The next day, Jiang Qing took Yawn, Celebi and Jirachi downstairs, and they came back at almost one o'clock last night.

Then get up and have breakfast at 7:30.

You say not to eat, sleep late.

Hehe, loving caretaker and babysitter will teach you how to be a good boy.

Aiguanshi and Daidai have already made breakfast, beef buns with Lola porridge.

Father Jiang Lan was not there, he should have gone fishing early in the morning.

Her mother, Tian Rou, was eating breakfast. After hearing the noise, she called Meiqing to have breakfast quickly, but her Qu Guang was soon attracted by the cute and cute song-yellow Pokémon sitting on Yeqing's left shoulder.

"Son, what is this Pokémon"

Tian Rou ran up to Jiang Qing, looking straight at Jirachi.

"Jirachi, mom, you've seen that Pokémon from Meteorite," Jiang Wei explained.

He didn't say too much, and Jiang Qing naturally wouldn't say Jirachi's true strength and ability.

"18 turned out to be its"

Tian Rou nodded, of course she knew about that Meteorite, the circle had told them before that Pokémon would be hatched in it.

It was also the first time Tian Rou had seen such a wonderful way of hatching.

I didn't expect Jirachi, who came out of Meteorite, to be so cute. This cute look really hit her girl's heart.

Without waiting for Jirachi's reaction, Tian Rou hugged it directly in her arms, and then rubbed her cheek against Jirachi's, expressing her love for it.

Jirachi didn't resist, it could feel that Tianrou didn't have any malice towards him.

After hugging for a while, Tian Rou let go with some reluctance.

"This beef bun is delicious, it's made by Ai Guanshi, and this porridge is also delicious, it's made in a daze" | Celebi demonstrated to Jirachi how to eat beef buns.

Take a small bite first, then soak up the soup inside.

Or maybe after taking a small bite, dip the remaining beef buns directly into the porridge, which is also very delicious.

Seeing that Jirachi also eats human food, Tian Rou wanted to stop him, but she heard Jiang Qing say: "Mom, it's fine, Jirachi is in good health."

He couldn't say that Jirachi was only seven days old, which made Tian Rou die of grief.

Jirachi is a first-level god anyway, and human food can't actually cause any harm to it.

"Son, your Aunt Zhao is coming to our house tonight," Tian Judao said.

"It's Aunt Zhao Ying," Jiang Qing asked tentatively.

Tian Rou nodded: "Your Aunt Zhao Ying has returned to China."

Aunt Zhao in Jiang Qing's mouth is the best friend of her mother Tian Rou. She used to come to their house to find her mother, but the whole family went to Canada eight years ago.

Now that the Canadian market has stabilized, Aunt Zhao and her husband naturally chose to return to Xia.

"Yes, I see." Jiang Qing nodded.

"You know what it means, when the time comes, your Aunt Zhao's family will come, and Han Han, who has been following your buttocks since you were a child, will also come. Eight years have passed, "Kang, this girl must have grown into a big girl."

"I remember she was only eight years old when she went to Canada, and she is only sixteen now, what a big girl"

A little girl appeared in Jiang Qing's mind. Every time Aunt Zhao went shopping with his mother, she would hand over her daughter Zhou Han to him to take care of.

So for Zhou Han, Jiang Qing had a feeling of treating her younger sister, but it was a pity that the other family all went to Canada in the end.

"Love the waiter, dumbfounded, there are three guests tonight"

Both Pokémon nodded in unison.

When guests come, you can't be sloppy that night, and you have to treat them according to high standards.

Ask Moltres to send his mother Tianrou to Lancang University for classes.

Ever since she sat on Moltres once, her mother, Tian Rou, has fallen in love with the feeling of sitting on Moltres. Now that it is autumn, it is still warm to sit on the back of Moltres.

After the mother left, Celebi took out a new mobile phone and handed Jirachi some apps that he had already downloaded.

Celebi: "Jirachi, I will teach you how to play Pokémon Glory. From now on, the two of us will add Daidai, and we will play together in three rows, without the garbage of Jiang Qing"

Jiang Qing looked at Celebi with contempt, without saying a word, and directly turned on the youth mode on Celebi's phone.

Celebi: "Brother, I was wrong, I'm the little trash"

"Huh, be more careful next time when you speak." Jiang Qing sneered, I still can't handle you.

I also took out my phone and checked the Trainer Association forum to see what happened recently.

Most of the news is about what treasures someone found in the secret realm.

What else does a certain Trainer successfully break through and become an Elite.

"The Hundred Schools League has begun"

Jiang Qing looked at the news and thought about today's date. Isn't the Hundred Schools League already started a day ago?

Among them, Jiang Qing also saw the introduction of all the members of the imperial university team, and also saw Lin Qiu.

And the venue of the Hundred Schools League this time is actually the venue of the Universiade in Lancang City.

Now the league is only the qualifiers, and it has not yet reached the fierce stage. Jiang Qing wants to wait for the qualifiers and go to the semi-finals or finals.

How can I say that I also graduated from Imperial University, and this competition is in front of my house, so if I have time, of course I have to watch the card.

"It's almost nine o'clock"

After looking at it, someone came to challenge at nine o'clock today. Jiang Qing went to the backyard and put the three Pokémon Lucario, Melmetta and Kartana back into the Poké Ball.

This time I plan to use three of them to fight against Pokémon.

The game time is 9:250.

The game ends at nine twenty.

And it is a 6VS6 full-player battle.

Jiang Qing rubbed her chin, looked at the lonely back of the challenger, and muttered, "Could it be that the beating was too hard? It's not right. I've been beating him for twenty minutes."

I've let myself go, "Otherwise, the battle would be resolved in ten minutes.

Kartana crossed her arms: "A person who can't stand the blow is not worthy of being my Rival"

"It's not that you are too aggressive." Jiang Qing rolled his eyes.

The challenger's confidence was hit, and he couldn't get rid of Kartana. This guy directly knocked down his main Pokémon one by one.

If Jiang Qing hadn't encouraged him later, this guy would have given up the challenge directly.

Later, Jiang Qing asked Lucario and Melmeta to put some water on them, prolonging the battle time, so as not to knock the opponent down with a few moves or even a single move.

If this spreads later, it is estimated that no one will dare to challenge their steel-type gymnasiums in the future. At that time, they will lose another way to collect experience points.

Back home, Jiang Qing saw that Celebi was already playing with Jirachi, and looked at Jirachi's record, 0-18-9.

Although he is a beginner, this record looks really bad.

If not, he will be a rookie in the future. .

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