Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

759 Is The 22-Year-Old Champion Okay?

In the secret realm, Jiang Qing was always watching Metagross and them, because most of the energy that Mew extracted from Genesect's body was poured into Metagross.

Seeing that the Metagross level has been raised from level 86 to the current level 89, it is only one step away from the peak of the quasi-championship.

The Attribute panel of Metagross did not show any abnormalities in Metagross's body, so Jiang Qing was completely relieved.

As for steel-type Pokémon such as Aggron, Steelix, and Melmetta, the level has been raised by one level.

Jiang Qing has a total of nine steel-type Pokémon, Metagross, Aggron, Lucario, Melmeta, Steelix, Shield Sword Monster, Magearna-, Kartana, Aluminum Steel Dragon

Genesect is now a huge experience pack, and all the energy he has worked so hard to collect has been shared by Jiang Qing's Pokémon.

Not only that, but even the energy in its body is rapidly draining.

The eighteen generations of Mew's ancestors have already been scolded.

Mew said that he has no so-called ancestors at all.

The level of Genesect has changed from 100 at the beginning to 95 now, and as the energy in the body is continuously extracted by Mew, its level will continue to decrease

The level of Metagross has been raised to level 90, the peak of the quasi-championship.

Now Jiang Qing was a little nervous, after all, if Metagross was promoted by one level, he could become a champion Pokémon.

Become the strongest group of Pokémon under the first-level god.

And with the strength of Metagross, in the early stage of becoming the champion, the pressure on the Pokémon in the later stage of the championship will not be too great.

Feeling that his strength is getting weaker and weaker, Genesect stopped scolding Mew, but begged for mercy: Mew stop, stop, I will never dare to absorb the energy of the secret realm again.

Mew turned a deaf ear and pretended not to hear.

Originally, it was fine for you to absorb the energy of the secret realm, but you are so good at doing things that you want to absorb the energy of the entire secret realm and completely destroy this secret realm.

This is still a top secret realm.

However, if you do anything with a junior or middle-level secret realm, even if Mew finds out, you can basically take over.

It's also due to Genesect's bad luck, but the person who came to deal with this top secret realm was Jiang Qing, and Mew was still looking for Jiang Qing at this time, just happened to encounter it doing bad things.

So even if this guy's life is bad, he can't blame anyone.

Such a coincidence that two things were met by it.

Well now, Mew made a direct move, making it an experience pack for Jiang Qing's nine steel-type Pokémon.


A sound like a broken shackle resounded in Metagross's body. It was obviously an illusory sound, but Jiang Qing seemed to hear it with his own ears.

"Breakthrough," Jiang Qing murmured.

As his words fell, Metagross champion-level aura erupted instantly, but it was quickly suppressed by it.

Pokémon: Metagross (Steel/Super)

Grade: 91

Qualification: Gold

Ability: Light metal

Props: Metal Coat

Gender: no gender

Moves: Tackle, Steel Beam, Confusion, Metal Claw, Bullet Punch, Cloth Cannon, Electromagnetic Levitation, Sense, Scary Face, Teleport

Disc skills: Iron Head, Zen Headbutt, Iron Defense, Protect, Light Screen, Psycho Cut, Shadow Ball, Gyro Ball, Psyshock

Note: Use the heart of Arceus to improve all Attributes and improve qualifications

Note: After using the black light spar, Pokémon absorbs the sun's rays all the time to restore its physical strength (only steel series, Rock)

Note: Use steel crystal, steel skills increase by 30%

Note: use the blood of God to transform

Note: Golden qualification, the road to becoming a god opens

The metagross in the early stage of the championship, not only that, but its aptitude column has completely turned into gold. Although the gold aptitude has occupied most of the previous aptitude, there are still some purple aptitudes.

Now as Metagross breaks through to become the champion, its aptitude has also become golden, and the blood of God has played a big role.

Jiang Qing looked at Mew, if it wasn't for the fact that the other party was still pumping Genesect's energy, he really wanted to hold Mew in his arms and kiss him.

I met Mew twice, but each time the other party brought him great benefits.

For the first time, a bunch of good things were given, including seven treasures.

The second time, it was Help who broke through to the championship ahead of schedule with his Metagross.

Based on Metagross' current background, if there are no other opportunities, it will take at least a year to become the champion.

When the Genesect level dropped to 92, Mew stopped moving.

Genesect gave Mew and Jiang Qing a bitter look, and quickly left here.

...asking for flowers...

This guy is still very rational, although he wished to kill Mew, but he knew that he couldn't beat Mew at all, so he simply left.

Mew didn't stop it, since Genesect had already been Punishmented anyway.

And because it violently extracts the energy in the opponent's body, if it is not shot by the same level 1 god, its level will always be maintained at level 92, and it will never break through

At this level, as long as Genesect doesn't take the initiative to die, he can basically live well.

Except for Metagross who was promoted to the 91st level champion, the other eight Pokémon have all increased by one level based on the original basis.

Aggron85, Lucario80, Melmetta81, Steelix80, Shield Sword Monster72, Magearna63, Kartana82, Aluminum Steel Dragon 75



At present, Jiang Qing already has one early champion Metagross and five quasi-champion Pokémon.

The overall strength has directly improved by a large margin.

Mew flew towards Jiang Qing, and was hugged by Jiang Qing. Under the bewildered eyes of the other party, Jiang Qing kissed him hard.

Not to mention it's delicious.

Mew: I'm not clean anymore.

"Mew will come to me after eating the energy cubes. I have nothing else. I have enough energy cubes." Jiang Qing patted his chest.

This Mew was really kind to her, Jiang Qing certainly couldn't be too stingy, and bought a box of Mew's exclusive energy cubes from the system store again.

Compared with my own Pokémon, this point is nothing.

Until now, Jiang Qing felt a little unreal. He came here to deal with the Pokémon riot in the secret realm, and he became the champion in a daze.

The 22-year-old champion is okay.

Mew shook his long tail behind him, squinted his eyes, and happily ordered the ten boxes of energy cubes, which were really delicious.

And it feels that if it eats this thing for a long time, it seems that its strength cannot become stronger.

You must know that Mew is a first-level god. It takes hundreds or even thousands of years for a Pokémon of this level to upgrade to a level.

Therefore, most of the first-level gods choose to sleep deeply, and use deep sleep to pass their long lives, and by the way, they will be promoted to level five. .

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