a close relative, why should you save him?

Conscience Arnold points, you can live longer and you can live better.

So does Jiang Qing.

After seeing that his father had left with his mother and caretaker, and that his Moltres had followed them, his only worry had completely disappeared.

As for these audiences, I can only say sorry secretly, and it depends on your own fate.

"Zekrom, Fusion Bolt"

A sphere full of lightning condensed in Zekrom's mouth, and electric arcs were constantly dancing around the sphere, and the surrounding space began to collapse, which shows the power of this move.

"Go quickly"

Jiang Qing took the time to talk to the champions around him.

Fusion Bolt is so powerful that these champions can't stop the aftermath.

And when the champions saw the movement Zekrom made with Fusion Bolt, they knew it was a big move, and immediately sat on the Pokémon and ran.

"Yveltal, Hyper Beam" Lyle called.

Although he is a terrorist organization and wants to destroy the whole world, he is also a Trainer, and no Trainer can refuse to command a first-level god.

Naturally, Lyle couldn't, so when he spoke, his expression was somewhat excited.

Just like when Jiang Qing directed Kyogre.

Fusion Bolt collides with Hyper Beam in mid-air.


A huge roar resounded through the sky. The entire Soaring in the sky was very dark because of Yveltal's death power. At this moment, the darkness was directly washed away by the roar.

The sun shines on the ground again, of course, this does not mean the end of the battle, but the beginning.

The aftermath of the collision formed a level 100 hurricane, which wiped out the entire venue almost instantly.

Reshiram blocked the aftermath to the east, because that direction was the direction where Jiang Qing's parents and the caretakers left, and some smart people ran in this direction.

But where it is not blocked, the aftermath continues to rage, ten kilometers, fifty kilometers, one hundred kilometers, two hundred kilometers

Buildings collapsed and the earth collapsed, just like the end of the world.

As for the casualties, they were countless.

Anyway, most of them are Baga people, so I don’t feel bad.

The senior officials of the Baga Kingdom were already slumped in the underground base. They saw the tragic situation of the Baga Kingdom through satellites.

"It's over, it's over, Baga Kingdom is over."

The Baga Kingdom has become a battlefield for three first-level gods. When the battle is over, regardless of whether the Baga Kingdom is still there or not, the number of dead people alone is enough to make this country face extinction.

Although Baga Kingdom had already begun to transfer people to underground air-raid shelters as early as when Yveltal appeared, the time was still too short to transfer many people at all.

And now the battle has just begun, and this underground air raid shelter is only built according to Elite level Pokémon, and the one fighting now is a first-level god.

Originally, holding the World Youth Competition could make the Baga Country gain a higher international reputation, and during the holding period, many foreign tourists would come over, which would also attract a wave of consumption.

But I didn't expect this to happen.

If I had known better then, I wouldn’t have fought against Kimchi Country.

At this moment, all the 2.5 countries that wanted to host the World Youth Competition at that time were secretly glad that they were not selected at that time, otherwise the status quo of Baga Country would be theirs.

After a moment of stalemate between Fusion Bolt and Hyper Beam, it defeated Hyper Beam. After all, Zekrom now has the bonus of Jiang Qing BUFF.

Fusion Bolt hit Yveltal, and the power of thunder and lightning contained strong power of fire. The fire and lightning stuck to each other and exploded at the same time.

This made Yveltal scream in agony, and a burst of Black's death power suddenly erupted from his body, clearing away the surrounding thunder, lightning and flames.

The power of death is its exclusive power, just like Dialga's power of time and Palkiya's space calendar.

Compared with them, black and white Opelucid does not have such exclusive power.

So from another level, the black and white Opelucid is lower than Yveltal, because the other party has a "priesthood".

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