Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

756 Road To Godhood?

Looking at Kakuna, who looks like I'm afraid of death, I'm scared, Jiang Qing said with contempt: "That's scary."

Kakuna kept cursing secretly in her heart, if it wasn't for the fact that her own group had fled, it would have let you know how terrible the Beedrills are.

In the wild or in the secret realm, although some Pokémon are weak, their groups are large. When the number reaches a certain level, the danger will naturally rise linearly.

Of course, no matter how many Beedrills there are, it won't be enough for Meiqing to play, unless a quasi-championship Beedrill is born.

"Kang Jin"

Here Metagross is back.

Jiang Qing let it hold the Dowsing Machine before, and checked all the remaining unexplored areas.

"How is it? Did you gain anything?" Jiang Qing asked.

This secret realm is going to be destroyed anyway, if there are any good things, then take them away quickly.

Metagross shook his head, there were red dots, but they were not very big, so he simply didn't go to get them.

Jiang Qing was not surprised at all. This top secret realm has been around for seven or eighty years. If there is really something good, it should be found by the Ba people.

Now that he can't find the reason for the destruction of the secret realm, Jiang Qing is somewhat unwilling. How can I say that this is his first cross-border mission 17.

In fact, the mission requirement is to stop the Pokémon riot in the secret realm.

After I came here, I realized that the Pokémon riot was because the secret realm was going towards destruction, and it was because of this fundamental reason that the Pokémon riot was caused.

"How to do it"

Jiang Qing, who was leaning on the tree trunk, muttered to herself.

Celebi: Cold salad.

Celebi Road overhead.

Jiang Qing: "Believe it or not, I gave you salad"

As he said that, he lifted Celebi off his head and gave it a brain crash. This guy is becoming more and more useless now.

Just as Jiang Qing was pulling Celebi's fleshy cheek, a voice suddenly came from her ear.

Kartana yelled: "Where are you bastards?"

As he said that, a Sacred Sword slashed towards the Pokémon that suddenly appeared.

"Leave Mew under the knife" Jiang Qing shouted hastily.

But it was too late, the Sacred Sword struck down.

Mew's little finger lightly pointed towards the Sacred Sword, and the Sacred Sword turned into a pile of powder with a click.


"Mew why are you here"

Jiang Qing looked at Mew who suddenly appeared in surprise.

Celebi: What are you doing here, bastard.

Unlike Jiang Qing's surprise, Celebi flaunted his teeth and claws at Mew, and fortunately was held by Jiang Qing, otherwise he would have hooked Mew left and right.

As soon as he saw the green tea Mew, Celebi felt that this guy was here to steal his position.

Mew first flew around Jiang Qing and ignored Celebi.

Take out the energy cube box, and after opening it, it is empty.

It means that I have already eaten up the energy cubes you gave me, so I came to you.

Jiang Qing remembered that she gave Mew ten boxes last time.

Of course, it has been several months, and this dry food is very authentic.

"How did you find me?" Jiang Qing asked curiously.

Mew tilted his head: It's hard, I wanted to find you, so I found you.

Well, the ability of a level 1 god cannot be measured by common sense, let alone Mew, who is known as the ancestor of all Pokémon.

Whatever ability it doesn't have, the power of waveguide can make Jiang Qing rise to the top.

Jiang Qing had thought about giving Mew energy cubes before, and whether it would come to him after eating, but it turned out to be exactly as he thought, Mew really came.

Look at Celebi, and then look at Mew, this guy doesn't have the potential to be a foodie.

Jiang Qing didn't hesitate, and directly took out ten boxes of Mew's exclusive energy cubes and handed them to the other party.

Mew squinted his eyes and accepted it happily.

He thinks that Jiang Qing is the best human being he has ever seen.

Celebi: Bichi, you have taken the things, you can go now.

Mew: This secret place is coming to an end, why don't you leave yet.

Seeing that Mew, the bitch, didn't pay attention to himself at all, Celebi was so angry.

After hearing this, Jiang Qing immediately covered Celebi who was about to speak, looked at Mew and asked: "Mew, do you know why this secret realm is going to be destroyed?"

I don't know the reason, but Mew may know.

Mew nodded, and said randomly: Because there is a Pokémon absorbing the energy of the entire secret realm.

"Absorb the energy of the entire secret realm, what is it going to do?"

Jiang Qing was quite shocked, knowing that the energy of a top-level secret realm is unimaginably large, and why Pokémon has the ability to absorb the energy emperor of the entire secret realm.

Mew: Of course it is to break through and become a god.

Breakthrough into a god?

Jiang Qing asked in a low voice: "Is it a breakthrough to level one god?"

Mew nodded.

The existing first-level gods are all first-level gods after birth. It can be said that their authority is given by heaven, and each of them is the son of heaven.

For other Pokémon, it is extremely difficult to break through to a first-level god, and it is comparable to a mortal becoming a fairy. "There has not been an ordinary Pokémon in this world that can become a first-level god.

If you were not born as a first-level god, then it is basically impossible to become a first-level god in this life.

Now Mew tells him that there is a Pokémon that is absorbing the energy of the entire top Rift, using it to break through to the first level god.

This Nima is really awesome.

"Do you know what Pokémon is?"

Jiang Qing is very curious about who the Pokémon with such courage and ability is.

Mew nodded, waved his little hand, and the image of the Japanese Pokémon appeared in front of Love.


Jiang 883 was stunned when he saw this Pokémon, but he didn't expect it to be this Pokémon.

This is the Phantom Pokémon of Worm and Steel.

But below the first level of god, whether you are a quasi-god, a phantom Pokémon or a legendary Pokémon, it is all mortal.

Anyone who wants to become a god is an act against the sky, and it is absolutely impossible to succeed.

"Mew, if my Metagross wants to become a first-level god, can he use this method?" Jiang Wei suddenly asked.

Although Metagross is not even a champion now, its qualifications are about to become golden qualifications.

This is the qualification that only a first-level god possesses.

As for how to break through to the first level god, Jiang had no idea.

But the Genesect in front of him gave Jiang Qing a reference, that is to absorb the energy of a top secret realm, if this is really possible.

Of course, Jiang Qing doesn't mind destroying a top secret realm to complete Metagross.

If it is really successful, let alone one, every Jiangmao in the field will be king.

As for how many Pokémon and how many humans will die by then, that's up to him.

The big deal is that I don't choose Xia Guo's top secret realm.

As long as one's own Metagross becomes a first-level god, then when the time comes to kill the evil, the whole country will have to worship Baisi.

This is very similar to Xu Fu, but unfortunately he didn't succeed, so he died, and he died as a sinner. .

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