Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

751 Metagross Vs Blaziken

The two Pokémon Blaziken and Charizard are considered to be the necessary Pokémon for fire trainers.

Large numbers have high potential and will also Mega Evolution.

And Charizard can fly, and has two Mega Evolution forms at the same time, so compared to Blaziken, Charizard is definitely a must-have Pokémon for Fire Trainers.

Without any hesitation, Jiang directly dispatched Metagross

Pokémon: Metagross (Steel/Super)

Grade: 86

Qualification: Purple

Ability: Light metal

Props: Metal Coat

Gender: no gender

Moves: Tackle, Steel Beam, Confusion, Metal Claw, Bullet Punch, Flash Cannon, Electromagnetic Levitation, Psychic, Scary Face, Teleport

Disc skills: Iron Head, Zen Headbutt, Iron Defense, Protect, Light Screen, Psycho Cut, Shadow Ball, Gyro Ball, Psyshock

Note: Use the heart of Arceus, all Attributes are improved, and the image quality is improved

Note: After using the black light spar, Pokémon absorbs the sun's rays all the time to restore its physical strength (only steel series, Rock)

Note: Use steel crystal, steel skills increase by 30%

Note: use the blood of God to transform

After using the blood of God, 90% of Metagross' purple aptitude has turned into gold, and the speed of this aptitude improvement is 14, which is faster than the previous combined speed.

No wonder the function of the blood of God is to write the transformation of aptitude, not the improvement of aptitude like other treasures.

There is an essential difference between transformation and promotion.

"Kang Jin"

Metagross looked at his own Rival quietly, his eyes were flat, as if he didn't pay attention to Blaziken in the early stage of the championship.

In fact, of course it attaches great importance to Blaziken, the opponent is the champion, so it has no reason to belittle it.

"A really good Metagross" Umi Adil said sincerely.

As a champion, his vision is so vicious, even if Metagross has not yet shown its strength, it is just quietly floating in mid-air, and the invisible sense of oppression is flooding the field.

The most obvious perception is its Rival Blaziken.

Obviously not a champion, but the sense of oppression exuded is the same as that of a champion, which involuntarily made Blaziken's fighting spirit high.

After all, when it found out that Rival was not even the champion at the beginning, it must have had some contempt in its heart.

This Metagross is the third Champion Pokémon to face after Tapu-moo, spit Eevee.

"Kang Jin"

Metagross took the lead, not the classic Teleport plus Meteor Mash. This combination of moves is basically an instant kill against Rival who is not as strong as him.

Now Rival is Blaziken, this combo move is definitely useful, but it has to be put in the back.

A mental force hit Blaziken, to try the opponent's weight first.


Blaziken's left fist was on fire, and Psychic was met with a Fire Punch.


Immediately, Ember splashed, and the Psychic formed by Psychic continued to flow, and the aftermath quickly hit the protective cover.

The trials of both sides ended in a tie.

This caused a flash of light in Umi Adil's eyes.

Blaziken quickly walked towards Metagross, taking a step with his long legs, which was a hundred meters away, and with the distance between it and Metagross, it was almost instantaneous.

Blaze Kick.

Metagross placed several Light Screens in a row in front of him.

Click, click, click.

These Light Screens are like glass, kicked into pieces by Blaziken and turned into little stars.

When the last light screen was kicked to pieces, Blaze Kick landed on Metagross' forehead with a bang.

As a Fighting-type Pokémon, Blaziken's strength goes without saying, it can smash a mountain with a single kick.

But when this kick hit Metagross, it felt as if it had kicked on an indestructible iron plate.

There was even a slight pain in the sole of the foot.


Blaziken looked at Metagross in disbelief.

Is this defense a little foul?

"Kang Jin"

Answering Blaziken was Metagross' Meteor Mash.

The colorful streamer flashed by, and the air burst instantly.


Blaziken reacts very quickly, switching feet left and right.

Double Kick.

The moves collided again, but this time Blaziken was sent flying.

He turned around 360 degrees in the air, and after venting his strength, he landed.

"The defense and strength have reached the champion level"

Umi Adil was shocked when he saw this, even though he knew that Jiang Qing's Metagross had a champion-level combat power.

But knowing and seeing with your own eyes is not as good as experiencing it yourself.

As a Fighting Pokémon, Blaziken is not as powerful as Metagross, which is outrageous.

Just as Blaziken landed, Metagross disappeared instantly, and when he reappeared, he was already above Blaziken's head.

Teleport + Meteor Mash.

Meteor Mash fell again.


Blaziken seems to have expected it, because Trainer told it before that the other party's Metagross will Teleport.

So when seeing Metagross disappear, it knew that the opponent would definitely attack itself.

However, it was expected, but it has just landed and stood firm. Metagross' Meteor Mash has already fallen, and it seems that it is too late to react.


He resisted Metagross' Meteor Mash, the power of this punch made Blaziken feel that his internal organs were about to be shattered by the opponent.

Under Counter, Metagross was directly sent flying by twice the power of Meteor Mash.

The body hit the top of the protective cover with a bang, and the smashed protective 220 cover kept rippling in circles to disperse the impact.

Looking at the high-level Pakistani officials on the side, my heart is bleeding.

With just one blow, this protective cover is at least one billion.

For an economically underdeveloped country like Pakistan, opening the champion-level protective cover burns not only money, but Pakistan's national strength.

I used to use Meteor Mash to fight Rival, but now I am beaten by Meteor Mash, and it is twice as powerful.

Rao is that Metagross itself has super high defense power, and under the counter, he still feels a pain.


Here Umi Adil spoke suddenly.

The opportunity was seized very well.

Under the counter, Metagross' head was a little dizzy after being smashed to the top.

And this Blaziken has eaten the flint, and his Flamethrower is twice as powerful as usual.

Fire moves do double the damage to Metagross.

If this hits, Metagross will definitely feel bad.

The Flamethrower hadn't arrived yet, but the scorching heat had already hit.

"Protect" Jiang Qing said.

It's too late to attack with moves, so we can only use protection to resist ten waves first.

As soon as the emerald green protective cover was formed, Blaziken's Flamethrower struck in the next second, wrapping Metagross and protection directly within it.

Formidable power, constantly attacking the protective cover, trying to break it. .

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