Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

762 Absolute Umi Adil

Umi Adil obviously also knows his current situation, Blaziken is disabled, he is no longer Genesect's Rival, and the only thing he can rely on now is Charizard.

But Charizard's strength is not the Rival of this strange Pokémon at all, and now he has no extra energy to use Mega Evolution with Charizard.

After Charizard Mega Evolution, maybe this Pokémon can be barely restrained.

As for escaping, the speed displayed by this Pokémon is simply not comparable to Charizard, so even if he wanted to leave, he couldn't do it.

Not to mention that he never thought of leaving. If he escapes, this Pokémon will definitely slaughter all the soldiers who have not evacuated below, and even the entire capital will be destroyed by it.

When necessary, they will die together.

A gleam of determination flashed in Umi Adil's eyes.


Charizard Snarl said, the flames on its tail swelled up a bit, it was very aware of the current situation.

Desperately, only by desperately can one's own Trainer have a glimmer of life.

The scorching flames sprayed out, and the originally dry air instantly turned into billowing air waves in the flames, and the surrounding trees dried up and burned at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The flames form large letters, Fire Blast.

A playful light flashed in Genesect's eyes, Charizard's attack was not noticed by it, and it dodged Charizard's attack with Spark ten dodges in a flash.

Immediately afterwards, a mark was fired towards Charizard.

It's Lock On.

Seeing this, Umi Adil's complexion changed suddenly, and he shouted at Charizard: "Protect!"

Genesect sneered, and in the next second a strong Spark erupted from it, and Spark gathered into a beam of electric light.

When the Charizard protection was formed, Genesect's Zap Cannon had already struck, and the powerful current destroyed all the Ground below.

Zap Cannon was with the fiercely protected Tackle, accompanied by a wave of wind, and the air waves went in all directions in an instant.

The one-legged Blaziken immediately protected Umi Adil behind him, otherwise the blast would cut him in half.

Everything around was destroyed by the air waves, and the air waves continued to expand in all directions, ten kilometers, twenty kilometers, fifty kilometers.

Although the power has been weakened, it is not something ordinary people can deal with.


The protective cover shattered, and Zap Cannon slammed into Charizard's stomach. The powerful impact caused Charizard to knock down a large tree, and finally his body crashed into the mountain wall.


The body went straight into the mountain wall for more than a hundred meters, and the Tackle force stopped.

Umi Adil clenched his fists and looked at Blaziken beside him, who also looked at it.

"I'm sorry," Umi Adil said with trembling lips.


Blaziken shook his head.

After glancing at Umi Adil, Blaziken leaped with one leg and flew towards Genesect, and at the same time, a blinding white light burst out from his body.

Big Self Destruct is Umi Adil's last resort.

He believes that no matter how strong this strange Pokémon is, it will never be easy to face Blaziken's big Self Destruct.

With Blaziken's strength, once Self Destruct, he is so close, he must be dead, and the power of the big Self Destruct will spread to the capital.

But Umi Adil can't control so much anymore. If this Pokémon is allowed to escape, it will not only be the capital of Pakistan, but the entire Pakistan.

He wants to keep this Pokémon here forever.

Anyone and Pokémon who pose a threat to Pakistan, it is his duty as a champion to eradicate them.

Genesect didn't expect that Blaziken and that human would be so ruthless, they just played the big Self Destruct, they didn't want to live at all.

Although it looks down on Blaziken, it has to be cautious when facing the opponent's big Self Destruct. If it is really blown up, with its current strength, it will definitely not feel good. "If you are unlucky, you may die.

escape first!!

Genesect turned into Flying Contest Condition, Blaziken and Umi Adil's decisiveness made it feel a little scared.

In terms of its Flying Contest Condition speed, even if Blaziken is really bigger than Self Destruct, the power of Self Destruct cannot catch up with its speed.

But it underestimated the decisiveness of Umi Adil and his Pokémon.

Just when Genesect changed into Flying Contest Condition and was about to leave, his body was suddenly hugged by something.


But at this moment, a roar suddenly came from the ear, and then its body was embraced by a pair of powerful arms.

Charizard: Where do you want to go.

Charizard's arm held Genesect tightly, and the burst of strength made it unable to break free for a while.

Genesect was shocked, how could this guy still have the strength to stand up, it should have been injured so badly that he couldn't stand up just now.

Charizard's Ability is Fiery Flame, which was activated when his body was severely injured, which Genesect did not count.

Under the fire ability, Charizard's physical strength and injuries have been recovered to a certain extent, and he also used the sunny skill before.

Charizard: let's die together

As he spoke, a dazzling white light burst out from Charizard's body.

Now Genesect is completely panicked, Blaziken plays big Self Destruct, Charizard also plays big Self Destruct, if these two big Self Destructs are eaten by themselves, they will definitely not survive.

It just wanted to kill those human Lash Out, but never thought it would put itself here.

Mew spared his own life, but in the end he killed himself by committing suicide, so he didn't really play with himself.

Genesect's crazy Struggle, it doesn't want to die, its sharp claws directly pierced into Charizard's stomach, stirring the internal organs, but even though the latter was in pain, holding his arms, not only did not let go, but even more tight.

Wu (money is good) Mi Adil's eyes are desperate, but he looks at his two Pokémon with deep guilt. If there is only one Pokémon, the big Self Destruct, it may be possible to survive.

But under the double self-destruct, the power of the moves is fused with each other, so they have absolutely no possibility of surviving, and even the corpses will not be left behind.

Of course he is too.

Death may have been doomed.

Die with Pokémon might be the best way for him to relieve his guilt.


"Alakazam, take them away"

Umi Adil released Alakazam and handed all the Poké Balls locked around his waist to the opponent.

"I'm dead, you can go to my family, or you can return to the wild, I just hope that when Pakistan or my family encounter difficulties, you can help."

Alakazam nodded, and then it used Teleport to take the Poké Ball given to it by Umi Adir and disappeared in place. .

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