"the door is open"

Jiang Qing came to the fifth floor that Arcanine mentioned, but found that the door was open.

Before walking in, Jiang Qing glanced at Metagross, who shook his head, indicating that there were no Pokémon inside.

The door was open, and there was no Pokémon inside. Jiang Tu wondered if Arcanine made a mistake.

The spy's vigilance is not so low.

But when he walked into the room, he saw someone lying in the middle of the living room with a knife stuck in his chest, and blood stained his body red.

Psychic himself perceives that the other party has no breath of life.

Metagross floated over to check, and made sure that the other party was indeed dead.

Only then did Jiang Qing walk over, and when he saw that the dead person was Wu Qing whom he wanted to arrest, he was taken aback for a moment.


The expression was somewhat unbelievable, after all, with this guy's level of caution, how could he die so easily.

This death was really sudden.

"Gengar, is the other party's soul still alive?"


Gengar emerged from Jiang Qing's shadow, looked around and shook his head.

After a person dies for more than five minutes, the soul will completely dissipate.

Jiang Qing wanted Gengar to devour the opponent's soul to obtain his memory, but now it seems that this method is no longer feasible.

Looking at the dead Wu Qing, Jiang Qing looked a little troubled, and he was not in criminal investigation, so he couldn't tell whether this guy committed suicide or homicide.

The briefcase containing the materials was not with him, and Jiang Qing checked the entire room deliberately, but did not see the briefcase.

Instead, I saw a photo of the owner of the house. Obviously, this house does not belong to Wu Qing.

The owner of this house is really unlucky, just going out for a while, someone died in the house.

From now on, this house will be somewhat unlucky.

There was no briefcase in the room either, presumably the materials had been transferred by Wu Qing or taken away by the person who killed Wu Qing.

Jiang Qing squatted down, wanting to check Wu Qing's body.

At this time, five heavily armed men rushed in at the door, holding weapons in their hands, followed by a Pokémon.

"Don't~" move"

The leader pointed a gun at Jiang Qing. Jiang Qing's previous behavior had seriously affected social security, and he was still breaking into private houses. The most important thing was that there was a dead man lying in front of him.

Because Jiang Qing's back was facing him, the other party didn't see Jiang Wei's face.


Arcanine saw that the bastard dared to point a gun at his master, and the flames from his mouth were about to burst out, melting the guy.

"Arcanine" Jiang Qing called out.

Arcanine removed the flame from her mouth unwillingly.

The man and the armed men behind him were already stunned by the prelude to Arcanine's attack, and their faces turned pale involuntarily.

"who are you"

The leader shouted loudly, looking very nervous, but he didn't dare to shoot.

Because the Arcanine just now could kill them all at once, this is his intuition as the peak quasi-Elite.

The Arcanine in front of him is definitely an Elite, Shengguang and the others are just a matter of a moment.

Here Jiang Qing has stood up, turned around and said: "Don't worry, I'm Jiang Qing"

At this time, Metagross also flew out from other rooms, and just now it went to check again, but found no information.

This face is added with silver-white Metagross.

It's true, the person who was racing the dog on the street just now turned out to be the champion Jiang Qing.

"Are you sure you're going to point a gun at me again"

Jiang Qing frowned and looked at the people in front of him.

In the absence of Pokémon, even a champion, an ordinary pistol can kill him.

But if there is Psychic, and it is still advanced, it is possible to die a little slower.

But the top Psychic can block the pistol.

"Let it go, let it all go to me"

Only then did the captain realize that he was too surprised just now, and immediately asked his subordinates to put down their pistols.

When he came to Jiang Qing, he saluted excitedly: "Jiang Guanjun, XXX, the captain of the first team of the Tongyuan County Inspection Bureau, is reporting to you."

Passerby A, I don't want the name.

Jiang Qing waved his hand, then pointed to the corpse and said, "After I check it out, you tell your chief about it, and he will deal with it."


The man said loudly.

Jiang Qing: This is a bloodbath!!

Crouching down, the palm of her hand just touched Wu Qing's body, when a series of pictures suddenly appeared in Meiqing's mind.

Unexpectedly, the dead can see the past of his life.

The power made Jiang Qing's eyes light up slightly.

But he only saw the picture of Wu Qing after he came to Tongyuan County.

The six couriers, the mysterious phone call, the picture of Wu Qing committing suicide, and the trigger device placed when he committed suicide. As long as someone touches his body, his body will immediately detonate.

A huge sense of crisis enveloped Jiang Qing.


Jiang Qing and Metagross have already figured it out.

When Jiang Qing saw the last picture of Wu Qing, the detonator in her body began to explode, and Metagross immediately wrapped Wu Qing with Confusion.

Under the package of Confusion, the bomb in Wu Qing's body did not affect Jiang Qing, and was perfectly controlled by Metagross, and there was not even a trace of fluctuation.

And Wu Qing's body naturally turned into a pile of blood mist.

"It's really hard to guard against"

Jiang Qing's heart beat violently. If Metagross' reaction speed was not so much faster than the explosion, then he might really be killed by the explosion.

His top-level Psychic can only teleport tens of meters. According to the power of this explosion, this range is definitely not enough.

"Ginger Champion"

The scene that happened just now made the team leader a little overwhelmed, feeling that he was on the verge of death again.

"Huh, you guys clean this place up"

After speaking, Jiang Qing left with an ugly expression.

What happened just now made him realize that Wu Qing and the people behind him knew that he had used Celebi's ability to find clues about Wu Qing (good Li Hao).

Wu Qing did not kill himself, but committed suicide.

The purpose of suicide is to completely cut off his own clues, so that Gengar cannot devour his soul, and at the same time, he may have a chance to kill himself.

In the future, it's better to touch things like corpses less, because if you touch them, they will explode. Who the hell can resist this.

The clues that can be known now are the six couriers sent by Wu Qing at the courier station, and the information of the new culture medium must be in these six couriers.

Originally, even with Celebi's ability, if he goes back to the past, it is impossible to determine which courier is the data without dismantling the courier. Once the courier is disassembled, the past will be changed, which will do great harm to Celebi.

The other party must also know this, and he is sure that Jiang Qing will not do this.

But he never expected that Jiang Qing would still have the ability to see his past life.

So Jiang Qing already knew which one of the six deliveries was Data Kua. .

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