Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

851 Is Not Over Yet

The Du family's manor has been destroyed, but this is all superficial. The secret room is underground. With the financial resources of the Du family, the secret room should be built very solidly.

So there is a high probability that it will not be destroyed in the battle just now. After all, the entire Ground has been turned into powder, and the vibration is very strong.


Jiang Qing dispatched Steelix.

"Go down and find the location of the secret room"

Steelix nodded, then disappeared in place, leaving only a hole.

Here Gengar has devoured Du Cheng's soul and obtained all his memories.

"Is there any important information?" Jiang Qing asked.


Gengar told Jiang Qing about the deal between Du Cheng and Dadian Kingdom.

Du Cheng is not a high-ranking official of the Xia Kingdom. Although he has a great status in Xiangjiang, he has no access to the core secrets of the Xia Kingdom, so he really wants to betray the country, but he can't do it.

Dadian Kingdom supports Du Cheng, but only wants to bury a nail in Xiangjiang.

I just didn't expect Du 04cheng to use them more, and he also broke through to the championship secretly.

Not long after, Steelix got out and said that he had found the secret room.

"Take me there," Jiang Qing said.

Steelix nodded.

Immediately afterwards, strong Ground-based energy was emitted from his body, and the Ground below Jiang Qing began to sink rapidly, and also changed direction during the sinking process.

It sank about two hundred meters, and love has seen the secret room.

It looks like a big square box. The box has been deformed, but it is not damaged.

"Kang Jin"

As Metagross punched him violently, Jiang Mao stepped into the secret room to become the king.

Under the eyes of the detective, all the treasures in the secret room can be seen at a glance. Of course, there are not only treasures inside, but also some antique calligraphy and paintings. Jiang Qing also saw a few ancient stone slabs

But Unown didn't respond, that is to say, there is no Unown hidden in these ancient stone slabs.

Speaking of the slate, the slate bought at the auction is still in the hotel, and the Unown inside is still there. I was using Tear of the Treasure Heart for Lucario at the time, and then completed the hidden task unintentionally, causing him to forget up the slate.

The Unown in the body didn't even remind him.

Unown: How did I know you forgot.

Golden Armor: Defense increased by 50%, immune to fatal attack once (available for Steel and Rock)

Note: The upper limit of Metagross defense has exceeded the promotion range of Golden Armor.

There are many treasures, but there is only one treasure, Du Cheng doesn't use it, and the Attribute is probably not suitable.

His first Attribute is the Normal category, and his second is the Superpower category.

Steelix looked straight at the golden armor, and instinctively told it that this was a good thing.

"This is not for you"

If the words of his own Trainer, the idea that Dagang was just born, was shattered immediately.

The most suitable Pokémon for Golden Armor are undoubtedly the two Pokémon Metagross and Aggron. Originally, Jiang Qing had to worry about who to give it to.

After seeing the comment, don't worry about it, just give it to Aggron directly.

After all, the defense of Metagross has already exceeded the improvement range of the Golden Armor.

This is also normal, the ability of Metagross's different color is to double its own defense, and Jiang Qing gave it too many good things, yes it has become extremely perverted now.


Pokémon: Totem Class Aggron (Steel/Rock)

Grade: 86

Qualification: blue

Ability: Heavy Metal

Props: Metal Coat

Gender: male

Moves: Roar, Tackle, Harden, Headbutt, Protect, Iron Head, Rock Close, Metal Claw, Take Down, Iron Defense, Autotomize

Skill discs: Earthquake, Sandstorm, Dig, Shock Wave, Rock Slide, Rock Smash, Water Pulse, Dragon Claw, Focus Punch, Iron Tail, Thunderbolt, Stone Edge

Genetic Abilities: Land of the Earth, Heavy Slam, Endeavor, Dragon Rush

Note: Use the soul of Totem to become a Totem Pokémon

Note: After using the black light spar, Pokémon absorbs the sun's rays all the time to restore its physical strength (only steel series, Rock)

Note: With the use of diamond cores, the power of Rock and Ground moves will increase by 20%.

Fortunately, this secret room was built relatively high, otherwise the seven-meter Aggron would not be able to fit in it.

Under Steelix's resentful gaze, Aggron ate the golden armor in one gulp, and then patted his stomach with satisfaction.

The level has also been raised from level 86 to level 87.

Jiang Qing didn't see the Red Orb here, but there was a safe in front of her.

Glancing at Aggron, the latter understood, grabbed the safe, and bit on it. With a click, a hole was bitten out of the safe.

Jiang Qing is not worried that Aggron will use Red Orb Crunch, this thing represents the first-level god Groudon, Aggron is not even the champion "how can it be Crunch.

As Aggron tipped the safe, the contents fell through the gnawed opening.

Catch the falling red beads.

Red Orb: Can be used to summon Groudon.

Note: This orb is already in closed Contest Condition, it can be opened with a drop of blood (strength requires champion)

Note: Within a certain range, Groudon can sense the position of the Red Orb even if it is not activated.

It is indeed the Red Orb.

But the second comment made Jiang Qing's 087 face suddenly ugly.

Originally, he thought that as long as Du Cheng died, the Red Orb would automatically shut down, and Groudon, who had lost his positioning system, would become a headless fly, and basically go back to Rest again.

Unexpectedly, within a certain range, Groudon can sense the Red Orb that closes the Contest Condition.

With my non-chief's luck, maybe Groudon is already in this sensing range now.

Groudon: Congratulations on getting it right.

Thinking about killing its spokesperson in the human world, you can’t call it the spokesperson, you can only call it a puppet. Anyway, Shinji opened a thing to slap Groudon’s face.

This guy has to come over and earn his face back.

Jiang Qing suddenly had a headache.

Of course, he wasn't sure if Groudon was really within Zhu Wei's range of activation.

Looking at Jirachi in his arms, Jiang Qing tentatively asked: "Jirachi, you will only feel it if Groudon appears within your range."

Level 1 gods can sense each other within a certain range.

"A thousand kilometers," Jirachi said.

"If you sense it, tell me right away," Jiang Qing said.

If the Red Orb had already been sensed by Groudon, it would be useless even if he ran away with the Red Orb now, Groudon would take Xiangjiang Lash Out.

Simply check to see if it is within the sensing range.

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