Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

Cousin 785: Is There A Quick Way?

Soon Jiang Qing walked into the house with her grandmother and uncle. On the way, her grandmother held Jiang Qing's hand and said words of longing.

Grandma is a Pokémon scholar, and she is good at the study of Pokémon language. In this respect, not to mention Xia Guo, even the whole world belongs to the Dana level.

Xia Guo would ask grandma to translate many of the slate murals dug out from ancient ruins.

"Grandma, where is grandpa?"

It's been a while since I've been here, why haven't I seen my grandfather.

"Your grandpa is in the orchard, I've sent someone to call him," said the grandma.

Grandpa is a top breeder, and Berry fields are his lifeblood. He has a very unique self-understanding for the research of tree fruit and Breeder.

As soon as I was talking here, I heard a burst of hearty laughter coming from the door: "The pride of our Tian family is coming back to "213""

I saw Grandpa Tian Haiming striding towards Jiang Qing.

Over eighty years old, with a height of nearly 2.1 meters, with a burly body, his hair is gray but stands on end, his skin is slightly old, but his spirit is extremely full.

With this height and body shape, it is really hard to believe that Grandpa Tian Haiming is actually a top breeder, not a martial artist, fighting family or something like that.

His three sons also inherited this aspect of his genes, all of them are tall and burly, with fierce faces, and they seem to be second-class walking skills.

Fortunately, her mother, Tian Rou, perfectly inherited the little old lady. When she was young, the little old lady was a famous beauty in Guangming City.


Seeing Grandpa, Jiang Qing walked over.

Then the grandpa's fan-like hand directly patted Jiang Qing's shoulder. With this strength, if he replaced it with a weaker person, he would probably be directly pulled to the ground by him.

Seeing that Jiang Qing remained motionless, a difference flashed in Tian Haiming's eyes, and his expression became more satisfied: "Growing up, this body is really strong."

As he spoke, he wanted to continue patting Jiang Qing's shoulder, but the little old lady beside him was not happy, so he slapped Tian Haiming with his hand, and said dissatisfiedly: "You old man did not strike lightly or hard, Qingqing was broken by you. what to do"


Jiang Qing couldn't complain about the names her family called her. Anyway, as long as they are happy, they can call them whatever they like.

"No way, Qingqing's current body can hit ten old men like me without any problem," Tian Haiming muttered.

Under normal circumstances, for an old man like you, ordinary people probably won't be able to carry you around.

My grandfather didn't seem to have an accurate understanding of his own strength.

"Xiaolong, wait to inform your third brother and those children, let them all come over for dinner at night, and tell them that Qingqing is back"

"Don't tell me you don't have time, our champion is back, if they dare not come, I will break their legs," Tian Haiming said fiercely.

In fact, Jiang Qing didn't have many cousins.

Uncle Tian Long gave birth to a son and a daughter, and the daughter is Tian Qi, Jiang Qing's cousin at Imperial University.

The second uncle Tian Hu gave birth to a daughter.

The third uncle Tian Bao is a son.

The children of the second and third uncles all grew up in Guangming City.

"Where are big cousin Tian Qing and big cousin Tian Qi?" Jiang Qing said.

As for who has the best relationship with these cousins, it should be the pair of sons and daughters of the uncle.

When he came to Tian's house, he also specially sent a message to the two of them. They said that they were both in Guangming City, but now that they are all there, why haven't they come back yet.

"Something happened in the orchard in the south. I asked the two of them to deal with it. They will probably be back soon," Tian Long said.

Jiang Qing nodded.

At around six o'clock, at the Tian family's table, Jiang Qing's uncle, third uncle, and his cousins ​​all came at the moment, except for Tian Hu, who was the dean of the Trainer College at Imperial University, who was not present.

No, it seems that there is one missing, and that is the second uncle's daughter.

"Let's have dinner," Tian Haiming said.

The Tian family is a big family, there are many people in the direct line and collateral line, so the family rules are very strict, if he doesn't speak, everyone can't eat.

Even if Jiang Qing is the champion, as a junior, of course he must abide by the rules of his grandfather's family.

"Cousin Tian Pu is busy?"

Jiang Qing was eating the food, not to mention that the food cooked by Tian's cook tasted good, he had half the skills of a dull person.

While eating, I asked my eldest cousin Tian Sheng.

If I remember correctly, my cousin Tian Pu has neither the talent of a trainer nor the talent of a breeder, but she is very talented in business, so she manages a large breeding company in the Tian family.

"The company is quite busy, probably working overtime," Tian Qi said... 0

Jiang Qing didn't continue to ask, because he knew that his cousin was not telling the truth.

With the Qiqiao Stone and the ability to communicate with all things, as long as Jiang Qing has reason, he can know the true thoughts deep in the other party's heart.

But because he is from his own family, Jiang Qing didn't use this ability.

But more or less felt that when my cousin talked about cousin Tian Pu, her emotions were somewhat wrong, and there was helplessness in her anger.

Although there was one person missing, the atmosphere was still very good. In addition, Jiang Qing hadn't been to Tian's house for several years, and he had become the champion. Of course, this topic increased a lot.

Especially Jiang Qing's eldest cousin Tian Qing, who is in his thirties and is in the mid-Elite stage, is now seriously asking Jiang Qing if there is a way to quickly become a quasi-champion.

"Cousin, why don't you go to the top secret realm to stay for a while?"

Tian Qing rolled his eyes and said: "It's so dangerous, I won't go, I mean is there a safe and fast way?"

"No, cousin, stop dreaming"

Jiang Qing rolled his eyes, if there was such a good way, he would have used it long ago.

Don't look at his rapid promotion from the mid-term of the quasi-championship to the early stage of the championship, but it is mainly thanks to Mew Help.

And in the mid-term from Elite to quasi-champion, most of the time he was either in the top secret realm or in the ruins, and he encountered many dangers.

"Really not"

Tian Qing 5.2 still stared at Jiang Qing unwillingly.

Jiang Qing nodded seriously: "No, if you have, please tell me."

"Okay, it seems that we can only go up slowly and honestly, Tian Jing said helplessly.

His Trainer talent is good, and the Tian family is still a breeding family, before the quasi-champion, the Tian family's Pokémon level improvement speed is much faster than that of the outside.

As long as Tian Qing follows the steps, within five years, he should be able to become a trainer at the peak of Elite. If there is no limit to Pokémon qualifications, it is only a matter of time before becoming a quasi-champion trainer.

By the way, apart from being a top breeder, grandfather Tian Haiming is also a quasi-championship trainer, but he rarely shoots.

Among the older generation, his strength is still very good. .

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