Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

819 Habit Becomes Nature

Pokémon: Aluminum Steel Dragon (Steel/Dragon)

Grade: 77

Qualification: green

Ability: Light metal

Props: Dragon Fang

Gender: Male

Moves: Metal Claw, Leer, Rock Smash, Hone Claws, Metal Sound, Breaking Swipe, Dragon Tail, Iron Defense, Laser Focus, Dragon Claw, Flash Cannon,∼ Metal Burst[ Hyper Beam

Skill discs: Hyper Beam, Giga Impact, Protection, Solar Beam, Thunder Wave, Brick Break, Rock Tomb, Outrage, Thunder, Iron Head

Genetic Abilities: Slash, Night Slash, Mirror Coat, Dragon Pulse

"Aluminum Steel Dragon Dragon Pulse"


"Decidueye lost the ability to fight, Aluminum Steel Dragon won"

In the national steel gymnasium, Jiang Qing successfully defended the tower as the challenger's last Pokémon fell.

6VS6 full battle.

Jiang Qing dispatched Arcanine and Aluminum Steel Dragon first, defeating the forty-five existence in front of the Elite leaderboard.


The aluminum steel dragon roared freely, and there were large and small pits on its body, and the overall Contest Condition was okay.

Turning to look at Jiang Qing, as if to say how I did.


Jiang Qing gave it a thumbs up.

Aluminum Steel Dragon grinned.

For her Pokémon, Jiang Qing has never been stingy with praise, not to mention that they performed very well.


Arcanine: Me, me.

Arcanine next to him was a bit stinky.

Jiang Qing said helplessly: "Didn't I praise you before?"

Gouzi is still very powerful, defeating three opposing Pokémon who are at the peak of Elite, but this is also what it should be. This dog is in the early stages of a quasi-championship.

I patted the dog's brain that continued to beg for praise, but I can't praise it anymore, otherwise Aluminum Steel Dragon feels that I have not done enough times, so I will praise it again.

"Jiang Guanjun thank you for your advice"

The challenger did not become angry because of failure.

What a joke, the champion agreed to my challenge, it's too late to be happy, how dare to be angry.

As for losing, he never thought he would win when he challenged.

More just want to absorb experience and find their own shortcomings in the battle with Jiang Qing.

Whether the experience has been absorbed into him does not know, but the deficiency has been found.

What's lacking -------- um ----- lack of strength, losing too fast, it's not lack of strength.

After the challenger left, Jiang Qing came to the backyard to serve as a minister.

Kartana flew over immediately.

Kartana: Why didn't you ask me to play.

Jiang Qing glanced at it and said, "Didn't you be pulled over by Daidai to cut the beef roll?"

Because they want to eat hot pot at night, Daidai and Aiguanshi start to prepare ingredients in the afternoon, so Kartana, who is a professional worker, must be indispensable.

The beef rolls and mutton rolls it cuts are of moderate thickness, which are highly affirmed by Daidai and Aiguanshi.

In the beginning, Kartana was very repulsed by cutting vegetables for Daidai. After all, in its concept, its own sword is used to kill the enemy and cut off the enemy's head.

It is not used for cutting radishes, Chinese cabbage, killing fish, and mincing meat.

But the housekeeper doesn't care if you like it or not, as long as you are in this house, the Trainer will listen to me, let alone you.

Habits are a terrible thing, but after it gets used to chopping vegetables for Daidai, every time it's time to eat, it will consciously help Daidai chop vegetables.

"By the way, you have finished cutting the beef rolls," Jiang Qing said.

Kartana nodded proudly: "Of course, my knife skills are very fast."

"It's amazing." Jiang Qing gave a thumbs up.

"Yah dong"

Daidai: Kartana, there are still a few bones for the bottom of the pot here, come here and cut some for Arnold.

Kartana: Here we come.

It turned into a streamer and disappeared directly in place.

Here Garchomp walked over coolly, hesitant to speak.

"What's wrong?" Jiang Qing asked curiously.

Garchomp: I want to win for you too.

Hearing this, Jiang Qing smiled, patted it on the shoulder and said, "Understood, next time the Gym Challenge will let you play."

Garchomp is now a Pokémon in the early stage of Elite, and it is indeed possible to send the main player to the Gym Challenge, which is not very powerful in the late stage of Elite.

Hearing Jiang Qing's words, Garchomp grinned, then walked to the side and sat down, starting to exercise the dragon energy in his body.

"You can't learn from Garchomp, you don't have any fighting spirit"

Jiang Qing walked a few steps, came to Steelix, kicked him lightly with his toes [the latter opened his eyes in a daze.

Steelix: Is dinner ready?

"Eat, eat, eat, you know what to eat, and it will be opened later," Jiang Qing said angrily.

Among his Pokémon, Celebi is the most unmotivated, and Celebi is the first, and Steel Snake dares to be the second.

...asking for flowers...

But this unmotivated guy is already at the peak of Elite, and it is estimated that he will become a quasi-champion after a while.

Lucario exercises in Calm Mind every day, and he is only in the early stage of becoming a champion.

Not how talented Steelix is.

And this guy can eat.

Jiang Qing told the Pokémon before that eating more energy cubes can increase their strength, and they all listened to it, but only Steelix did it.

It's not that other Pokémon don't want to eat, but they can't eat too much.

The energy cubes produced by the system are full of energy, so eating three or four in one meal is already very impressive.

But for Steelix, it’s hard to eat. From the beginning, I ate three or four at a meal, and now I eat a box with a meal, and a box of dry pills.


Therefore, its strength is obtained by eating energy cubes. If it worked hard to train itself, it would probably have already become a quasi-champion.

Forget about your own Pokémon, if you don’t feel pain, who will?

"Keep sleeping, I'll call you after dinner"

Steelix: oh

The next second the snoring sounded.

Sleep in seconds.

Sure enough, heartless children sleep very well.

For example, although I don't fall asleep in seconds, I will definitely fall asleep within a few seconds.

Thinking of this, Jiang Qing was a little complacent.

I don't know when heartless became a compliment.

"Dragonite, Shelgon continues to fly" Jiang shouted into the air.

It's been flying for almost three hours, and you've been flying in circles at such a fast speed, didn't you notice that Shelgon's eyes are full of circles.

If you continue to do it, you will be spitting foam at your mouth.

Dragonite landed, looking at the little brother who couldn't even stand firmly, Yi Shi was a little embarrassed.

Just now, the little brother kept letting it go faster, so it turned directly in circles.

I said why the little brother didn't speak anymore, I thought it was because of excitement, but it turned out that he almost passed out.

Shelgon looked at Jiang Qing: It’s so strange——how come there are three masters——so strange——

Jiang Qing took out a persimmon fruit, which can relieve dizziness, which is very suitable for Shelgon's current Contest Condition.

After eating the fruit, Shelgon returned to normal, and then hugged the leg of the big brother Dragonite, indicating Encore.

Dragonite: Little brother can.

Jiang Qing: I'm afraid it's because my brain has just turned bad. .

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