Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

781 Elite Overall Length

As the champion of the Xia Kingdom, you can live in two ways.

One is busy, one is lying.

Both are well understood.

To be busy is to do it yourself and deal with some documents. Although in most cases you don't need to do it yourself, after all, at the level of the champion, there are very few things that you can do.

The other is to lie down, that is, you don’t care about anything, you just have to have someone do it for you anyway, and no one cares about what you want to do, as long as you don’t go abroad, when Xia Guo needs you, it’s fine.

Xia Guo elders gave Jiang Qing the right to choose the top leaders of several core departments.

For example, go to the inspection bureau to be the chief inspector of Xia Guo, but the inspection bureau is the trainer in charge of all crimes in Xia Guo. Originally, this department was in charge of the Ram Army.

However, the Ram Army still has several other core departments in its hands, so it plans to hand over this department to Jiang Qing.

The other is to be the chief executive of an Elite, as the name suggests, the one hundred Elites in the Elite ranking are all under your control.

This position is very big, and there was no such position as Elite Chief before. After Jiang Qing became the champion, Zhenguo was specially established.

Originally, Jiang Qing was prepared to choose to lie down, and his personality is also the same. He can stay at home for half a month without going out29, but if you let him work for five consecutive days, he will complain that you oppressed him.

He is not interested in Chief Inspector Jiang Qing.

But for the chief executive of Elite, Jiang Qing expressed his interest. How can he say that the 100 Elites under his command are all Elites in the Elite leaderboard, including his father Jiang Lan.

If Jiang Qing agrees to become the head of Elite, then he will become the head of the largest military department in the Xia Kingdom and even in the world.

Xia Guo established such an important department, and the first head of the Elite department was not the strongest champion Rams, nor Jiang Oreburgh or the other five champions.

It was Jiang Qing, the new champion.

It stands to reason that the Ram Army is the most suitable to be the chief executive of Elite. The strongest champion is paired with the strongest military department. This can be described as a strong alliance.

But the candidate was Jiang Qing.

The main reason is the following points.

One is naturally that Jiang Qing's potential has been recognized by the Xia Guo Presbyterian Church, and it is only a matter of time before he surpasses the Ram Army.

Er Jiang Qing is very young, he needs Laser Focus.

The loyalty of the Sanjiang family to Xia Guo is affirmed, and the people in the Jiang family elders' association are relieved that such an important department is handed over.

The fourth is the exchange of some political resources.

For the position of Chief Executive of Elite, Jiang Qing is really tempted. Men, more or less have a desire for power.

However, when I think that if I become the chief executive of this Elite, I don't have to deal with a lot of things every day, then I might as well not be worthy.

Later, Jiang Oreburgh told Jiang Qing that most of the work can be handed over to the people below.

Xia Guo's six champions are all high-ranking and powerful. If they really deal with documents or other things every day, how can they have time to improve their strength.

So in most cases, things are handed over to the people below.

It is only in rare cases that you need to come forward yourself.

The main task of the champions is actually to improve their strength. If they have no time to improve their strength because they have to deal with a lot of trivial matters, it would be putting the cart before the horse.

Xia Guo is not so stupid yet.

When Jiang Qing heard that he had a high position and great power, and he could continue to lie down, of course he didn't hesitate and nodded in agreement.

So Jiang Qing became the leader of Xia Kingdom's number one Elite, with one hundred Elites under his command, and the top ten Elites were all at the peak of quasi-champions.

His old man, Jiang Lan, directly became his subordinate.

So after Jiang Lan knew about this situation, not only was she not depressed, but she also felt that her son had become her boss, so no one would take care of her at work.

That's not true at all.

Sitting in the office of the chief executive of Elite, Jiang Qing looked at his office with a little curiosity, and didn't know when he would come back next time.

As a whole, Decorate is just like Normal, with no special features. To put it nicely, it is simple Hideki.

"Boom boom"

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in"

Walking in was a woman in black business attire, with an exquisite face, perfect body proportions, and a standard lordosis and back curl.

As a man, of course Jiang Qing couldn't help but look at each other more.

"Chief, I'm your secretary, Dong Bo——, I will contact you about work matters, and you can tell me if you have any needs, such as the layout of the office."

After speaking, she looked up at Jiang Qing with curiosity in her eyes. After all, the other party is a 22-year-old champion, and her own experience is also very legendary.

There is also Celebi lying on top of his head, holding a mobile phone in his hand, the mobile phone is horizontal, his fingers are flying around, and his expression is very ugly.

Is this playing a game?

"Dongbo, from the Dongbo family in the south?"

The surname Dongbo is very rare, and the most famous one is the Dongbo family in the south of Xia Kingdom. The family had a champion a hundred years ago. .

Although the family has declined now, it is still the champion family. Even if it is declining, it is still among the big families.

"Yes," Dongbo nodded.

She is the prostitute of the Dongbo family, and she is also a proud graduate of Shuimu University. Although her strength is far inferior to that of Yangqing, she is already an Elite at the age of 25.

This talent is definitely very good.

Not everyone can be Jiang Qing's secretary. To be able to appear in front of him, it is obvious that the Dongbo family has paid a lot.

After all, being close to the water comes first, even if 983 can't become the young wife of the Jiang family, it would be great to have a relationship with Jiang Qing.

To get the role of Jiang Qing's secretary, she defeated the prostitutes of many big families.

"Give me all the things here first"

Jiang Qing pointed to all the Decorates in her office. She really didn't like the "simple Hideki" style.

"Okay, so what do you need to pretend to be, Chief?"

Here Arcanine's Poké Ball dangles, expressing her wish for a kennel in the office. 【

Jiang Qing patted the Poké Ball lightly. This dog's IQ is probably still declining, and he thought he would agree foolishly.

Arcanine: If there is no kennel, I will tear down the house.

"Now put a kennel in this corner, and spread all these stones of destruction in this kennel to serve as ministers"

Thinking of how before she left school, Arcanine actually took down all the furniture in the villa where she lived for four years, even the bed and wardrobe on the second floor, and dismantled them all.

So when he left school, Jiang Qing also paid Imperial University a large sum of renovation expenses. Even if he was the champion, but your dog demolished the house, you have to pay for it.

Now I am also the chief executive of Elite.

If Gouzi demolished the office, it would be somewhat embarrassing.

Dong Boyi: "Dog---kennel?"

Looking at the other party's unbelievable eyes, Jiang nodded awkwardly: "Doghouse"

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