Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

907Williams Is Dead

"Hit it gently, there are still twenty minutes left."

Garchomp, who was pressing Pyroar to beat him, suddenly heard Jiang Qing's voice in his mind. Although he was a little depressed, he was still very obedient and his movements were much gentler.

Jiang Qing had no choice. The closing match would take half an hour. Only five minutes into the game, the opponent's Pyroar was about to be knocked down by Garchomp.

For exhibition competitions, acting is the most important thing.

In addition, Jiang Qing saw that Williams' senses were okay, so she naturally wanted to save him some face.

Originally, Pyroar was prepared to receive Garchomp's heavy punch, but as a result, the punch landed on his face, and its power was less than one-tenth of its previous strength.

Garchomp: "Let Me Let You, Little Trash"

These words made Pyroar feel angry, and he opened his mouth and said: "If you have the ability, give me another hand."

Garchomp: This guy is so shameless.

Jiang Qing also heard what Pyroar said, and his expression was slightly strange.

Trainer Williams, on the other hand, had a slightly red face, as his Pokémon had somewhat embarrassed himself.

Of course, Garchomp would not foolishly agree to let him give him a hand, otherwise the ship would really capsize.

The battle between Garchomp and Pyroar, who had suppressed their strength, was finally a back-and-forth fight. It was more exciting than the previous battle between Garchomp and Pyroar.

Of course, many discerning viewers can see that Garchomp is letting go, and the strength he shows now is completely different from before.

But the audience cheered even louder.

Garchomp: Why are you so happy about the anti-counterfeiting match?

[Garchomp is really handsome, the Dragon Pulse move just now is enough for many dragon trainers to learn for two and a half years]

[Why do I feel that Garchomp is not as aggressive at the beginning]

[Exhibition contest everyone, really

【Pyroar is actually very good, but Garchomp is too strong】

【Why are Champion Jiang’s Pokémon so powerful? Garchomp is his second team of Pokémon, which is stronger than most Elite Trump Cards】

The game time passed quickly in the sea of ​​Garchomp, and it was almost 30 minutes, Jiang Qing and Williams looked at each other.

Jiang Qing: End the game in a confrontational manner.

Williams; agree.

"Garchomp Dragon Wave〃 || Motion"

"Pyroar Flamethrower"

Both Pokémon adjusted their postures and knew that the game was about to end.

The emerald Dragon Pulse and the crimson Flamethrower Tackle are together, the energy is overflowing around, and the moves of both sides are evenly matched.

With a bang, the time is up.

Under the wind and waves of the explosion, Pyroar's Shamat hairstyle fluttered on top of his head, while Garchomp stood with his cool hands clasped.

And the atmosphere on the scene has also reached its climax at this moment. Being able to witness the battle of the two youngest champions with one's own eyes is really worth the money spent.

Jiang Qing smiled slightly at the surrounding audience, and when she took out the Poké Ball to take Garchomp back, suddenly the alarm bells rang in her heart, and the hairs all over her body stood on end.


Gengar got out of Jiang Qing's shadow immediately.

Jirachi in Jiang Qing's arms and Celebi above his head react quickly.

However, Gengar has blocked the assassination of the prospective champion mid-term Gourgeist.

Only then did the audience let out an exclamation.

In their view, Jiang Qing was about to take back Garchomp, when suddenly a Gourgeist appeared behind him.

Gourgeist's Shadow Claw was less than half a meter away from Jiang Qing, but fortunately Gengar blocked the opponent's attack immediately.


Jiang Qing was still furious about which faction dared to assassinate him openly on such an occasion. His first thought was the Stars and Stripes Kingdom. After all, they had purpose and strength.

But in the next second, he saw that Williams of the Stars and Stripes was dead, and his heart was taken out from behind by a Gengar.

Stars and Stripes: Now I'm cleared of suspicion, right?

Jiang Qing: Excluded.

Dead, the majestic champion died, and died in front of countless audiences.

The assassination of Jiang Qing failed, and the assassination of Williams was successful. The latter's body was already lying in a pool of blood.

But it wasn't over yet, a blinding white light erupted from Gourgeist.

This is the rhythm of self destruct.

"Metagross" Jiang Qing shouted loudly.

We can't let Gourgeist do Self Destruct, there are hundreds of thousands of spectators at the scene, this bombing, he can't die, but these spectators are probably going to die.

The Gourgeist Self Destruct in the mid-term of the quasi-championship, this power is no longer something Gengar can block, only the champion-level Metagross has this ability.

"Kang Jin"

The powerful Psychic of Metagross rushed towards Gourgeist like a tidal wave of Normal, firmly blocking its surroundings.


Gourgeist Big Self Destruct.

However, because of Metagross, its maximum Self Destruct power is limited to a space of less than three meters. However, precisely because the power is compressed, it becomes even more powerful.

The space within three meters was shaken by the explosion, but fortunately it was blocked in the end.

The Gengar that successfully assassinated Williams has disappeared.

The thrill of repeated flips made the audience unable to react at all.

Now it seems that the danger has really been lifted. The scene exploded immediately. Many people were leaning on their chairs in exhaustion. They just saw the Gourgeist Self Destruct and they all felt that they were dead.

Fortunately, Jiang Qing was strong enough.

[Hasty, what happened in the past ten seconds just now]

[Fortunately, I didn't go to the scene, or I would be scared to death

【Who has the guts to assassinate Jiang Guanjun, luckily he didn't succeed】

[I wanted to talk about the Stars and Stripes, but the champions are all dead, so it shouldn't be them]

[Could it be the Baga Kingdom?]

【Don't joke, the champion of Baga Country who dared to kill his godfather】

Audiences online were abuzz.

And high-level countries have already started emergency meetings, especially the Xia Kingdom and the Star Country.

The President of the Stars and Stripes is slumped on a chair (Li Hao), looking at Williams' body in the video, this is good, this time he is really going to step down.

His own champion was assassinated, and he couldn't do it if he didn't step down.

As for the six elders of the Xia Kingdom, they were all broken into cold sweats. Fortunately, Jiang Qing's Gengar was so powerful that he stopped the assassination. Otherwise, Williams might have suffered the same fate as Yang Qing.

Williams' successful assassination was largely due to his negligence. After all, even Jiang Qing did not expect that someone would assassinate in front of such a large audience.

Therefore, Williams had no means of defense at all. Normally, he would be accompanied by a Pokémon.

Fortunately, his Gengar has been hiding in the shadows for a long time. Even if he sometimes takes back Metagross, he will never take back Gengar.

Gengar behaved very well this time, so I had to add chicken drumsticks to him in the evening.

Jiang Qing, a kid, has been in many dangers along the way. He was kidnapped before he became a champion. Now that he has become a champion, will he still be assassinated? .

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