Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

842 Ancient Stone Slabs

"The thirty-first lot is eight cyan qualified Eevee"

As the host said, the service staff next to him slowly came out from behind the scenes pushing a small cart, and eight Poké Balls were quietly placed on the cart.

Host went on to say: "These eight blue-colored Eevees are all below level ten, and they were obtained legally. There is no Trainer among them, so you don't have to worry about it being disobedient after you buy it back."

"The starting price is one billion, and each increase is not less than ten million"

The start was Wang Zha, and eight blue-colored Eevee came directly.

Eevee currently has exactly eight evolutionary forms.

In the market, the value of an Eevee with cyan qualification is around 100 million yuan, and Eevee is very popular with trainers, so its price remains high. In fact, one billion yuan may not be able to buy a Eevee with cyan qualification.

Now here are eight cyan qualified Eevee, the total value is definitely more than one billion.

No, the Host has just ended, and many people have started bidding.

In less than ten minutes, the price had already reached 1.5 billion, and the speed of bidding still did not slow down.

Jiang Qing has no interest in Eevee, and it doesn't have a steel-type form, maybe it does, but how to make Eevee evolve into a Steel-type Pokémon has not yet been researched.

Eight cyan-qualified Eevee, if placed outside, it would be enough to drive the Eevee Trainers crazy.

The last eight Eevees were sold at a price of 5.6 billion yuan, and one piece was worth 700 million yuan, which is more than Yuan's market value.

It is very rare to have eight cyan qualified Eevee at one time, and it is natural that the price is more expensive.

The following auctions are some Pokémon props, the formula of energy cubes, the Breeder notes of a quasi-champion electric trainer against the Raichu family, etc.

Soon it will be the thirty-eighth lot.

Seeing this lot being pushed up by the trolley, the eyes of most of the people in the arena glowed a little.

"Everyone, the Pokémon egg of Larvitars, the quasi-god cub with cyan qualifications, the four words of quasi-god cub are enough to show its preciousness. The starting price is 10 billion, and the price increase every time is no less than 100 million"

Quasi-god Pokémon represents powerful, rare and other pronouns in any field.

Owning a quasi-god means that as long as you don't fall, you have already stepped into the Elite level.

Dong Bo - is the evil trainer, Larvitars' final evolution type Banjilas is Rock and evil, and Dong Bo - is a match.

10 billion, 20 billion, 30 billion, the price keeps increasing, and even the Du family has joined in. After all, this is a quasi-god Pokémon egg | Even in the Du family, it is extremely rare.

The three families of Jin, Shen, and Wang saw that the Pokémon eggs of Larvitars had soared to 70 billion, and the faces of the three families were a little ugly.

Originally, they could win 60 billion yuan, but because of Du Cheng's intervention, the price continued to rise.

Du Cheng seemed to know that the three of them bought this Pokémon egg for Jiang Qing, so naturally he wouldn't let them get it easily.

The total assets of any of the three major families exceed 100 billion, but this does not mean that these are liquid cash.

Basically, for a group with a market value of 100 billion, it is already very good to have a cash flow of 10 billion.

"Eight billion" Du Cheng shouted.

After speaking, he glanced at Jiang Qing's box with a sneer.

When the people around exceeded 40 billion, no one was asking for a price.

They are not stupid, the Du family can't afford to provoke them, and the Jiang family can't afford to provoke them even more.

Seeing that Kim Jong's forehead was sweating, Jiang Qing stopped embarrassing the other party and said, "I'll do this. If you can buy the stele at the back, help me."

Jin Zheng nodded in embarrassment, but he didn't dare to continue the facade. Seventy billion is already the limit of their three major families.

"My lord, I don't want this Pokémon egg"

Dongbo shook his head one by one, she felt sorry for spending money from the three major families, and now she had to spend Jiang Qing's money, so she must feel bad.

"I have to give you what I want. Your talent is very good. If you train Larvitars well, it will not be difficult to become a quasi-champion in the future," Jiang Qing said softly.

"One hundred billion"

The price rose directly to 100 billion, and there was an uproar at the scene.

Du Cheng didn't continue to bid this time, and stopped in time. Although the Du family is the only one in Xiangjiang, compared with the Jiang family, it is still far behind.

Taking out 100 billion is enough to hurt their family.

The quasi-god cubs have a market value of around 30 billion, but only a very small number of them will be sold, and basically all the quasi-god cubs are in the hands of the top rich families, and they are not enough for them, so how can they be sold.

The quasi-god cubs that were sold were basically unlucky commoner trainers who got them by accident in the wild or in a secret realm, knowing that they couldn't keep them, so they sold them, or snatched them by shady means.

Tightly holding the incubator in his arms, which contained Larvitars' Pokémon eggs, Dong Bo - his face was touched, if it wasn't for the wrong occasion, "I would have sacrificed myself for Jiang directly.

Lot 43.

"||This is an ancient stone slab brought out from a foreign relic. Although the text on it has been blurred, it still has certain research value."

"The starting price is 100 million"

With the appearance of the stone slab, the Unown in Jiang Qing's chest felt a burning sensation again, which was the same as when they sensed their companions before.

The slate is basically useless to non-Pokémon scholars, and even Pokémon scholars may not be able to translate the above content.

So in the end this slate was bought by Kim Jong for 500 million yuan.

"Young Master Jiang, why don't we buy another one?" Jin Zheng was a little embarrassed, he really didn't expect this slate to be so "cheap", and the grade seemed a bit low.

Jiang Qing (Zhao of Zhao) shook her head: "No need, I like it very much"

Soothe the Unown in the body and keep them quiet, after all, it is inconvenient now, anyway, the slate has already been obtained "The Unown in the body has also calmed down in a sensible way.

Touching the slate lightly with fingers, there are super ancient characters on it, only three words, but the meaning expressed is more than just three words, Jiang Qing whispered: "Mew library, the guardian of the world tree"

Well, this is a slate that records the existence of Mew, and it uses super-ancient characters. No wonder no one knows the existence of the first-level god Mew until now.

"Young Master Jiang, do you understand the words on it?" Jin Zheng asked curiously.

Jiang Qing nodded: "Yes, I like these ancient stone slabs, so I did some research"

Jin Zheng nodded with a sudden realization: "I have some friends who have some ancient stone slabs in their home. I'll see if I can buy them."

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