Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

764 Zhong Ping's Surprise

The Metal Claws of Metagross and Genesect collided non-stop, terrifying air waves came one after another, and the entire mountain forest was completely turned into ruins.

"Kang Jin"

With Metagross using Metal Claw again, Genesect still uses Metal Claw to counter, but this time it is knocked out by Metagross' Metal Claw.

Genesect, who flew a thousand meters away, stabilized his body in the air and looked at Metagross in amazement. Just now, the strength of the opponent's Metal Claw suddenly increased greatly.

Because Metagross has become a champion in the middle stage from a quasi-championship, the mastery of one's own body is naturally not as natural as a step-by-step improvement.

So the Metal Claw match against Genesect just now is actually Metagross quickly mastering and adapting to its own strength.

Originally, it might take a day or two for Metagross to master this soaring strength, but he met such a good Rival as Genesect.

"Kang Jin"

Metagross disappears in place with Teleport.

Genesect was startled when he saw this, and with his powerful fighting instinct, he used the X-Scissor to the left void.

And Metagross happens to appear in this position.

Metagross was quite surprised that this guy could know where he appeared, and he was also a little pleasantly surprised. After all, if Rival is too weak, then defeating it will be meaningless.

Facing the opponent's X-Scissor, a strong colorful light shines on Metagross' left hand, which is its most proficient Meteor Mash.

Metagross, who has already fully grasped the power of its skyrocketing power, is under Meteor Mash, just like the sky is falling into Normal, Genesect's X-Scissor was defeated by Meteor Mash the moment it came into contact with Meteor Mash.

In the next second, Meteor Mash's terrifying power hit its cheek, and the power from top to bottom turned its body into a stream of light, smashing into the ground with a bang.

Ten meters, one hundred meters, five hundred meters, one thousand meters, three thousand meters.

The strong vibration caused the Ground with a radius of 50 kilometers to continuously shatter and sag, and a large amount of gravel flew from the cracks.

This is the result of Metagross's power control, otherwise the range can be expanded by at least five times if it is completely released.

Zhong Ping has already rushed back, just in time to see the scene where Metagross' pair of unfamiliar Pokémon blasted into the ground.

This made him stunned, how could it be different from what he thought.

After all, he knew this strange Pokémon, and he couldn't even deal with the two champion Pokémon of Pakistan, and in the end he even planned to kill Self Destruct with the opponent.

Jiang Qing’s Metagross is indeed stronger than Umi Adil’s Blaziken, but Zhong Ping thinks the strength should be limited. If Umi Adil sends out two champion Pokémon of his own, Jiang Qing’s Metagross is most likely not the opponent’s Rival .

But now Umi Adil's two champion-level Pokémon couldn't beat this strange Pokémon, but was directly blasted into the ground by Jiang Qing's Metagross.

This was beyond Zhong Ping's expectations.

"Ambassador Zhong Ping, why are you back?"

Seeing Zhong Ping came back, Umi Adil asked in surprise.

"I'm here to find Jiang Qing," Zhong Ping explained.

If he hadn't known that Jiang Qing had come out of the secret realm, he wouldn't have come back. He was mainly worried about Jiang Qing's safety, although he wouldn't be able to help when he came back.

"What about the mysterious Pokémon that stops you from Pokémon Self Destruct?" Zhong Ping asked.


When he thinks of that Pokémon, Umi Adil thinks of telling him that this Pokémon is a first-level god and his friend.

The corner of his mouth twitched a little, anyway, regardless of whether Jiang Qing was pretending or not, the strength of that Pokémon was absolutely terrifying, maybe it was really a first-level god.

"Ambassador Zhong Ping, I hope that the friendship between Pakistan and Xia will last forever. For this reason, on behalf of Pakistan, I will give up the interests of three top secret realms, Khoury," Umi Adil said seriously.

With Mei becoming the champion, the country already has seven champions, Xia Guoqi is already unstoppable, and the Stars and Stripes have won.

What made him more concerned was Jiang Qing's age. If he remembered correctly, the other party was only 22 years old, and the 22-year-old champion was definitely unprecedented, and most likely also unprecedented.

22 becoming an Elite is an extremely rare thing, 22 becoming a champion, this kind of thing only appears in dreams and novels, but now it really happened in front of me.

Jiang Qing's potential made Umi Adil see that Xia Guo was about to take off.

As the younger brother, Ba Guo, of course he has to hug Xia Guo's big brother's thigh tightly.

Originally, Xia Guo accounted for 20% of the top secret realm, but now he took the initiative to give up Khoury.

Ambassador Zhong Ping didn't know that Jiang Qing became the champion, so he was quite surprised, and immediately said: "If it's to thank Jiang Qing for helping to solve the riot in the secret realm, then forget it

... ‥ Asking for flowers ... 0

As Xia Guo's younger brother, Ba Guo gives Xia Guo a lot of resources every year, otherwise why would it become Xia Guo's number one younger brother.

If you don't give good things, why should I help you.

There is not only affection between countries, but also the exchange of interests.

Baguo will share the top domestic secrets and relic resources with Xiaguo, and Xiaguo will help Baguo build domestic infrastructure and educational resources, and give the little brother a platform internationally.

This is an exchange of interests.

Therefore, Xia Guo helps Ba Guo to solve the secret riot, and Ba Guo does not need to pay Khoury's top secret resources, which is really a big benefit.


Zhong Ping refused without thinking.

"Jiang Qing has become a champion"

Umi Adil seemed to know why Zhong Ping refused, and immediately said something quietly.

Zhong Ping waved his hand: "Jiang Qing doesn't need to become the champion-wait for you to say that Jiang Qing has become the champion!!!!"

In the last few words, because he was too excited, he directly overdrive, and he grabbed Umi Adil's collar tightly with both hands, which is a very rude thing.

Umi Adil nodded and pointed to the front: "Otherwise, why can his Metagross suppress that strange Pokémon?"

Hearing this, Zhong Ping fixed his eyes on Metagross. Before that, he thought that the unfamiliar Pokémon was exhausted by Umi Adil's two championship-level Pokémon.

So against the Metagross who is more powerful than Blaziken, the current Contest Condition of that strange Pokémon is naturally not good.

Unexpectedly, Metagross has become the champion.

It is obvious that you are in the middle stage of the quasi-championship before entering the secret realm. After entering for more than ten days, how come you are in the early stage of the championship? This is too amazing.

Some didn't believe Umi Adil's words, he looked at Jiang Qing who was more than ten meters away from him, and ran over immediately.

Under Jiang Qing's surprised gaze, Zhong Ping stared at him intently.

"Ambassador Zhong Ping, what are you doing, calm down"

Hearing Ambassador Zhong Ping panting heavily, his eyes stared at him firmly, which made Jiang Qing subconsciously feel that Zhong Ping was about to hit him. .

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