Invincible Card: After using it, Arceus will kneel and sing Conquer when he comes.

The presentation is simple and the features are powerful.

Jiang Qing's breathing became a little heavy, the effect of this card is really amazing.

After using it, it will be invincible directly, and Metagross can completely be a first-level god by then.

With just this invincible card, Jiang Qing must complete this task no matter what.

"Did the surveillance video capture anything?"

The captain of the imperial university's security team has rushed over here.

Such a big thing happened, although the security work of the No. 1 laboratory is not under their control at all, but if it is really held accountable, he is somewhat responsible.

So my heart is still very uneasy, and it seems that this matter is very serious, even the new champion Jiang Qing~ has come.

"Jiang Guanjun, the surveillance video did not capture any suspicious images"

The captain of the guard team was full of guilt and - nervousness.

Imperial University has a lot of monitoring, covering absolutely all the colleges, but after the accident in the No. 1 laboratory, the monitoring in the vicinity broke down in the first place.

So nothing useful was captured at all.

Regarding the captain's explanation, Jiang Qing nodded lightly.

The other party must have made sufficient preparations before making the move. Naturally, the surveillance, which exposes his whereabouts, must be dealt with first.

Jiang Qing asked this question just in case.

As a result, nothing was found.

Well now, before it even started, it fell into a dead end.

I only know that the spy's name is Wu Qing, but whether this name is his real name is still unknown.

It is even more unclear which country's spies are on the other side.

If you didn't capture the route the other party left, it would be like looking for a needle in a haystack.

And what needs to be intercepted is still a piece of information, not a person, so the difficulty increases exponentially.

Perhaps now the other party has transferred the data to other people or even Pokémon.

"What happened to Jiang Qing Senior?"

The huge explosion in the No. 1 laboratory naturally attracted many students, but most of them knew that the explosion was not easy when they saw Jiang Qing and the dean of the research school here.

So I just watched around and didn't dare to go forward.

Lin Qiu was also attracted by the sound of the explosion, and happened to see Jiang Qing, so he walked over.

"It exploded, and an important document was lost," Jiang Qing said simply.

Lin Qiu nodded, and tactfully did not ask what information it was.

"Can you find what Wu Qing used?" Gongyang Nan asked.

The dean of the research institute shook his head, and said distressedly: "He has been living in Laboratory C, No. 1"

Now that the No. 1 laboratory has been blown up like this, the items he used have turned into ashes, even if there are still some residues, you don't know if the items were used by Wu Qing.

So if you want to find each other by smell, this road has been broken.

"Go and ask the nearby students if they saw anything when the No. 1 laboratory exploded," Jiang Shu said to the security captain.

The captain of the guard nodded hastily, and then left immediately. He couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. He gave himself a task, and it seemed that he would not hold himself accountable.

Jiang Qing frowned and started a brainstorm, thinking about how to find the clues of Wu Qing's departure, at least find the direction in which Wu Qing left.

Celebi lay on Jiang Qing's head, a little bored, still thinking about the table of meals that he had cooked in a daze, seeing that Jiang Qing hadn't moved for a long time, "pulled his hair and said, we'll go home for dinner sometime.

Celebi's voice caused a flash of light in Jiang Qing's mind, and he lifted it off his head and looked at him straight.

This gaze made Celebi feel a little hairy, and his legs were subconsciously tightened.

"You travel to the past, show me which direction that guy left, Dean, do you have the right to directly enter the No. 1 laboratory?"

The dean nodded hurriedly, then took out a card and said: "This card can directly enter the laboratory, but I must hold the card."

"Is there any way to travel through the Celebi in the past and enter the laboratory that has not been destroyed? I want it to get Wu Qing's personal items," Jiang Qing said.

If Celebi travels through the past and sees the direction Wu Qing left, it is easy, but it is useless. Wu Qing will always keep one direction, so he must get his personal items and smell.

"Jiang Qing Senior, can't Celebi change the past directly?" Lin Qiu asked curiously.

0...seeking flowers...

Jiang Qing shook his head: "The Celebi family travels back in time and go back to the past. If they do something to change the past, according to the size of the change, the degree of backlash will be different, and after changing the past, that past will become a parallel world. "

"There will be no connection with our world"

"So even if Celebi goes back to the past to stop Wu Qing's plan, nothing will change here"

But if you just go back to the past to see the direction Wu Qing left, and take some things from him, it will not be considered a change, because the actions of Qing Qing are still successful.

The question now is how to get Celebi into the labs of the past.

"Jiang Qing Senior, in fact, you can let Celebi go further in the past. When Wu Qing always eats out, you can just bring over his used bowls and chopsticks. It's not like getting entangled with his lab underwear."

"After getting the bowls and chopsticks he used, Celebi will go back to the laboratory before the explosion and secretly observe the direction Hao left."

Lin Qiu's words made Jiang Qing feel stunned. He was really on the edge of a dead end just now, and he didn't expect to get things so easily.

"Go, the mission is successful, I will buy you Scizor's collection skin"

Celebi straightened his face, saluted Jiang Qing, then swiped the aperture, and after turning into the aperture, his body also disappeared in front of everyone.

Lin Qiu was a little stunned: "Jiang Qing Senior's motivation method is a bit special"

With this collection skin, why does Celebi feel as if he is going to risk his life.

"You have a good brain, if you come to me for anything in the future, as long as it's not too much, I'll help you once."

If it weren't for Lin Qiu's words just now, Jiang Qing wouldn't know how long he would have gone into a dead end, this kid really is a talent.

"Then thank you, Jiang Qing Senior."

Lin Qiu nodded excitedly, but he was so excited that he didn't expect to get Jiang's help in exchange for a word of his own.

The other party is the champion, what he said, as long as he doesn't take the initiative to die in Xia country, basically no one would dare to provoke him.

Didn't expect the dean of the research institute to look at him enviously. .

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