Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

744 The Miao Girl Is Very Enthusiastic

Miao You would definitely reject it if it was a normal item, but the earth bead is different, his Abo monster aptitude is very good, and it was blue when detected.

Now Abo is the quasi-Elite peak. In fact, even without the help of the earth beads, Abo can break through to Elite within half a year.

With the earth beads, this time can be shortened to a few days.

This is secondary, the earth bead is the second most precious treasure of the poison system, after the Abo monster eats it, it can increase its background, and its future achievements will be even higher.

This is the reason Miao You can hardly refuse.


Miao You nodded to Jiang Qing.

Immediately, in front of Jiang Qing, he handed the earth bead to the Abo monster beside him who was already drooling all over the place.

This hopeless look made Miao You a little embarrassed.

Usually good things are not given to you to eat less, but it turned out to be like this.

Abo blames: Your good things are nothing compared to the earth beads-no.

The reason why Jiang Qing gave Miao Youdi beads is also very simple.

First of all, the other party is my classmate, with this kind of relationship, I feel that it is especially human.

The second is that the other party's younger sister will become the Cao family without accident, and his grandmother is the elder of the Cao family.

Three nature is investment.

Those who can enter the special recruitment class of Imperial University will have the lowest achievement in that day to be Elite. It is also possible for a son of a big family like Miao You to be a quasi-champion.

Anyway, I don't need the Earth Bead, so investing in Miaoyou is definitely not a loss-making business.

The moment he ate the earth bead, Arbor's aura began to surge, and after a few breaths, his level broke through from quasi-Elite peak to Elite.

Jiang Qing was a little surprised. He thought it would take a few days for Abo to break through to Elite even if he ate the earth bead, but he did not expect to break through immediately.

It seems that itself is only 1% away from Elite.

Aber spit out a snake letter, and looked at Garchomp with a strong fighting spirit in his eyes.

Garchomp: I have to learn from the big boss so that the Elite can fight against the Elite.

It has heard the amazing achievements of Metagross in all stages from the boss Dragonite.

But in the next second, the Abo monster was taken back into the Poké Ball by Miao You. This guy has just broken through and needs to be consolidated.

And Miao You doesn't think Arbor, who broke through to Elite, can beat Garchomp, who is quasi-Elite.

As a classmate, he knows Jiang Qing's Pokémon's enchanting level better than most.

Except for the Metagross, other Pokémon are not comparable to their raw Pokémon.

Let me ask, who in the special recruitment class has not been beaten by Jiang Qing, and more than once, they have no objection to Jiang Qing, who is the well-deserved number one.

The news that Abo blamed his breakthrough to Elite was not small, and it directly attracted grandma Cao Ying, the head of the Cao family, and Miao You's parents and elders who were discussing the engagement.

"The head of the Miao family is very lucky, such a young Elite, the Miao family has a successor," said the head of the Cao family, not without envy.

He has three sons. Except for the youngest son who is very talented, the other two are mediocre. But even this youngest son with good talent will not become an Elite until he is in his thirties.

Becoming an Elite in your twenties is completely different from becoming an Elite in your thirties.

Becoming an Elite in your twenties can become a talent, and becoming an Elite in your thirties is a genius.

Someone like Jiang Qing who became a quasi-champion in his twenties and has champion-level combat power is a monstrosity, a monster, and none of them have ever appeared in the history of Xia Kingdom.

"Hahaha, Liao Zan, it's because he dared to go to the core area of ​​Ten Thousand Snake Cave to get a Pokémon egg with very good qualifications." The head of the Miao family laughed, and couldn't hide the satisfaction in his eyes.

"Wan Snake Cave!" The head of the Cao family couldn't help being a little surprised, and his eyes on Jiyou became much warmer.

The Ten Thousand Snake Cave is a small forbidden area that belongs exclusively to the Miao family. As the name suggests, there are all kinds of snake Pokémon inside.

The Earl Dervish Pokémon of the Miao family are all snakes, regardless of whether they are direct or collateral.

The so-called snake Pokémon sounds like a big race, but in fact there are currently only the Arbor snake, the Arbor monster family, and the Seviper family, these two snake Pokémon.

The Earl Dervish Pokémon of the Miao family is to enter the cave of ten thousand snakes to get it.

The more peripheral the Pokémon egg, the lower the quality, and the more central it is, the higher the risk. Of course, the risk is also high.

Every year, many new generation trainers of the Miao family choose to go deep into the Ten Thousand Snake Cave in order to obtain high-quality Pokémon eggs. As a result, most of them died inside and a few escaped from poisoning.

This is also the way the Miao family selects outstanding clan members. Although it is cruel, it also ensures that every generation of the Miao family has a leader.

0…………… Ask for flowers……

Miao You is the only one of the Miao family to enter the core area of ​​Ten Thousand Snake Cave in decades, get the Pokémon egg [and come out alive.

The other is Miao Yin, who is second only to the current elite Bian Jue of the poisonous line, and is Miao You's grandfather.

Because the head of the Cao family wants to marry the Miao family, he certainly knows the Miao family well. He naturally knows how good the people who can come back from the core area of ​​Ten Thousand Snake Caves will be in the future.

Maybe Miaoyou will be the next poison elite.

His youngest son married Miao You's younger sister, this marriage is really worth it.

Miao You is walking towards them"

"Son, your position as heir is secure," the Miao family said loudly.


There are still some elders of the Miao family here, they have a lot of power in the Miao family, and now they have seen with their own eyes that their son has broken through and become an Elite.

This does not support their own son as the heir, and their eyes can be donated to those in need.

Miao You Although Earl Dervish Pokémon got the blue-qualified Arbor Snake, which is indeed a big step ahead of his peers in the family, but it doesn't mean he doesn't compete for Rival.

It is so cruel to acquire Earl Dervish Pokémon like the Miao family. It is not difficult to imagine how tragic the competition for the heir will be.

"Dad, thanks to giving me a land of pearls," Jiyou explained.

When the head of the Miao family heard this, he looked at Jiang Qing in a different way.

The Miao family also has sub-treasures like the earth beads, but there are only two of them, and they plan to use them on the elite peak breakthrough quasi-champion.

Therefore, the earth bead is destined to have no part in Miaoyou, and it is absolutely not a problem for Miao Guang's Abo monster to break through to Elite.

"Children from the Jiang family, if you have the opportunity to visit our Miao family, the girls from our Miao family are very enthusiastic." The head of the Miao family patted Jiang Qing's shoulder with his big hand.

Normal people with this strength probably have to be slapped on the ground by him.

“Definitely go if you have the chance”

Jiang Qing smiled and nodded.

In the city where Miao's family is located, there is also a national-level drug gymnasium, and of course the owner of the gym is the father of Miao You in front of him.

So Jiang Qing will go sooner or later.

The head of the Miao family wanted Jiang Qing to be a guest.

If he knew that Jiang Qing was going to his place to kick the restaurant, he didn't know what he would think for a long time. .

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