Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

900 Phase Sycamore Cheerleaders

In the afternoon, there will be a match between Xiang Wutong and Ben Shaming, a member of the Gaul royal family. The latter is also a steel trainer, and his strength is also very good. He is an early champion.

The match between these two is one of the last matches that we will pay attention to today. Both are trainers in the early stage of quasi-champions, and one is a member of the royal family.

There are three champions in Gaul, and both of them are from the royal family, so the Gaul royal family has great majesty and support in the country.

Ben Shaming is still very handsome, especially with the innate sense of nobility that members of the royal family are born with. Against the backdrop of exquisite clothing, the whole person looks even more energetic.

So just because of his skin and vigor, Ben Shaming was liked by many female audiences at this conference, but some women in the audience were still holding up the posters of each other.

Of course, our Young Master Xiangwutong Xiangjia can't lose to him in this aspect. This "147" guy knows that his Rival is very popular among female audiences.

So he employed money-making skills, hired a group of beautiful girls, and cheered for him in the audience. Of course, posters were indispensable.

I not only want to defeat you with strength, but also cannot lose to you in terms of momentum.

So after Jiang Qing arrived at the scene, there were 30 beautiful girls in the stands supporting Xiang Wutong, forming a cheerleading team, shouting: "Xiang Wutong, Xiang Wutong, I love you, Xiang Wutong, Xiang Wutong is the most handsome"

Jiang Qing inexplicably has a very strong sense of sight, looking at Xiang Wutong in the venue, Gary is you Gary.

"Damn, how much did Xiang Wutong spend?"

Jin Tian also came with Jiang Qing, looking at the thirty cheerleading girls, he couldn't hide the jealous expression on his face.

I still have some regrets, why didn't I think of this, the limelight was stolen by Xiang Wutong.

Isn't that right, the cheerleading team composed of thirty beautiful girls, all holding posters of Xiang Wutong in their hands, just this scenery line, directly became the focus of the audience.

Even the big cameraman pointed the camera at the cheerleaders. It took almost a minute. Those who didn't know thought they were the protagonists.

Ben Shaming's face was a little stiff, he didn't expect his Rival to be so shameless, to spend money to do it.

Why do you think that Xiang Wutong is spending money? Because Ben Shaming has seen the video of Xiang Wutong's previous game, and there are no beautiful cheerleaders in it.

There is a competition with myself, and there are still as many as thirty.

And judging from their movements and expressions, it is obvious that they are professionally trained, they are professional cheerleaders, and they are not hired for money. He would not believe it even if they were killed.

"Young people nowadays really know how to play"

Jiang Qing sat on the chair and sighed softly.

These words made Jin Tian stunned for a while, this is pretending to be aggressive, in terms of age, none of them can be Jiang Wei's big brother.

The difference in strength made Jin Tian obediently shut up.

With the arrival of the game time, the game officially began.

Xiang Wutong sent out Dewgong, while Ben Shaming sent out Scizor, and after throwing the Poké Ball, they saluted slightly in the direction of Yangqing.

As the champion of the steel system, Jiang Qing is not only the object of worship of most youths, but also the existence pursued by many steel system trainers.

It can be said that Jiang Qing's existence has brought the steel system to a whole new level.

In Xiaguo, the number of Steel-type Trainers is second only to Bug Type, Grass-type, and Fire-type, among which Meiqing has a great influence.

Dewgong Elite late stage, Scizor Elite late stage, same level.

But in Attribute, Scizor has a certain advantage.

"Coach, don't you watch the game?"

Seeing Jiang Qing playing with her mobile phone, Jin Tian couldn't help asking.

"Nothing to see," Jiang Qing said without raising his head.

"Xiang Wutong is sure to win?"

"I don't know, I'm just lazy to watch"

For Xiang Wutong's strength, Jiang Qing still believes in it. After his own training, this guy's strength has also improved a little.

It didn't say that Xiang Wutong was sure to win, it was all because Jiang Qing didn't know how strong Ben Shaming was.

If he were to face Ben Shaming himself, even if his strength was at the early stage of the quasi-championship, then Jiang Qing would definitely say that he was sure to win.

There are so many geniuses in this world, there will always be some geniuses who will stand out from the crowd.

Xiang Indus is one of them, isn't Ben Shaming.

The level of stalemate in the competition between the two can be described as extremely fierce.

Dewgong defeated Scizor at a heavy cost, but he was unable to fight, and was defeated by Steelix sent by Ben Shamin later.

Xiang Wutong's second ice-type Pokémon is Vanilluxe.

Benjamin's Steelix performs a Mega Evolution, defeating Vanilluxe...

By the way, after a whole game, there is no limit to the number of times you can use Mega Evolution. As long as the Trainer's body can support it, then you can use Mega Evolution six times in six games.

Therefore, a Trainer with Psychic and a Trainer with unusually strong physical strength have a lot of advantages in this respect.

Xiang Wutong was the first to force out his third Pokémon.

Looking at the huge Steelix, Xiang Wutong dispatched Mamoswine.

In the early days of the quasi-championship, the 81-level Mamoswine, this is his second quasi-championship Pokémon, and it is also the result of this month's training.

That Mega Steelix has reached level 81 because of Mega Evolution.

The Pokémon on both sides collided constantly, and the field was constantly broken.

As the two sides competed in the ultimate impact, the last two fell together.

【Why is Ben Shaming so strong, Xiang Wutong has already lost three Pokémon, he only has two】

【Don't worry, he has already used Mega Evolution. Under normal circumstances, a person's energy and physical strength can only support one Pokémon for Mega Evolution】

[Xiang Wutong hasn't used Mega Evolution yet, it will bring back the advantages in the later stage

【Only my focus is on the cheerleaders】

【Brother, you are not alone】

[Ben Shaming is so handsome, sisters, don’t forget to empathize with me

【My Jiang Qing husband is the most handsome in the world, hurry up, you green tea】0.7

Xiang Wutong, who lost three Pokémon, did not panic at all. When he is in this mood, even in a desperate situation, it is difficult to have negative emotions.

Xiang Wutong's fourth Pokémon Ice Ninetales is at the peak of Elite.

The appearance of Bing Ninetales naturally attracted a burst of amazement.

Different from the nobleness of the Fire Ninetales, the Ice Ninetales is more cold and arrogant, and maybe because I have seen too many Fire Ninetales, I see very few Ice Ninetales, but think that the Ice Ninetales is more beautiful.

The only source of Ice Ninetales is the top-level secret realm that was contested by the country last time. In the end, this secret realm was brought to Xia Kingdom by Jiang Qing, and was managed by Yang Qing and Xia Guo.

There are quite a few Pokémon of Regional Variant in this secret realm, such as Rattata have been released a long time ago, but like Bing Ninetales and Raichu, of course they have not released.

There are only a few trainers in Xiaguo. .

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