"Have you heard that Master Xu Fo, a Super Elite, died in the ruins in the Hala Desert?"

"It's a lie, Mr. Xu Fo is the pinnacle of the quasi-champion, and he is also a super power, with first-class escape ability"

"By the way, there are ruins in the Hala desert."

"In the new ruins, it is said that there are three three pillars in the mid-champion period, Master Xu Fo died in their hands."

"San Shenzhu in the middle stage of the championship, let alone Xu Fu, the champion of the Rams has to kneel when he comes"

"Hey, our country of Xia has lost a lot of power"

"Master Xu Fu is the pinnacle of the quasi-championship, maybe he can become the champion this year in the future"

"It's a pity that he died in the ruins like this"

"It's not like you don't know the dangers of teams exploring ruins and secret places"

Xu Fu is an Elite of the super power system, and his death cannot be concealed at all, so it must be disclosed to the public, but how to say "203" is another matter.

You can't say that the elite of the superpower department, the top five people in the Elite rankings, are fucking villains, who do all kinds of bad things, such as murder and arson, and are also one of the dark games of the terrorist organization Z God Organization in Xiaguo.

If the facts are announced directly in this way, in addition to hitting the people, it will also hit the public's credibility in the Xia Kingdom.

People like Xu Fu, Xia Guo didn't even find out, and he still holds the position of Elite of the super power department, which is definitely a high-level position.

Who knows what else he did while he was in this position.

In this case, not only will the public's trust in the Xia Kingdom decline, but it will also be laughed at by other countries internationally.

So after thinking about it again and again, the elders decided to conceal the truth about Xu Fo's death.

Only a few people know this truth.

After Jiang Qing and Jiang Oreburgh left the ruins, Jiang Qing found a hidden stronghold of Xu Fu based on what he saw in Xu Fu's past life.

Found a lot of evidence of his evil, as well as some of his dark hands and allies.

They directly handed these things over to the elders' meeting, and the elders' meeting was furious when they saw it. Xu Fu had done more things secretly than they imagined.

Over the years, all the high-level secret realms in Xia Kingdom had rioted dozens of times, and half of them were actually caused by Xu Fo secretly.

The purpose is to stimulate the war between humans and Pokémon in the secret realm, so that Chandelure can absorb the souls of the war dead.

Not to mention the East African Region, where Xia Guo has no control.

However, this content cannot be known by others. If the countries in East Africa know that their own countries have endless internal strife, among which Xu Fo has contributed a lot, they will definitely ask Xia Guo to compensate them in the international arena.

Xu Fu was able to do so many bad things, of course, not only because of him alone, after all, many things cannot be done by one person.

Taking advantage of his position, he has arranged a huge network of relationships. Many core members of this network are the backbone of Trainer.

Adding up these people, plus Xu Fu's words, if foreign enemies invaded, the energy they generated would be enough to make Xia Guo suffer a big fall.

Seeing this, the elders were shocked and angry, and immediately organized a team to arrest all these people secretly.

All of the above had nothing to do with Jiang Qing. After he handed over the evidence to the Presbyterian Church, he returned to Lancang City.

But instead of going home, he went directly to his company headquarters.

Before coming, Quan had already notified Uncle Cuifeng in advance.

So when Jiang Qing went to the conference room of the group, his uncle Jiang Feng, as well as the technical backbones of dozens of departments at the headquarters were all here.


Jiang Qing, who pushed the door away, saw his uncle at first glance.

The uncle after falling in love seems to be much younger, and of course there is a sour smell of love all over his body.

"Xiao Qing"

Jiang Feng strode over and hugged him wolfishly.

Jiang Qing knew what the other party meant, and said with a smile: "Uncle, don't be too polite, just wait and give me some pocket money."

"Okay, when the time comes, I'll ask Finance to give you 100 billion," Jiang Feng said straightforwardly.

When the people around heard this, they were stunned.

What is pocket money? It is not in units of blocks, but in billions.

100 billion pocket money, are you serious?

But anyway, they are the backbone of various departments. Although they are envious in their hearts, they don't have much expression on their faces.

A few even revealed that it was only 100 billion, the chairman is so fucking mean.

"Xiaoqing, what's the matter with asking me to gather all these backbones?" Jiang Feng asked curiously.

After he received Jiang Qing's call, he was anxious about these backbones immediately, and Xi asked for trustworthiness.

In other words, what Jiang Qing and others are going to say is very important, there must be no traitors......

At the same time, some equipment Jiang Qing requested was also prepared.

"Uncle, I sent you a presentation that made the Meishi Group the number one group in the world"

After speaking, Jiang Qing gave Metagross a wink.

Metagross has already floated to the instrument, and transferred the magnetic levitation technology copied in the Mega calculation, the space backpack technology and the tenth generation solar energy technology into it.

But not all, the core technology has not been transmitted, after all, there are dozens of people here, and Jiang Qing doesn't know whether these people are worthy of trust, so he is careful.

There are a lot of commercial espionage and so on.

Moreover, these three technologies affect not only the Jiang Group, but also the improvement of Xia's national power, and they must not be stolen by other countries.

The Jiang Group is currently ranked fifth in the world, and there is still a certain distance from the number one.

And now these three technologies, any one of them, can make the Jiang Group the number one group in the world.

After Metagross finished transferring the data, the dozens of backbones immediately took out their mobile phones and looked at them. The data had been synchronized to their mobile phones.

After watching for a while, there were voices of exclamation.

"Where did Jiang Shao find the space backpack technology? Our group has studied it for so many years, and we only have a clue. It seems that there are all the core information here."

"Magnetic levitation technology, if this thing is built, will there be no traffic jams when driving in the future?"

*2.4 The tenth generation of solar energy technology, isn’t this a technology that should have been eliminated long ago, but this is the first generation? So, with this, even an energy subsidiary of our group can become a giant.”

There are other technologies, but they are less important than these three technologies.

The exclamation sounds one after another surprised Jiang Feng. Listening to their words, he didn't know what technology his nephew gave him.

His face changed now. After all, there were dozens of people here. Although he thought they were trustworthy, he didn't investigate carefully.

This kid said earlier that these things were brought out, so he just brought a few people with him.

"Uncle, don't worry, the core technology is still here"

"That's good"

Jiang Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

PS: Cheer up for the college entrance examination, and by the way, ask for your wish for Jirachi. .

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