Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

913 Black And White Opelucid See Above

[Wow, wow, I’m so touched, this is the pattern of champions]

【Da Dian Country, I will never say that your country is bald anymore】

[Love to take care of yourself and be brave]

[Jiang Guanjun's family is actually at the venue, this is too bad luck

Not only Jiang Qing was somewhat moved by the actions of the champions from various countries, but people all over the world were even more moved.

And the armed forces of various countries are all rushing to Baga country.

Xia Guo even dispatched three champions, including Jiang Oreburgh, while the champion Lu Wan went to the Tianji Temple.

If things do turn out for the worst, Champion Luwan will summon Rayquaza through the Altar of Heaven.

As for why it's not Jiang Oreburgh this time, the reason is naturally that he wants to go to Baga.

The son, daughter-in-law, and grandson are all in Baga, so it is impossible for him to stay at the altar of heaven.

Even though Jiang Oreburgh had always had great confidence in Jiang Qing, he couldn't help but panic now.

The first-level god Yveltal has appeared, and the whole country of Baga is filled with the power of death, cutting off Jiang Qing's means of summoning Kyogre.

In this case, Oreburgh can not worry about it.

In front of the TV, Jiang Feng stared at the picture in front of him, his eyes were a little red, and his pregnant wife Yu Wei was hesitant to speak.

She didn't know how to comfort her husband.

Just now, Jiang Oreburgh called and told Jiang Feng some things as if to explain the funeral, which made Meifeng.687 feel uneasy for a long time.

on site.

Looking at the fifteen champions standing in front of him, as well as his own father, Jiang Qing remained silent.

"Metagross, I'm going to work hard today"

Jiang Lan looked at Metagross beside him, her tone was very calm, and she didn't seem to have the sense of crisis and solemnity that a first-level god should have.

He will do his best to give his son, his wife, and his caretaker a chance to survive.


Because he is Tian Rou's husband, Jiang Qing's father, and a caring family member, he will stand up when necessary.

I thought that if my father and son became the champion, I would be able to lie flat, but I didn't expect that such a thing would happen after I lay down for a long time.

Kyogre can only catch you again in the next life.

Looking back at Tian Rou, Jiang Qing, and Ai Guan Shi, Jiang Lan's belief was stronger than ever. Metagross beside him actually began to fluctuate violently. It felt the strongest belief of his own salted fish Trainer since his debut.

The belief in protecting the people behind you at the expense of your life.

As Jiang Lan's partner, his strongest Pokémon, and his family, Metagross feels at this moment that the (acad) bottleneck that has always existed has disappeared, and its body and soul are rapidly sublimating.


Seeing this, Jiang Qing smiled slightly.

Jiang Lan's Metagross broke through from the pinnacle of the quasi-championship at level 90 to the peak of the early stage of the champion at level 93, and skipped 91 and 92 with a lot of accumulation.

The surrounding champions naturally felt the changes in Jiang Lan and Metagross, but there was no joy on their faces, which was more of a pity.

Jiang Lan had just become the champion and was about to die.

"Three champions in one class, your family is really scary"

Lyle, who already had the chance to win, was not in a hurry to make a move. When he saw Jiang Lan and Metagross break through to the championship, he couldn't help admiring a few words.

What an honor it is to be a three-generation champion, but it is a pity that such glory is like a shooting star, passing in a flash.

Perhaps feeling a little bit, Lyle looked at Jiang Lan and Jiang Qing and said, "Give you two a chance to survive, as long as you kill everyone here and join my God Y organization, then you can survive."

If all the people here are really killed, there will be no place for the Jiang family in the world, and even Xia Guo will not be able to keep them.

Jiang Lan sneered and said, "Get out, our Jiang family has always lived standing up, and never died kneeling down."

"Son, do you think so?"


Jiang Qing nodded, then stepped in front of Jiang Lan and said, "Dad, your time to pretend is over, leave it to me."

Jiang Lan: What do you mean, when will I pretend to be aggressive, and what does it mean to hand it over to you.

Jiang Lan was a little confused at the moment.

Before Jiang Lan could ask back, Jiang Qing said to the fifteen champions, "As long as your country doesn't provoke me and Xia Guo, then I won't make a move."

This is a thank you for their decision to sacrifice their lives and join hands to protect themselves.

The fifteen champions were also stunned.

What's the matter, do you have any backhands?

Looking at this scene, Lyle couldn't help but mocked: "I'm curious, what hole cards do you have when facing the first-level god Yveltal, you can't carry a first-level god on you, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha"

Seemingly thinking what he said next was funny, Lyle couldn't help laughing.

But the next moment, his smile stopped abruptly.

Jiang Qing smiled slightly, and a Poké Ball opened.

A Pokémon, whose overall color was gray and black, and which looked like a combination of a dinosaur and a sturdy bipedal dragon, appeared in front of Jiang Qing.

The most important thing is that it exudes a coercion that only a first-level god can have.

Zekrom, the Ideal Dragon.

Pokémon: Zekrom (Dragon/Electric)



Ability: Mega voltage

Props: none

Gender: no gender

Moves: Ancient Power, Noble Roar, Dragon Breath, Thunder Fang, Slash, Crunch, Zen Headbutt, Dragon Claw, Thunderbolt, Fusion Bolt, Loud, Thunder, Imprison, Outrage, Bolt Strike

Skill CD: None

Genetic Skills: None

Note: The legendary Pokémon who burns the world with lightning, assists the person who created the ideal world.

"You are right in one sentence, I do carry a first-level god with me, but you are also wrong."

Looking at Lyle who was still in shock, regardless of whether he heard what he said, Jiang Qing continued: "Is it possible, I brought two, do you think it is Reshiram?"

A Poké Ball opens automatically again.

Lyall's heart skipped a beat.

Pokémon: Leshiram (Dragon/Fire)



Ability: Turbo Flame

Props: none

Gender: no gender

Moves: Ancient Power, Noble Roar, Dragon, Fire Fang, Slash, Crunch, Extrasensory, Dragon Pulse, Flamethrower, Fusion Flare, Hyper Voice, Fire Blast, Imprison, Outrage, Blue Flare

Skill CD: None

Genetic Skills: None

Note: The legendary Pokémon who burn the world with flames will help people who build the real world.

Laceyram, the dragon of truth, came on the stage, exuding an aura not weaker than that of Yveltal and Zekrom beside him.

Black and white Opelucid, one on the left and one on the right, hovered around Jiang Qing, and Jiang Qing was still holding a first-level god base in his arms and pulled closer.

Now it's just Kyogre under his feet, and Mewtwo in front of him.

But it seems that there is still one missing on the back, or Metagross will do.

Metagross: Is there another thank you, this may have thought of me.

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