Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

844 Tears Of The Heart

The auction gave Jiang Qing two surprises. He unexpectedly got an ancient stone tablet with Unown and the Dark Stone transformed by Zekrom.

Zekrom is the dragon of ideals. According to the TV drama version, you must first have a firm ideal in order to revive it and gain its approval.

Of course, in the real world, these are all nonsense, how can it be so simple, and it is not because Ash is the protagonist, and he can win the favor of a first-level god everywhere.

What a firm ideal, Jiang Qing felt that her own ideal was also very firm, so why didn't Zekrom recover.

Zekrom has appeared, and the corresponding Laceyram does not know whether its remains have appeared.

While thinking about it, the last lot was pushed up, and the atmosphere at the scene reached its climax at this moment. Many people stretched their necks and looked at the things covered by the red cloth.

Host smiled slightly when he saw this, and his voice was much higher than before.

"Everyone, it's the most exciting and most anticipated time tonight."

"Then we invite tonight's protagonist~"

While talking, the hosts were all in front of the small cart, grabbed a corner of the red cloth, and then lifted it violently, and shouted at the same time: "Fighting is a treasure, tears of the heart

As the red cloth was uncovered, a glass bottle appeared, inside which was a thumb-sized, tear-like object with a faint golden light, similar to water crystals.

This is the Tears of the Treasure Heart of the Fighting Department.

Tears of the Heart: Increases the chance of knowing a blow by 30%, and increases the chance of avoiding vital points by 30% [The hit rate of all moves increases by 1% (only Fighting type)

That's right, this thing is the tear of the heart. Under the scout's eye, the information of the item can be seen at a glance. After seeing the specific information, Jiang Qing's calm face was a little shocked.

The effect of this thing is amazing.

Just a 30% increase in the chance of a knowing blow is enough to be called a treasure.

What is a knowing blow? To put it simply, the probability of hitting the vital point will be higher. If you are lucky enough, you may be stabbed in your aorta with one knife.

A knowing blow is actually quite a metaphysical thing, because even if a Pokémon stands still, if you punch its vitals, the opponent's injuries will be more serious than hitting other parts.

But if you change a Pokémon and use the same force to hit the opponent's vital parts, "the damage caused by this Pokémon may be higher than that of the previous one.

This is like a person who fell while walking with his left foot and his right foot, and broke his arm as a result.

As for the other person, his weight, height, physique and even the posture of wrestling and falling to the ground are exactly the same as his, but when he falls, he just scratches his skin.

How do you say this principle should be explained.

"The starting price is 50 billion, and each increase is not less than one billion." The host is not talking nonsense, the specific function of the tears of the heart has been publicized long ago, so everyone here knows.

Tears of the Heart is a proper treasure, even among all the treasures, it is an extremely precious existence, Jiang Qing came to this auction just for it.

As for what kind of person would choose to buy Tears of Heart, and why the Howard family didn't buy it in advance, but chose to auction it, Jiang Qing didn't want to know about it

I don't even bother to know.

Anyway, there is nothing wrong with the tears of the heart.

It is self-evident how much the Captivate of the Supreme Treasure is. In just a few minutes, the price of Tears of Heart has soared to 80 billion.

Many people who did not bid here are bidding one after another at this moment.

Especially the Fighting trainer, I can't wait to go up and grab this thing directly.

As long as you eat the Tears of Heart, Fighting Pokémon can be at least twice as strong.

When the bidding exceeds 100 billion, the number of bidders is no different. 100 billion is a threshold, and those who can put out so much cash must at least have a powerful family behind them.

Du Cheng naturally joined in.

"Two hundred billion" Jiang Qing shouted.

Directly doubled, which caused an uproar in the scene.

【Damn it, can you really do whatever you want with money】

【He is not only rich, but also has a background and strength. Are you angry?】

[Stop talking, he is amazing, and I am also the man he will never get

【Brother, you six】

Du Cheng's face froze. The Du family really can't produce 200 billion in cash flow. It would be fine if they sold some properties, but they won't wait for you to sell them.

In the end, Jiang Qing bought the Tears of the Fighting treasure at a price of 200 billion.

……… Ask for flowers…

There has also been no such irrational behavior as someone deliberately raising the price.

If you have the ability to give me 200 billion, you won't be afraid that Jiang Qing will just take it away, and if you can't afford such a large amount of money, then you will be the one who will lose face.

If you pay by swiping your card, you will get the tears of your heart.

200 billion to buy a Fighting-type treasure is really worth it.

After all, he spent 100 billion just now to buy a Larvitars Pokémon egg. Of course, this is the result of Du Cheng's confrontation with him.

In this auction, Jiang Qing bought a total of four items, Larvitar's Pokémon egg, ancient stone tablet, Dark Stone, and Tears of the Fighting Treasure Heart.

The ancient slate was bought and given to him by Kim Jong.

The other three things totaled 303 billion.

Dark Stone is not even counted as a fraction, it can be said that it has picked up a big leak.

Three hundred and three billion, this is a very large number, Dongbo - estimated that all the belongings of Dongzhuo should be worth about this price.

Due to the outflow of a large amount of funds, the financial department of the Jiang Group was forced to work overtime overnight, and at the same time notified Jiang Feng who was staying with his wife at home.

"I see"

Jiang Feng hung up the phone.

"What's the matter, if you need to go to work, I'll be fine by myself"

Yu Wei caressed her protruding belly, and in three months, the little guy inside was about to be born.

"It's nothing, it's just that Xiaoqing suddenly spent more than 300 billion yuan. The accountant told me about it, and it was a big fuss. The promotion is not a big number."

Jiang Feng shook his head, walked up to Yuwei, and gently stroked his stomach with his palm.

"Is Xiaoqing in Xiangjiang now? I saw the news about him appearing in Xiangjiang last time. It seems that he was in a car accident."

"It should be, I haven't had much contact with this kid recently." Meifeng nodded.

"You, as an uncle, don't know how to care about Xiaoqing," Yu Wei complained a little.

Jiang Feng showed an aggrieved expression: "My heart is all about you and the future child. If our daughter is born, she will be the little princess of the Jiang family."

"There is a grandfather who is a champion, a second uncle who is a quasi-champion, a cousin who is a champion, and parents who love her. They are definitely the happiest people in the world."

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