Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

The 747 Program Has Been Delayed Again

During this period of time, Xia Guo's hot spot was basically on Jiang Feng, the chairman of the Jiang Group, after all, Jiang Feng had been occupying the top three on the list of diamond kings and elders all year round.

Now that he is finally married, he naturally has attracted the attention of many people from the outside world.

In addition, his father is still Jiang Oreburgh, and this attention is even higher.

In terms of guests, Elite, quasi-champion, titled Elite, and even Xia Guo's strongest champion, the Ram Army, are here. This class is absolutely full.

And Jiang Qing also exposed Celebi, raising the popularity to another level.

Now there are many photos of Jiang Qing's Celebi on the Internet.

Everyone is curious about how Jiang Qing’s Celebi came to be, and they won’t tell if they ask, but they are curious about why Jiang Qing’s Celebi is so chubby, with such a small belly coming out

It wasn't until they saw that Celebi ate a fried chicken drumstick after eating the dazzling sashimi that they finally found the answer.

Of course, this scene will inevitably be preached by many people.

It is a consensus that Pokémon cannot eat human food for a long time, especially the Pokémon of Trainer.

But now Celebi not only eats, but also eats so much, it must damage the body.

So some people even called for Jiang Qing to release Celebi, or hand it over to the state for safekeeping.

Of course, these people were turned back by Jiang Qing's fans.

As for Jiang Qing himself, he didn't pay attention to these news at all, he was planning to go to the Oreburgh Great Wall mystery.

I planned to go there after my uncle's wedding.

The Great Wall of Oreburgh has become my own secret place, but I am really sorry that my master has never entered it once.

Jiang Qing, who didn't want to go in tomorrow, got a phone call from her grandfather, and her plan to go to the secret place of the Oreburgh Great Wall was once again shelved.

"Let me go to Pakistan"

Jiang Qing said in surprise.

"Well, the Pokémon riots in the top secret realm over there in Pakistan"

On the phone, Grandpa Jiang Oreburgh briefly explained the matter to Jiang Qing.

As Xia Guo's number one younger brother and die-hard supporter, Ba Guo has always had a very close relationship with Xia Guo [so close that even the top secret realms and ruins in the surrounding area can be as close as Che Guo.

The country of Ba has a land area of ​​3 million, which is a medium area, and it has three top secret realms.

It has one champion and thirteen quasi-champions in its country.

If it weren't for the relatively backward technology and economy, his national strength could be compared with that of Kimchi and Baga.

It is a pity that the technology and economy are too backward, resulting in the overall national strength at a lower-middle level.

This riot is the No. 2 top secret realm.

Top Rift 2 Pokémon riots have been going on for almost a year now.

From the beginning, it was only elite-level Pokémon riots, gradually to quasi-Elite, and now Elite-level Pokémon are starting to riot.

If it continues to develop according to this progress, then it will be a quasi-champion next, and even a champion in the end.

The champion Pokémon in this top secret territory is not as strong as their domestic champion trainer.

Because there is only such a champion in the country, the opponent cannot enter the secret realm at all. Check the specific reasons for the Pokémon riot.

Otherwise, if the champion entered the secret realm of riots, he might die in it if he was not careful. This would definitely be a devastating blow to Pakistan.

And with the deadly enemy of the Three Kingdoms, the champion must not lose.

So three quasi-champions were sent in, but after three months, they didn't come out, most likely they died inside.

This made Ba Guo very distressed. There were only thirteen quasi-champions in total, and three of them died in one fell swoop.

He didn't dare to send people in later.

But the riots in the secret realm must be resolved, otherwise the quasi-champions and champion Pokémon inside will follow the riots, and they will escape from the secret realm.

Fighting with a champion-level Pokémon and an unknown number of quasi-champion-level Pokémon in his own territory, wouldn't his country be messed up by the aftermath of the battle, and how many people would die.

And if the champion-level Pokémon run out of the secret realm, a large number of elite-level Pokémon will also come out.

The most terrifying thing about Pokémon riots in the secret realm is this. Once the Pokémon inside leave the secret realm, the damage to the outside world will be very terrifying.

If these Pokémon run into the city, the human Trainer will be helpless to deal with it.

Ba Guo had no choice but to ask the big brother Xia Guo for help, and wanted the big brother to send some awesome Trainers to help.

It would be even better if there is a champion.

Xia Guo said that it is okay to help, but the champion cannot be sent to help you.

The champion is a mobile nuclear weapon. If the champion of a country leaves the country, he will be immediately monitored by other countries.

I'm afraid that this mobile nuclear weapon is coming to their country to do things.

Xia Guo, as the only Mega country, has six champions, all of whom are in the country, and even if they need to leave, they will do so secretly.

But now you are rioting in the top secret region of Pakistan, and all countries know about it, and they must have guessed that you are asking for help from Xiamen.

If Xia Guo sends a champion to help at this time, he will pass through the airspace of several countries that are not friendly with Xia Guo, so they will let you go there.

I am afraid that you are actually here to mess with us in the name of helping Pakistan.

At the same time, Xia Guo was also afraid that he would send a champion to help Ba Guo, and there would be other countries or terrorist organizations secretly trying to kill his own champion secretly.

So no champion can be sent.

Then they can only send quasi-champions with champion-level combat power.

The top ten of the Elite rankings are all quasi-champion peaks, and they all have champion-level fighting power.

But without exception, they are either the patriarch of the clan, the strongest fighting force in the clan, or they hold important positions in the country.

The possibility of going abroad is not very high.

The Council of Presbyterians felt a bit of a headache, and Xiaguo couldn't send a damn) suitable person to help their little brother.

On the contrary, Jiang Gangjin said that Jiang Qing could go.

Jiang Qing has the record of Leafeon even in the early stage of the championship, and the strength is indeed in line.

But Jiang Qing's identity is too special, and she has the appearance of a champion. If she goes abroad and destroys herself, she will be heartbroken to death.

Also because of this, the elders did not think about letting Jiang Qing go.

"What are you worried about, tell the Stars and Stripes, if something happens to my unicorn, the first-level god Mewtwo and Jiang Oreburgh will come to their capital," Jiang Gangjin said.

This is intimidation and deterrence.

As for why it was the Stars and Stripes, because he was the only one who had the guts to take action against Jiang Qing. If he didn't dare to do it, the countries headed by the Stars and Stripes would be even more afraid to do it.

There are also some terrorist organizations.

Don't think that Xia Kingdom doesn't know about it. The Stars and Stripes has cultivated some terrorist organizations, and it has created some people's mentality everywhere in the world. .

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