Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

861 Jiang Qing: Listen To Me

Groudon: I took out the Primal Reversion Contest Condition, how should you deal with it.

The strength of Groudon under the Primal Reversion Contest Condition is indeed a level stronger than before, but fortunately, Kyogre has Jiang Qing, a BUFF baby, and has a geographical advantage, but it can barely match the strength of Primal Reversion's Groudon.

"Kyogre, how long can the Groudon Primal Reversion Contest Condition last?" Jiang Qing asked.

His god's protection is only 20 minutes long, and seven minutes have already passed. If he can't defeat Groudon in the remaining time, the passive effect of God's protection disappears, and the Kyogre boost effect will disappear. It will definitely not be Primal Groudon's opponent under the Reversion Contest Condition.

"This is related to its physical strength, as long as it has sufficient physical strength, it can maintain this Contest Condition"

Kyogre's voice made Jiang Qing feel a little cold.

"The boost effect I gave you is still thirteen minutes away. Is there a way to force Groudon to withdraw from the Primal Reversion Contest Condition?"

In terms of Groudon's current physical strength, even if he fights Kyogre, it is estimated that he can maintain the Primal Reversion Contest Condition for at least two or three hours.

Therefore, it is obviously not feasible to wait for it to exhaust its physical strength and withdraw from the Primal Reversion Contest Condition.

"If it takes a hard blow to the abdomen, the Red Orb can be knocked out of its body, so that it will exit the Primal Reversion Contest Condition"

Kyogre's voice entered Jiang Qing's mind, and at the same time, it learned that Jiang Qing had a time limit for her own boost, and felt a little anxious.

After all, if this boost effect disappears, I will probably be defeated by Groudon, and I will be ridiculed by it for hundreds of years.

"Fat-headed fish, don't think that you can barely fight against me now because you have a geographical advantage. You and this human being can't get away today."

Primal Reversion Groudon let out a roar, and then his body erupted with extremely hot temperature. The surrounding temperature rose extremely, and it seemed that even the sun in Soaring in the sky had grown bigger.

Ability: The land of the end.

Primal Reversion Groudon's Ability has changed from sunshine to land of the end, and the weather has changed to big sunshine. It can also be regarded as an enhanced version of Sunny Day, but it is infinitely stronger than Sunny Day

In the sunny weather, the power of fire moves is increased by 1.5 times, which is secondary, the most important thing is that in this weather, water moves cannot be used.

If Kyogre is not the god of the sea, then even the champion-level water-type Pokémon will not be able to use any water-type moves in sunny weather.

The Ability of this land of the end alone shows why it is a first-level god.

Corresponding to the Land of the End is Kyogre's Sea of ​​Origin, and Rayquaza's Delta Airflow, but this is an Ability unique to Primal Reversion Kyogre and Mega Rayquaza.

Because without the Blue Orb, Kyogre can't activate the Primal Reversion Contest Condition at all, so its current Ability is Rainfall.

This ability was directly suppressed after Primal Reversion Groudon opened the land of the end of the ability.

"Trouble Jiang Qing"

Looking at Groudon who opened the land of the end, Kyogre felt dissatisfied. It already felt that part of the water energy in its body had been suppressed. Although it could still use water moves, the power would be reduced.


Sweat dripped down Jiang Qing's face, even with Metagross to insulate him from the temperature, the ability of the Ending Land is still too unreasonable.

Despite being isolated from most of the temperature, the temperature around him is still fifty or sixty degrees, thanks to his Mega Pallet Town physique, otherwise he would have died of heat.

"Kyogre, you beat Groudon"


"Okay, from now on, all your actions must be under my command"

Jiang Qing looked directly at Primal Reversion Groudon. Such a powerful Groudon really put him under a lot of pressure, and under the pressure, he was extremely excited.

Kyogre was silent for a moment.


The strong sense of self-confidence emanating from Jiang Qing made Kyogre unable to resist the idea of ​​rejection.

Looking at Primal Reversion Groudon and feeling Jiang Qing's strong sense of self-confidence on top of his head, Kyogre's originally shaky heart became firm in an instant.

At this moment, the eyes of the two merged into one.

"Kyogre, Surf" Jiang shouted.

The sea is surging, the waves are monstrous, and above the waves, Kyogre rides the waves.

Huge waves rushed towards Primal Groudon.

Even though the power of water-type moves was suppressed by the land of the end, the power of Kyogre's moves is still very terrifying.

Under the huge waves, it seems like the sky is falling, as if it can crush everything in the world.

But such a powerful Surf was easily defeated by Primal Reversion Groudon with a move of Flamethrower. Flamethrower stretched for hundreds of kilometers and vaporized a large amount of seawater.

With the Surf being pierced, the Kyogre above the wave naturally didn't fall because it would fly.

Seeing Kyogre circling, Primal Reversion Groudon was so angry, this fat head fish is going to die today, I want to steam it, the big Catterpie is useless.

"get off me"

Following the roar of Primal Groudon, dense rocks appeared in the Soaring in the sky, and each rock was five or six hundred meters high. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are hills.

Rock Throw!

"Kyogre Iron Head crashes down"

Such a large area of ​​Rock Throw has covered the top of Kyogre's head, and it is impossible to avoid it in other directions, the only direction is down.

Kyogre crashed down, followed by Rock Throw. 530 Iron Head shattered the continent made by Primal Reversion Groudon, knocking it out a big hole, and the Phan cloth fell on the Ground.

A large amount of seawater gushed out of the hole, but the hole was quickly filled again.

Primal Reversion Groudon looked at the land under his feet, and it could feel that Kyogre and the human were in the water below the land.

"Kyogre Whirlpool, pull it down for me," Jiang Mao said coldly.

Ocean is Kyogre's home court, and it is also the only one that Jiang Qing can use at present, so he can only maximize this home court advantage.

The Whirlpool was activated, and the seawater rotated rapidly, instantly forming a seven-eight-kilometer vortex. Under the strong suction of the vortex, the land above began to shatter and was sucked by the vortex.

Seeing this, Primal Reversion Groudon immediately knew what the opponent was planning, and poured in Earth Power, wanting to restore the land.

But in the next second, a golden light shot out from the bottom of the sea, directly shooting through the ground under his feet.

It's Hyper Beam.


The huge body of Primal Reversion Groudon fell into the seawater, but the terrifying high temperature on its body actually vaporized the seawater in an instant, and the airflow formed by the gasification made the surrounding seawater unable to get close.

An underground Rock rose up, and Primal Groudon stood firmly on it. .

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