Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

735 Triangle Imprison

Facing the remaining fourteen large Pokémon's large Self Destruct, I saw Regikirus, Regirock, Regice, three Pokémon distributed in a triangle, surrounded by these large Self Destruct Pokémon.

A golden ray was shot from the forehead respectively, and the three golden lines were linked together in an instant to form a triangle, enveloping fourteen Pokémon of large Self Destruct.


In the next second, the bodies of fourteen Pokémon exploded on the ground like fireworks.

Normally, an Elite-level Pokémon uses a large Self Destruct, which is as powerful as a human nuclear weapon. The damage can spread hundreds of miles away, and the core damage area is 20 kilometers away.

Now there are 14 Pokémon fighting Self Destruct together, of which 2 are early champions, and the remaining 12 are Elite peaks without exception.

The power between the big Self Destruct is constantly fused and stacked with "190".

Not to mention being a champion with this kind of power, even a first-level god would have to avoid the edge for the time being.

The power of the Imprison used by the three god pillars is just as powerful as the blow of a first-level god.

Under this Imprison, the power of the big Self Destruct was trapped in it, and it seemed to be successful, but the explosion was only just beginning.

The superposition and fusion between them has not yet ended, and the power has not yet reached its peak.

Every time the large Self Destruct is fused, its power will double. As the fusion and superposition continue, the triangle Imprison is gradually expanding and begins to develop in the direction of the sphere.

Immediately afterwards, small cracks appeared, and several of them turned into large cracks in the blink of an eye.

The triangle Imprison is already in danger, and it seems that it will be completely defeated by the big Self Destruct inside in the next second.

The indicator light on Sanshenzhu's body was also flickering crazily, and the energy in his body gushed out towards Imprison like a bank bursting.

They must give this big Self Destruct to the perfect Imprison, otherwise once the big Self Destruct breaks through the Imprison, the power of the big Self Destruct compressed by them will "be more terrifying than what is released naturally.

Not to mention destroying this ancient giant tree with this power, this forest will disappear in this big Self Destruct, and even half of the ruins will be affected.

The Pokémon in the forest feel a huge crisis. The ancient giant trees are the place where they live, but now someone wants to destroy this place.

Dozens of Elite-level Pokémon flew here from the forest, using their own abilities to strengthen the triangular Imprison of the Three God Pillar.

Their strength is not enough for Imprison. If you look carefully, you can find that several small cracks on the triangle Imprison have healed because of their addition.

But there are thousands of tiny cracks like this, already covering the entire triangle Imprison, its collapse is only a matter of time.

"Boom boom boom!!"

In the triangle Imprison, the big Self Destruct is still superimposed, and at this time, three penetrating cracks have appeared in the whole Imprison, and the fourth big crack is forming.

Once this crack is formed, the Triangular Imprison will collapse completely.

The indicator lights on Sanshenzhu flickered rapidly, as if they were communicating.

In the next second, bursts of green light were seen from the ancient giant tree behind him, followed by bursts of green light from Sanshenzhu.

With the blessing of the green light, the level of Sanshenzhu broke through from level 95 to level 98 in an instant, becoming a Pokémon in the late stage of the championship.

As the Pokémon guarding the ancient giant trees, they can borrow the huge ancient calendars.

And the ancient giant tree itself has a certain consciousness, knowing that if he doesn't help the three bodyguards at this time, if the triangle Imprison is blown to pieces by the big Self Destruct.

Then the next one to be blown to pieces is itself.

With the blessing of the ancient giant tree, the power in the Sanshenzhu's body increased instantly, and the triangle Imprison, which was about to swell into a sphere, was slowly shrinking.

The cracks on it also disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Everything is developing in a good direction, as long as it continues, within a minute, they can completely imprison this force and resolve this crisis.

Of course, the premise is that there are no accidents.

But the more this kind of thing, of course accidents cannot be absent.

Xu Fu was just watching.

I was a little surprised when I found out that the Three God Pillars actually blocked the Self Destruct of fourteen Pokémon. After a slight smile, I said to the five Electrodes behind me: "Go and add fire 11

These five Electrodes were cultivated by Xu Fu himself, and each one has the strength of the mid-term Elite.

Big Self Destruct is very powerful, most Pokémon will fall into the dying Contest Condition after using it, but some Pokémon are very talented, not only the power of Big Self Destruct is higher than other Pokémon

The side effects are still small.....

Electrode is one of them.

They use Big Self Destruct to be more powerful than Normal Pokémon, and the side effect is only serious injuries Contest Condition.

So for many terrorist organizations and extremists, the regular Pokémon is Electrode. This kind of Pokémon itself is not bad, and if it can’t beat me, it will be Self Destruct.

Anyway, I am a terrorist organization, I am an extremist, I am not afraid of death, see if you are afraid of death, I have always used the big Self Destruct, see if you run away.

Of course, if you have the ability to prevent me from using a large Self Destruct, then that's another story.

The five Electrodes came to the side of the Sanshen Pillar. At this time, the Sanshen Pillar was maintaining the triangle Imprison, and there was no extra thought to pay attention to the outside world.

Naturally, they didn't know that five sixth children had already secretly stood behind them.

Two behind Regiquirus, two behind Regirock, and one behind Regice.

And the line of sight of the three gods is blocked by the triangle Imprison, so they can't see each other, and they can't see the Electrode hiding behind each other.

"Boom" X5

A violent explosion sounded suddenly, but this time it was not inside the triangle Imprison, but outside.

The current strength of Sanshenzhu temporarily became the late champion due to the ancient giant tree, facing the big Self Destruct of Electrode in the middle stage of Elite.

The body was instantly blown out.

2.8 Without them, the Triangular Imprison would naturally be unable to maintain, and collapsed with a bang.

The big Self Destruct energy that has been imprisoned by the triangle body for a long time, just like the giant dragon that escaped from trouble, Normal, wantonly venting, the extremely violent energy rushes in.

It instantly tore apart a dozen Elite-level Pokémon around it, and even five Electrodes died in it.

Reggie Ruth: Block!!

The three divine pillars that were knocked into the air stood in a row. Since this energy chain could no longer be stopped, it must not be allowed to hit the ancient giant tree head-on.

I used the Triangular Imprison before, and already consumed most of their energy, and I was blown up by Electrode just now, and the remaining energy in my body became very disordered.

At this time, if the energy in the body continues to explode, it will cause huge damage to their bodies, or their bodies will collapse directly. .

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