Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

848 Metagross Vs Slaking

Slaking's level is 94. It is obvious that Du Cheng, an old man, is hiding very deeply. Jiang Qing thought that he had just broken through to the championship not long ago, but now it seems that he should have broken through for several years.

"I don't understand why after you became the champion, you didn't say it, but chose to hide it and show your champion's strength to the elders. Your Du family can definitely become Xiangjiang's real Totem."

Jiang Qing doesn't know why, the champion has great power and status in any country, and in some small countries, it can even be said to be the normal emperor in ancient times.

Even in a mega country like Xia Guo, the rights and status of the champion are very great, as long as they don't treason the country, don't do things that hurt the world [then the champion can almost walk sideways in Xia Guo.

"Hmph, because my Du family was secretly supported by the Great Dian Kingdom. If the news of my becoming a champion is known to the elders, do you think they will keep me?"

Anyway, in this battle, either he died or Jiang Qing died, so there is no need to hide this matter.

Jiang Qing was slightly startled. It turned out that there was such a relationship. No wonder this guy chose to hide his strength. He thought he wanted to hide his achievements and fame. Now it seems that there is no way.

"Then why don't you go to Dadian Kingdom on 513, you are the champion, and you will definitely be reused by Dadian Kingdom if you go there"

"I am a native of Xia, and I will not betray the country," Du Cheng shouted angrily.

Jiang Qingya was stunned, this guy was so stubborn when he said this, then why are you from the Xia Kingdom and still accept the support of the Great Dian Kingdom?

But no matter what, Jiang Qing felt that he was serious when he said this, and he didn't lie to himself.

Staring at Du Cheng, Jiang Qing said lightly: "I will leave you as a dead body"

Hearing this, Du Cheng laughed angrily: "Hahaha, Jiang Qing, you really think you can beat me, is it because my Pokémon is Slaking?"

Jiang Qing shook her head: "No, it's because my Pokémon is Metagross"

"Kang Jin"

Metagross was very satisfied with what Jiang Qing said.

Pokémon: Metagross (Steel/Super)

Grade: 92

Qualification: Gold

Ability: Light metal

Props: Metal Coat

Gender: no gender

Moves: Tackle, Steel Beam, Confusion, Metal Claw, Bullet Punch, Flash Cannon, Electromagnetic Levitation, Psychic Sense, Scary Face, Teleport

Disc skills: Iron Head, Zen Headbutt, Iron Defense, Protect, Light Screen, Psycho Cut, Shadow Ball, Gyro Ball, Psyshock

Note: Use the heart of Arceus to improve all Attributes and enhance qualifications

Note: After using the black light spar, Pokémon absorbs the sun's rays all the time to restore its physical strength (only steel series, Rock)

Note: Use steel crystal, steel skills increase by 30%

Note: Golden qualification, the road to becoming a god is opened, and the overall strength is increased by 50%

Note: Use God's Blood to transform.

Note: Gold aptitude, with a little divinity, within a radius of ten kilometers, if the aptitude is lower than gold, the Pokémon strength is suppressed by 10% (purple aptitude,) 20% (blue), 30% (cyan), 50% (cyan) the following)

In terms of Attribute luxury alone, Slaking is indeed very luxurious, but it is still a lot worse than Metagross. With the Metagross membership week, it becomes golden.

Although its strength has not reached the level of a first-level god, its aptitude is already comparable to that of a first-level god, so its body will naturally have some abilities of a first-level god, such as suppressing the strength of ordinary Pokémon.

Du Cheng's Slaking is indeed very strong, but his own Metagross is even stronger.



The battle has officially begun.

Slaking directly activated the blood seed, eliminating the negative effects of laziness. It was originally a lazy sheep, and it instantly became a boiling sheep. Its eyes were full of lust, and a powerful breath burst out from its body, like a king kong against Metagross. Let out a roar.

With the Slaking of the Blood Seed activated, the overall strength has increased by 10%, but it is suppressed by the divinity brought by Metagross' golden aptitude.

"Meteor Mash"

The fist of colorful rays of light smashed towards the false master of abeh.

"Million Pounds"

A gleam flashed in Du Cheng's eyes. Slaking itself is a Pokémon with great power, and his Slaking also uses popping jelly, which increases its power by 50%.

Comparing strength with Slaking is simply courting death.

Du Cheng sneered in his heart.

It has only been a few months since Jiang Qing became the champion, but he has been for several years.

As the Meteor Mash and the million-ton fists keep getting closer, the air pressure on the fists of both sides touches together for the first time, and the moment the air pressure collides, a white horse is formed

When Jiang Qing and Du Cheng started fighting, they hid far away and released Pokémon to protect themselves.

Du Cheng released Gothitelle, the peak quasi-champion, while Jiang Qing rode on the back of Moltres, the pinnacle quasi-champion, with Celebi on his head and Jirachi in his arms.

Pi Lian spread around, and in an instant, the entire Du family manor was destroyed. The Du family members, bodyguards, and servants all died without knowing it.

The mortality rate was over ninety-nine percent.

Only a lucky few survived.

Du Cheng didn't care about this, as long as he was still alive, he could create the next Du family.

Pi Lian Tackle came to the protective cover arranged by Jirachi before stopping.

This was just the contact of fists from both sides. As the strength continued to expand, Metagross' fist and Slaking's fist finally touched together.


There was a loud noise soaring into the sky, and the building that was originally destroyed by the horse training was instantly shaken to powder by the vibration caused by the loud noise, and those lucky people were directly shaken to death by the sound.

The fierce collision of fists and fists continuously sent bursts of air explosions, and the space around both sides was constantly trembling, as if there was a possibility of shattering at any time.

Seeing that Metagross hadn't been sent flying by Slaking immediately, Du Cheng's expression sank. His own Slaking could crush a mountain with a light punch.

And now the power of this Metagross is comparable to that of the Slaking boosted by the Arcana.


Metagross means you are overthinking.

Slaking is indeed the most powerful Rival Metagross has encountered so far in terms of power. In terms of light power, he already has almost 50% or 60% of himself.

As Metagross continued to exert force, Slaking's face gradually changed from surprise at the beginning to horror now.

This guy didn't use his full strength from the beginning.

Metagross, who thought he could block his punch, must have used all his strength to do so, but he didn't use all his strength at all.

It's all right now, it is still unable to stop Metagross with the strength of its milk.

As Metagross exploded with all his power, with a bang, Slaking's body flew out like a meteor.


Then it hit the protective cover heavily, causing the entire protective cover to tremble. .

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