Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

838 Groudon Waking Up

No one in the world knows about Groudon's changes. Only a few geologists discovered the sudden eruption of the Volcano in the North Ocean that had been dormant for thousands of years.

Although some people find this strange, they will not do more investigations. After all, such things as dormant Volcano eruptions are not uncommon.

And it is also a dormant Volcano eruption deep in the North Ocean, so no one pays attention to it.

In the secret room, Du Cheng's eyes emitted a faint red light, and the red light seemed to be flickering slightly at the same frequency as the Red Orb in his hand.

"Hoo hoo hoo!!!"

In the next second, Du Cheng suddenly let go of the hand that was placed on the Red Orb, his face was terrified, his chest heaved, and he kept breathing heavily.

"Groudon, I see Groudon"

Du Cheng muttered to himself, but there was a little doubt in his words, as if he felt that he had seen a hallucination, closed his eyes, and wanted to take a rest.


But he didn't expect that just after he closed his eyes, the figure of a giant red beast appeared in his mind, and the giant red beast was walking in the underground magma.

His golden eyes carried endless coercion and arrogance.

Du Cheng opened his eyes in horror. 967

"Really Groudon,

As he said that, he looked at Red Orb again, greedy in horror.

Fear of a first-level god, but also greedy for the opponent's powerful and unparalleled power.

How many Trainers are able to reject a Captivate from a first-level god, even if you can only command a first-level god for ten seconds, there are countless Trainers rushing to it.

"Red Orb"

Du Cheng's palm was placed on the orb again. It was very strange that his left hand, which was originally burned by the orb, was intact at this time.

"Groudon is mine, no one can take it away"

Du Cheng sneered, and put the orb back into the safe in the secret room.

When he locked the safe, the Red Orb inside suddenly shone brighter than before.


At the Gardevoir Hotel, Jiang Qing, who was eating dinner, saw Jirachi stop gnawing on the duck's neck, and looked towards the north with a serious face.

"What's wrong?" Jiang Qing asked curiously.

Jirachi was silent for a moment: "A Tier 1 God in the north has awakened"

Most of the first-level gods will choose to sleep to pass the time in order to deal with the boring days of eternal life.

It takes a hundred years or even a thousand years to sleep, and they will not wake up without accidents.

Jirachi is now telling Jiang Qing that a level 1 god has awakened. ,

"Should be Groudon"

Jiang Qing was not surprised, but instead revealed who the waking Level 1 God was.

Xia Guo actually didn't know that Du Cheng got the Red Orb, but he activated the Red Orb.

At the moment when he activated the Red Orb, something strange appeared on the Altar of Heaven in Xia Kingdom, and it directly showed the location of the Red Orb.

That is Xiangjiang.

The Adamant Orb and Lustrous Orb held by the Stars and Stripes and the White Bear Kingdom also showed abnormalities.

There is a high probability that they already know that the Red Orb is in Xiangjiang.

But they didn't mean Snatch Red Orb, not because they didn't want it, but because they didn't dare.

They already have the means to summon a first-level god in their country. If you have another first-level god summoner, this is not double insurance.

It's an act of death.

Level 1 gods are extremely arrogant, you fucking already have me, yet you still go looking for another level 1 god.

If you change to a first-level god with a better temper, then leave directly, and if you have a bad temper, you will be beaten up first, and then you will fight with the new first-level god.

Well - right on your soil.

So the Stars and Stripes and the White Bears didn't dare to think about the Red Orb at all, but Xia Guo was different, if they were replaced by other first-level gods, Xia Guo wouldn't dare to think about the other party.

But it was Groudon.

Rayquaza, Groudon, Kyogre, Soaring in the sky, great (cieg) earth, ocean.

What is the relationship between these three.

According to records in a ruin in the Xia Kingdom, Rayquaza is the eldest brother of Groudon and Kyogre.

In ancient times, Groudon and Kyogre fought, the continents were broken, the ocean was countercurrent, and Pokémon and humans suffered heavy casualties.

Finally, human beings prayed under the altar of heaven, and Rayquaza came to the world, suppressed Kyogre and Groudon in one fell swoop, and quelled the disaster of annihilation.

And about this secret, only a very small number of people in the real country know.

So if Xia Guozhen got the Red Orb, Rayquaza wouldn't care, after all Groudon is its younger brother.

But the Elders learned that when the Red Orb was in Xiangjiang, the Contest Condition had already been activated. Under this Contest Condition, if the Red Orb was really brought to the mainland of Xia Kingdom, it might directly attract Groudon.

This made the elders dare not touch the Red Orb, but let Jiang Qing play the role. After all, they knew that Jiang Qing had an unclear relationship with the first-level god Mewtwo and the first-level god Mew

Even Jirachi, the strongest champion of the Xia Kingdom, the Ram Army, who is in his arms, can't see through it. It's not easy to say it.

"Groudon? Don't know?" Jirachi shook his head.

Although it is a first-level god, it wakes up for seven days after sleeping for a thousand years, and it only wakes up after making a wish, so it has never seen a second tenth-level god other than itself.

Being able to sense Groudon is only because he is a first-level god.

"My lord, what happened to Groudon?"

Dong Bo - I couldn't understand Jirachi's words, but she was very curious when she heard Jiang Qing say Groudon.

"It's nothing, it just woke up, and there is a high probability that it is from the Vaniville River," Jiang Qing said lightly.

"cough cough"

When Dong Bo heard such explosive news one by one, he was almost choked to death by his own saliva, and looked at Tzu Ching speechlessly.

How did you manage to say such big news in such a flat tone.

"Can you feel how long it will take to come to Xiangjiang?" Jiang Qing asked.

He was not worried in his heart, even without Jirachi, he still had Mewtwo, and with his current Mewtwo fragments, it was enough to take Groudon back.

"It will probably take half a month," Jirachi said uncertainly.

"so long?"

Jiang Qing was taken aback for a moment, then reacted and said: "That's right, after all Groudon can't fly, so walking is of course slow."

Groudon: Thanks, I was insulted.

Dong Bo——: This is too slow.

Although it is not clear that Jiang Qing knew the news of Groudon's arrival, he was not panicked at all, but Jiang Qing's calm expression also made Dong Shenshi's flustered heart calm down.

But Celebi said a little scared: "Jiang Qing, if Groudon is coming, why don't we run ahead?"

Jiang Qing looked at the other party with contempt, and said calmly: "What are you panicking, the sky is falling and there is a tall man on top of it"

Wait - I seem to be the tall one. .

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