As the competition was held day by day, the number of contestants decreased from 450 to 225. Because it was an odd number, there was one bye.

The lucky one is Anis from Pampas.

After 224 players passed the one-day game again, the number became 112.

In addition to Anis who had a bye before, there was another person who was going to have a bye, and this person happened to be Anis again.

Two consecutive byes to the same person.

This made many people in the outside world question whether someone cheated secretly.

However, the organizing committee of the competition immediately came out to refute the rumors, saying that Anis's two byes were all due to good luck.

The organizing committee of the competition is composed of people from big countries, so no one dares to cheat at all, and they don't have the ability.

The organizing committee came out to refute the rumors, and the public of course chose to believe it, and Anis was lucky because of her two byes, and her long hair was also very beautiful.

The current number is 113, and most of them are at the peak of Elite.

There are ten players from Xia Country, ten players from Stars and Stripes Country, and ten players from White Bear Country, while players from other countries have already lost a lot of 150.

In the following games, the chances of collisions between great powers and civil wars between players will increase.

The battle list has been sent to the mobile phones of the players.

"Damn, I'm against Lin Ze"

Jin Tian looked at his mobile phone and couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

The number of participants has decreased, and civil war is inevitable. Now that it is here, few people are not surprised.

The other people who hadn't read the battle information felt a little uneasy when Jin Tian made such a move, so don't be so unlucky to meet one of your own.

After reading it, I felt relieved immediately.

Even if you meet players from Stars and Stripes and White Bears, it's better than fighting against your own people.

"What do you two say?"

Jiang Qing called Jin Tian and Lin Ze over.

Civil wars between players are inevitable in the later stage, unless your national players are relatively weak, and they will not reach the later stage at all.

Not only the Xia Kingdom has civil wars, but also the Stars and Stripes. The White Bear Country is luckier and has no civil wars.

Basically, in the face of civil wars, countries adopt the method of letting weaker players surrender directly, so as to protect the Pokémon of another player.

(cieh) After all, if two players really fight, they are both members of the country, and the difference in strength will definitely not be very big. If there is a fight, even if the person who wins, his Pokémon will definitely suffer a lot of injuries.

This will affect the next day's game.

Therefore, letting a relatively weaker player surrender and preserving the strength of another player is the most commonly used in various countries.

It was for this reason that Jiang Qing asked the two of them.

In terms of strength, Jintian is stronger than Lin Ze. After all, Jintian has a Thunderbird, and the legendary Pokémon has a relatively large advantage.

"A fight?"

Jin Tian looked at Lin Ze and raised an eyebrow.

Lin Ze nodded: "Then fight."

All right, both of them want to advance to the next round through the battle, so Jiang Qing didn't say anything.

As for the worry that the Pokémon will be seriously injured because the civil war is too fierce.

Jiang Qing has already told them this kind of thing with actions these days, so feel free to fight boldly, as long as the Pokémon does not die on the spot, it is guaranteed to appear on the field the next day alive and well.

This is also the main reason why the two want to really fight.

It's not that they don't have a big picture, but Jiang Qing's existence has made them no worries.

For the other eight, Yue Peng's Rival is the Stars and Stripes Country, and Lu Tianya's Rival is the White Bear Country.

The civil war began, and so did the collision of great powers.

The game has not started yet, but the event has been announced, which has attracted heated discussions from the outside world. It is full of excitement. You don't have to think about it to know that the subsequent games will become more and more explosive.

[The civil war between Jin Tian and Lin Ze, I don't know if it was a real fight or a certain one directly surrendered]

[According to convention, one of them should surrender]

[I like both of them, why did they match up so quickly?

[Fortunately, it’s not my goddess Qin Wu]

[As long as the game continues and our players are not eliminated, civil war is inevitable. This also shows that our players are strong. Look at A Sanguo, who even wants to have a civil war. 1

[There is only one seedling left in the Three Kingdoms, and this time Rival is still the White Bear Country

[The Stars and Stripes is also in civil war, and now the balance is a little bit]

[Lady Luck didn’t get a bye this time, hey]

[If you don’t look at who Rival is, Kimchi Country is currently in the late Elite stage, and the main Pokémon was seriously injured in yesterday’s game]

[Goddess of Luck is still lucky]

The game started the next day.

The battle between Jin Tian and Lin Ze was quite interesting.

In the stands, a hundred sweet-looking cheerleaders wearing cheerleading uniforms and holding high posters of Jin Tian were cheering hard for Jin Tian, ​​the father of the fundraiser.

A hundred girls with beautiful voices and sweet voices are cheering for you, you can't help.

The game hadn't even started yet, and Tian felt that he had already won half the battle.

As for Lin Ze, his face is a bit dark. Damn, I'm your teammate, and you actually treat me as an enemy, and the cheerleaders have come out.

Lin Ze is an ice trainer, from the Lin family in the imperial capital, that is, Lin Xiu's family, and he is also Lin Xiu's cousin.

"Brother, come on, come on"

In the stands, Lin Xiu also came and was cheering for Lin Ze, but unfortunately his voice was not as loud as that of the Jintian cheerleaders.

"Jin Tian Jin Tian is so handsome, Jin Tian Jin Tian is awesome, Jin Tian, ​​come on, come on, come on!!"

This made Lin Xiu suddenly depressed.

Xiang Wutong, who was playing in the afternoon, was sitting with Jiang Qing. Next to him were Yue Peng and Lu Tianya, who were also playing in the afternoon.

"It's all the bastard Jin Tian's fault. Now the price of cheerleaders has risen, and each one has risen to 150,000." Xiang Wutong said a little angrily.

It was only 100,000 yuan before, but Jin Tian asked for 100 yuan. As a result, there were few cheerleaders and the price naturally went up.

The degree of involution is quite serious.

"Your Rival is not easy. Do you want me to find some cheerleaders to come over and cheer you two on? There will definitely not be as many as Jin Tian, ​​but there are still twenty."

Xiang Wutong looked at Yue Peng and Lu Tianya.

Lu Tianya shook his head and said calmly: "No, these are all empty, your own strength is the most important."

"Tch, wait until you see your Rival has dozens of cheerleaders cheering him on, but you don't have one, I wonder if you will still think so."

"Didn't you see that Lin Ze's face changed?"

Lu Tianya took a look and said, "Okay, Lin Ze's face has indeed turned ugly. Are cheerleaders really useful? How about I find a few this afternoon."

"I don't need it either. Some of my comrades will come over to cheer me up in the afternoon," Yue Peng said. .

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