Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

813 Tian Rou: Son Will Continue Tomorrow

Jiang Qing greeted her mother's new colleagues. These seven or eight new colleagues were all in their forties or fifties.

Jiang Qing is well-known all over the world, and Jiang Lan, as a steel elite, also has a certain reputation in the Xia Kingdom, but although Tian Rou is a senior breeder, there are still quite a few senior breeders in the Xia Kingdom.

After Jiang Qing became the champion, his parents naturally also became famous, but as the popularity passed, most people forgot who Jiang Qing's mother was.

"I said that the name Tian Teacher sounded familiar at first, but it turned out to be the mother of the beauty champion." A certain teacher suddenly realized.

"Teacher Tian, ​​look, I have a daughter who turns 20 this year. Do you want her to get to know Jiang Guanjun?"

Tian Rou, who was originally full of complacency, froze when she heard this: "Teacher Zhang, my son has no idea of ​​dating yet."

She has seen Teacher Zhang's daughter before. She is 1.5 meters and 150 meters tall. It looks like an unknown body from a distance, but it looks like a cube when viewed up close.

This is my own son.

"Mom is gone"

Jiang Qing saw people around because of Dragonite, and the Dragonite card was quite big.

Then I saw that the trainer next to Dragonite turned out to be Jiang Qing, and now there were even more people.

"Not urgent"

Tian Rou waved her hand, she hasn't shown off enough yet.

Jiang Qing: All right, after all, you are a real mother, you continue to show off your son, or I will perform a boulder on the chest on the spot.

"This 580 Dragonite is developing really well"

A teacher who is a Pokémon Breeder looked at Jiang's Dragonite in amazement.

Normal's Dragonite is about 2.2 meters tall, even if some are better developed, they will not exceed 3 meters in size, while Jiang Qing's Dragonite is 4 meters tall.

Standing like this, there is a strong sense of oppression.

So the people around didn't dare to approach at all.

And the body is still very fat, which can be seen by looking at the stomach.

Dragonite: It's all Trainer's love.

Don't look at Dragonite's naive appearance, and it is still famous for its kindness, but this kindness only means that it has no malice towards human beings.

If it is a stranger, if you dare to reach out and touch it, your hand will probably be interrupted.

The Teacher couldn't help but wanted to touch his dream dragon, but just as he stretched out his hand, Dragonite glared at him.

Fortunately, he recovered immediately and said apologetically, "I'm sorry Jiang Guanjun, your Dragonite is really excellent."

As a Pokémon breeder teacher, he has of course seen many quasi-gods, and Dragonite has even personally made a Breeder, so he knows more about how excellent Jiang Qing's Dragonite is.

The scales, the colour, the horns, the nails, the antennae, all these (bhcf) are extremely attractive to him.

Even that belly, which is bigger than most Dragonites, is full of energy aggregates in his eyes.

"It's okay, Professor Lou, my son is very talkative"

Jiang Qing hasn't said anything yet, but his mother has already said it for him.

"Mom, Ai Guan is almost ready for dinner"

Jiang Qing felt that if he continued to stay, the principal of the other school might come over, so he had no choice but to send out the trump card of love and care.

"Professor Lou, Teacher Zhang, and Teacher Li, we will leave first."

Tian Rou immediately agreed to go home when she heard that she loved being in charge.

It doesn't matter whether you are the number one Elite or a champion outside, as long as you go home, you must obediently listen to the words of the caretaker, and if you are told to drink moomoo milk, you cannot drink Coke.

"Son, don't you still have a Moltres, the Dragonite is a bit crowded for the two of us"

Because Jiang Qing's Dragonite is big, it won't be too crowded for three people.

Mom, I have to be pampered.


Jiang Qing released Moltres.


The loud and clear cry resounded throughout Lancang University.

Moltres thought it was a Rival, but he looked down and saw that there were people all over the place, and many of them were still taking pictures.


Then I have to pretend.

The color of the surrounding flames deepened, and Ember fell with the flapping of its wings, like a Pokémon of fire.

Jiang Qing waved to Moltres.

The latter flew down.

"You take my mother back"

The Flying seat was not installed on the back of Moltres. It did exist, but it was dismantled by Jiang Qing some time ago. After all, it is necessary to fight, so having this thing has some influence.

With so many people now, Jiang Qing couldn't take the Flying seat out of the system space.

Moltres nodded, as the tool bird said it was familiar.

Tian Rou is Jiang Qing's mother, so Moltres will not refuse.

Let Metagross follow Moltres and put a protective cover on his mother Tianrou to avoid being blown off by the wind, while Jiang Qing sat on Dragonite's back and took out a bottle of iced Coke from the system space.

Hehe, Ai Guan waiter won't let me drink it, so I drink it secretly outside.

I drank it in one gulp, saw that the suburbs were already below, and then threw the coke can down without morals.


It landed right on top of a baby Diglett who had just poked its head out, making it cry.

Jiang Qing didn't know how much psychological trauma her Coke can had caused to a newborn Diglett.

Soon Jiang Qing and Tian Rou returned home.

"Son, how long will you stay at home this time?" Qu Rou asked.

How long, Jiang Qing really doesn't know, anyway, he has no mission, so he can stay as long as he wants.

"About half a month"

There are still seven days before Jirachi fully wakes up, and Jirachi wakes up in seven days, so it is just half inappropriate.

"Then you continue to pick me up from get off work tomorrow"

Obviously Tian Rou hasn't shown off enough.

Jiang Qing asked suspiciously: "Mom, when I became an Elite, why didn't you show off?"

Tian Rou took it for granted, "What's so great about being an Elite?"

Well, Elite really has nothing to show off in the Jiang family. With the resources of the Jiang family, even a pig can become an Elite.

Although Uncle Jiang Feng is not talented as a trainer, but if he really wants to take the road of trainer, he can definitely become an Elite, and even a quasi-champion can use resources to hit it.

It's just that he likes doing business more.

When I got home, I smelled the smell of food as soon as I opened the door. The two chefs, Ai Guan Waiter and Dai Dai, have already prepared the food, and the little follower Magearna is bringing the food out of the kitchen

When he entered the door, Jiang Lan was already sitting on the sofa. Seeing Jiang Qing and Tian Rou coming back, he immediately threw the Poké Ball, and then the ten-meter-long carp master jumped on the floor.

"Son, look at my wife, the Magikarp King I caught today measures 3.8 meters and weighs more than 200 catties"

The tone is excited, the look is excited, and the taste is full of showing off.

Today, one dazzles the son and the other dazzles the fish.

Jiang Qing: I show off the food.


Watching the hopping Magikarp dirtying the floor he cleaned, his eyes narrowed instantly.

Jiang Lan: 000

Magikarp: Murderous!!

"Dad, let's dig a bowl

Just as Jiang Qing finished speaking, she burped, and the smell of Coca-Cola rushed directly to Ai Guanshi's face.


Ai Guan waiter looked at Jiang Qing.

Jiang Qing: ⊙⊙⊙.

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