Jiang Qing looked at Du Ye with some contempt, this guy is too quick to be cowardly, and Lyle just said, you just admit cowardly.

Just now, I really thought that you would turn against Lyle for the Baga Kingdom.

As a result, I dare not say a word.

Watano: You don't know how ruthless this guy is.

"Lyle, if you kill us, our country will definitely not let the God Y organization go. Even if you can summon Yveltal, but if you summon it a few times, I don't believe that you can command a level-one god like Jiang Champion without injury. "

If Yveltal was only summoned at one time, then Lyle used this hole card to kill more than a dozen champions, dozens of quasi-champions, 900 contestants, and the entire Baga Kingdom.

Then his behavior will definitely arouse the wrath of all countries in the world, no matter what, he will eradicate the God Y organization, even if Lyle can still summon Yveltal at that time, so what

It's not like Xia Kingdom, White Bear Country, and Stars and Stripes Country don't have the protection of a first-level god. You killed their champions and contestants.

In this case, the three countries will definitely unite to kill you.

They summoned three level 1 gods from 02, no matter how strong you Yveltal is, it is useless.

"Don't worry about it," Lyle smiled.

Then he walked up to Saori, bowed his head and whispered in her ear: "You can start my saint."

Saori nodded expressionlessly, then took out a dagger, and under the astonished eyes of everyone, stabbed her head into her heart.

After the dagger was pierced into the heart, Saori smiled at Jiang Qing and the others. Such a strange scene made some champions feel a little terrified.

With a plop, Saori fell to the ground, and the ground was soon stained red with blood.

At this time, the originally gray Soaring in the sky suddenly appeared in countless pitch-black gas, and the gas came from all directions and gathered rapidly.

Everyone was attracted by this vision.

No one made any moves. First, they didn't know what would happen if they moved. Second, from the black air, the champions felt a sense of threat.

As the black air gathered more and more, after more than ten seconds, all the black air gathered into a black yellow.

Cocoon of Destruction: The cocoon that is pregnant with Yveltal needs the soul of a divine person to revive.

Divine person soul, what is this.

Jiang Qing searched in the system mall, and soon found the explanation for the product of the soul of the divine.

The soul of the gods: There is no one in the billions of gods. In ancient times, they were called servants of gods, servants of first-level gods. They can summon any first-level god with their souls, and the summoner does not need to pay any price .

What is this, a special physique?

Jiang Qing was a little dazed, looking at the awesome servant of the gods, who was just a sacrifice for summoning a first-level god.

However, using this sacrifice to summon a first-level god, the summoner can avoid the side effects, which means that Lyle can command the first-level god Yveltal without any cost.

I don't know how this guy found the God Servant Saori. After all, the system has said that God Servants are rare, and the total population of the world is estimated to be only a dozen or so.

This is much less than the championship.

And this physique should not have any detection means, and absolutely no one knows that there is such a physique.

If it wasn't for the system, Jiang Qing would definitely not know.

"God servant, how did you find it?"

Jiang Qing looked at Lyle curiously.

The soul of Saori on the ground has been absorbed by the cocoon of destruction.

"As expected of the youngest champion, even the servants of the gods know it. This is something that our Y god organization has passed down from generation to generation."

"As for how to find Saori, the servant of God, I can only say that it was God's guidance, which made me meet her unexpectedly."

Lyle looked at the cocoon of destruction suspended in mid-air with fiery eyes. As the yarn weaving soul absorbed, cracks began to appear on the cocoon of destruction.

And every time there is a crack, the black as ink-like power of death will appear from the crack, and these power of death will surround the Yellow of Destruction.

This single death force can kill a Champion Pokémon.

A coercion unique to a first-level god also emanated from the cocoon of destruction.

Under this coercion, all the champions were unable to move.

Everything below the first-level god is equal, as long as you are not a first-level god, even if you are the peak champion, it will have no effect.

Hideki is afraid to come out as the champion now, let alone the audience, many of them have already passed out under the coercion.

This is still before Yveltal has fully recovered, it just reveals a little of its coercion.

[It's over, it's over, it's really over]

【Yveltal is a first-level god representing death, and there is content about it in my elementary school textbook】

[Jiang Champion can't even summon Kyogre now]

【Come on, high-level executives should quickly think of a way. Although I don’t like Baga Country, if they all die, will it be our turn later】

【Fortunately, I didn't get a ticket】

[Jiang Guanjun's stupid fans are gone, it seems that he has given up on Jiang Guanjun

【My husband will find a solution, don't worry】

[Don't worry, I'm right there, the elder brother next to me has already fainted from fright, and I'm peeing from fright]

Not only the netizens of Xia Kingdom, but people from all over the world are worried that if no one stops 543 Yveltal, if the other party really destroys Baga Kingdom, they will be the next country.

Accompanied by more and more cracks in the cocoon of destruction, with a click, fragments fell from the cocoon of destruction.

Then a curled up Pokémon appeared in front of everyone.

In the next second, this Pokémon suddenly stretched its body, and suddenly it was a Pokémon like a bird, with five claws on the wide outer edge of a pair of wings and a tail behind it, black chromium from blue eyes It protrudes from the upper part, a part is bent forward sharply, and the smaller fork faces the rear. A gray ruffed feather collar surrounds its neck and extends over its back

The body is about six meters long, and the overall color is mainly red.

"Yveltal, Yveltal, hahahaha"

Lyle's expression was extremely surprised and crazy, and he looked at Yveltal in mid-air with hot eyes.

This is the first-level god believed by their God Y organization, but except for the first generation of leaders, the rest of the leaders never saw it until their death.

And as the leader of the seventh generation, he not only saw Yveltal, but even summoned it himself.

At this moment, a huge and incomparable sense of accomplishment filled his heart.

Compared to Lyle's ecstasy, the champions looked desperate. Yveltal was really summoned by Lyle. .

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