Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

868 The Second Champion PokéMon

Pokémon: Moltres (Flying)

Grade: 91

Qualification: Purple

Ability: Sense of oppression

Props: Hard Charcoal

Gender: None

Moves: Gust, Leer, Ember, Safeguard, Wing Attack, Agility, Ancient Power, Burn Up, Air Slash, Roost, Heat Wave, Sunny Day, Hurricane, Endure, Overheat, Ravenous

Skill discs: Protection, Take Down, Flame Charge, Flame Vortex, Aerial Ace, Air Cutter, Endure, Fly, Will-O-Wisp, Fire Blast, Hurricane, Flare Blitz, Solar Beam

Genetic Skills: None

Note: With the use of light flint, the power of Flamethrower is doubled

Note: When fire is used in twos and threes, when using fire moves, there is a 50% chance that the power of the move will be doubled, and a 30% chance that the power will be tripled

After eating Rare Candy, Moltres' level broke through from the quasi-champion peak to the champion, officially becoming Jiang Qing's second champion-level Pokémon.

When Moltres broke through to win the championship, Jiang Qing also completed the second stage of the main mission and gained 100,000 points.

The remaining Rare Candy was given to Aggron, whose level was raised from 86 to 87 at 100, officially becoming a mid-to-late quasi-champion.

It's a pity that there are too few Rare Candies, and a few more can become the pinnacle of the quasi-champion.

More than half a month has passed since the Groudon incident, but the incident still has a lot of heat, and Jiang Qing is also a direct battle to become a god.

Become the most powerful Trainer in the world, and there is no one.

As far as the current situation is concerned, no Trainer has a record of defeating a first-level god head-on, but Jiang Zhi has.

Although the Pokémon that defeated Groudon was not Jiang Qing's own, but Kyogre, but Kyogre has a good relationship with Jiang Qing.

I didn't see that he gave Jiang Qing a scale of his own before leaving, looking like a good brother.

Everyone is not an idiot, these scales are usually used to summon Kyogre, if Jiang Qing is really bullied, if he meets someone he can't beat, he can directly shake Kyogre to pass the seat.

And the top leaders of various countries have guessed that Jiang Qing's command of a first-level god will not lose his lifespan, or the lost lifespan will be very low.

The discussion outside is all on Jiang Qing, Groudon and Kyogre.

And Jiang Qing has been lying at home for more than half a month, living under the service of two big butlers, Ai Guanshi and Dai Dai, living a comfortable and comfortable life, of course, the management is relatively strict

Here Jiang Qing is doing vibrato on the sofa, looking at the long legs of the young lady inside, the legs are longer than her own life, it feels quite fake, but she still gave her a thumbs up.

Then the phone rang, it was an unfamiliar number, and it was a local number.

"Celebi shopping again?"

Jiang Qing muttered something, then answered the phone.

I thought that the express delivery that Celebi bought online had arrived.

"Hey, it's me"

It was not the courier's voice that came from the phone, but Zhou Han.

Jiang Qing looked at the number, it was not Zhou Han's number.

"What's wrong"

There seems to be something wrong with the other party's tone.

"Let me say"

There was another voice on the phone.

That person should have answered the phone, and soon the voice came: "You are Zhou Han's brother, right?"


Jiang Qing nodded, wondering if this little girl got into trouble.

"I am Zhou Han's homeroom teacher, Teacher Wang"

"Oh, hello Teacher Wang," Jiang Qing said quickly.

"Zhou Han, I just got into a fight with someone and injured him. Are you free now? The other party's parents are already on their way. If you are free, come over too."

"Okay, Teacher Wang"

"Which school and class is this Wang Teacher?"

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Qing seemed to hear the sound of Wang Teacher taking a deep breath.

"Lancang No.1 Middle School, Senior Class One and Two"

"Yeah, I'll be right there." Jiang Qing nodded immediately.

(bdec) In Wang Teacher's office here, she hung up the phone and said to Zhou Han with some dissatisfaction: "Your brother doesn't even know your school, make sure this is your brother, don't find me a stranger to act as you Brother, I see this kind of thing a lot"

Zhou Han shook his head and then explained: "My brother is a trainer, and he is usually busy."

"Oh, it turned out to be Trainer"

Teacher Wang immediately became interested and asked, "Then what level is your brother's trainer now, and has he reached the elite level?"

"Almost there"

Zhou Han nodded, thinking that I can't say that he is the champion, and you wouldn't believe me if I really told him.

Seeing Zhou Han's hesitant look, Wang Teacher thought that her brother was not even an elite class.

"You have to study hard, Jiang Guanjun knows that."

Zhou Han nodded.

"I taught his freshman Pokémon Ability class"

After speaking, Teacher Wang showed a very proud expression. Like all teachers, what they like most is to teach a talent who can benefit the society and the country.

Although she only taught Jiang Qing for one year, it was enough for her to be proud for a lifetime.

"Teacher Wang, you are really amazing," Zhou Han said sincerely.

"But having said that, your brother's voice is a bit like Jiang Guanjun's. If your brother has Jiang Guanjun's one-ten-thousandth talent, it shouldn't be difficult to become an Elite in the future."

While speaking, the door of the calendar office was violently opened.

Then I saw a couple walking in, beside them was a male student who looked similar to Zhou Han, with a tissue stuck to his nose and blood on it.

"Did she beat you like this?"

The woman suddenly pointed at Zhou Han and asked with a ferocious expression.

The boy looked at Zhou Han with a little timidity, but when he thought of his parents present, he immediately came up with courage, nodded and said: "It's her who made my nose bleed."

"Okay, you little girl, don't study hard, beat my son, look at my son!"

The woman came over aggressively, Zhou Han was a bad girl, he was not afraid of this woman at all, instead he mocked: "It's your son who is useless, he can't even beat a woman, and he still imitates others to pick up girls, it's not good for a woman I will like him who is fat and short, and the key is not self-aware."

These words were really heart-wrenching, and the boy was stunned for a while, exuding a sense of inferiority all over his body.

"What nonsense are you talking about? It's your blessing that my son pursues you. Looking at you, you can tell that you were born in a small family and have no knowledge."

"Parents of the charter, calm down"

Wang Teacher stood up and protected Zhou Han behind her. She had dealt with these two people before, and they belonged to the kind of difficult and unreasonable parents anyway.

Relying on the little money in the family, he often doesn't pay attention to the parents of other ordinary students, and often shows off his wealth in the parent group.

This kind of parent is also the least favorite of all teachers. .

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