Team Zhang and Mr. Yang watched the researchers fall one by one, and they were shocked.


Seeing his student swaying and falling to the ground, Mr. Yang immediately ran over, but halfway through the run, a sense of dizziness came over him.

Even though he tried hard to keep the Smelling Salts, he still fainted.

"Wu Qing, there is an enemy invasion"

At this time, Captain Zhang also felt something strange in his body, his body shook slightly, and he pressed the communicator on his shoulder, wanting to contact the outside world.

But his hand was grabbed by Wu Qing.

"What are you doing Wu Qing"

Captain Zhang looked at the other party with a puzzled face, and the scent from the tip of his nose came, and he suddenly thought of something, only to realize that Wu Qing's expression was extremely indifferent at the moment.

The feeling of powerlessness in the body became more and more serious, Captain Zhang looked at his partner Golem beside him and shouted: "He is a traitor, kill him!"

But Wu Qing had already made preparations. Just as Golem was about to make a move, Wu Qing's Vileplume tied him up firmly with Vine Whip.

"It's useless, the smell from Vileplume, when mixed with the food you usually eat in 09, can produce a powerful ecstasy effect, Golem's current strength is not even half of the usual strength."

Wu Qing sneered.


Captain Zhang looked at Wu Qing in disbelief. Both of them were from the military and had been together for nearly ten years. He always regarded Wu Qing as his best brother.

Faced with Captain Zhang's questioning, Wu Qing did not answer, and the dagger directly pierced the opponent's throat.

And his Golem was also dealt with by Vileplume.

Then he moved Captain Zhang and Golem's corpses to the laboratory, placed a time bomb inside, and walked out of the laboratory with Mr. Yang's briefcase.

The research done by Mr. Yang and the others is very important to Xia Guo, so there is no camera in the entire laboratory, and the body race has been secretly controlling the progress of the experiment.

As well as Yang Lao's trust in him, in the usual conversations with Yang Lao, he would also ask some questions about the progress of the experiment.

Old Yang said it naturally without being suspicious.

So Wu Qing guessed that the experiment might be successful in the near future.

So I made some arrangements in advance.

Wu Qing, who walked out of the laboratory with a briefcase, passed by the guards several times, but the guards did not ask.

After all, Wu Qing and Captain Zhang are the strongest guards in the entire laboratory, and Wu is still the vice-captain.

Habits, once formed, are hard to break.

Wu Qing and the former Captain Zhang have been guarding the laboratory for almost ten years, and they are both Elite late-stage trainers.

As subordinates, of course they would not be suspicious of Fang Zhi and Captain Zhang.

"Captain Wu, what's the matter?"

The guard at the last checkpoint saw Wu Qing come out suddenly. You must know that Wu Qing and Captain Zhang usually eat and sleep in the laboratory, and they don't usually come out for a few days.

"Well, send something to Mr. Yang"

He pointed to the briefcase in his hand.

This briefcase is very old, and it can be seen that it has been used for many years, and many researchers and guards in the laboratory know that this briefcase is used by Mr. Yang all the time.

The guard saw that the briefcase in Wu Qing's hand was indeed Mr. Yang's, so of course he didn't doubt his words.

They didn't search the briefcase, because they didn't have the right to search, and who knows if the contents of the briefcase are important and confidential.

When Wu Qing passed the last checkpoint smoothly, she came outside the laboratory and immediately released the Flying-type mount Bi Diao.

Half an hour after he left, Lu's laboratory suddenly made a huge explosion.


The violent explosion directly blew up the incomparably strong No. 1 laboratory into ruins, and all the unconscious researchers, including the guards at the door, were killed.

And the aftermath of the explosion also affected the entire research institute, and many students and teachers were injured.

The sudden explosion naturally attracted the great attention of the Imperial Capital University, and it was the No. 1 laboratory of the Research Institute that exploded.

Jiang Qing, who was eating dinner, was just about to drink soup when the ground under her feet began to vibrate suddenly, and the lamp on the dining table also shook immediately.

Celebi: Earthquake!

Speaking of this, this guy actually hid directly under the table.

Damn, have you forgotten that you are a late-stage Elite Pokémon, and you are afraid of Earthquake?

Celebi: Jiang Qing is in an Earthquake, so hide in quickly.

As he spoke, he still wanted to pull Jiang Qing.

Jiang Qing: For the sake of worrying about me, I won't despise you any more.

There is also the geographical location of the imperial capital, so Earthquake should not happen.

With the loud noise and the Earthquake underfoot, it was obvious where the explosion should have happened.

"Isn't it going to be a research institute again?"

Jiang Qing looked at Gongyang Nan, at this time Earthquake had already stopped slowly.

Gongyang Nan nodded indifferently: "Probably yes."

After all, it is a research institute. Sometimes, no matter how good the security measures are, there will be accidents. So after a year, there will always be one or two explosions in the research institute.

So many people are not surprised.

"However, the power of this explosion seems to be too great, even our side can feel it."

The No. 1 villa where Jiang Qing lives is quite far from the research institute.

The aftermath of this explosion can affect this place, and the power of this explosion is definitely not small.

"I don't know if there are any dead people"

Jiang Qing said softly, but she didn't intend to control, and continued to drink the soup.

Celebi also got out from under the table, Si 747 ignored Jiang Qing's contemptuous eyes and continued to eat the food on the table, and said in his mouth: This is a textbook demonstration just now, facing Earthquake, you can't escape, Just hide under the table.

Jiang Qing nodded faintly: "Don't worry, I don't think you are cowardly"

Celebi: Hmph.

Jiang Qing: "You're still angry, why are you so angry?"

Jiang Qing was amused by it.

Celebi: Why didn't you hide in with me just now.

If you come in together, we will coax together, you have nothing to say, we are still good friends.

Jiang Qing pointed at Metagross: "With Metagross here, what am I afraid of?"

Not to mention Metagross, even without Metagross, with his top psychic and Mega Pallet Town physique, nothing will happen.

"Jiang Qing, I want to go and have a look"

Gongyang Nan put down his bowl and chopsticks and said.

After all, she is a teacher of the Research Institute, and the explosion sounded very loud, there may be casualties, she went to see what happened.


Jiang Qing nodded, and lifted Celebi up.

Celebi: I don't want to go, the food won't taste good when it's cold.

Jiang Qing: "Let Daidai warm up when it's cold, I don't want to be eaten up by you when I come back"

Take Celebi, at least there will be cold dishes to eat when you come back, if you don’t take him, you won’t even have the soup for him when you come back. .

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