Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

719 Another Way To Get In

Naturally, Pokémon's name is not easy to use, so he can only let him in, but he cannot bring Jiang Qing in.

Fighting is impossible, unless Mewtwo is summoned to suppress them, and once they fight, this ancient giant tree may be affected by the aftermath of the battle.

The combination of these three pillars of gods can definitely touch the first-level god, so even if Mewtwo comes, the possibility of directly taking it down within five minutes is estimated to be relatively low.

It’s just that summoning Mewtwo is his trump card. Originally, there were not many Mewtwo fragments, and it’s still far from a hundred fragments. He used five fragments to temporarily summon Mewtwo once, “then the distance from a hundred fragments will be farther and farther away. .

It's really confusing.

Jiang Qing pondered, then looked at Celebi, the main reason was that this guy didn't live up to his expectations, he didn't have enough face, he couldn't bring himself in.


A flash of light flashed through his mind.

"You guys agreed to let Celebi in, but I can't," Jiang Qing said.

Regikirus nodded.

After getting an affirmative answer, Jiang Qing said: "Then let Celebi go in, I'll wait for it outside"

Celebi looked at Jiang Qing puzzled, why did he go in? If Jiang Qing didn't go in, he didn't want to go in either. After all, the reason he came to the forest was to feel that the forest was full of natural energy.

When I saw the ancient giant tree later, I knew why.

Jiang Qing pulled Celebi over and said, "You can go in, take the Dowsing Machine and take out the treasure inside."

The way Jiang Qing thought of was to ask Celebi to get the treasure.

I didn't turn my head around before, and I didn't expect this.

"Dowsing Machine, you can't lose it to me, this thing is more important than my life"

Dowsing Machine is bought from the system store, but this thing is unique, which means that there is only one, if you lose it, there will be no second one.

Jiang Qing's Pokémon is so powerful, half of the reason is due to the Dowsing Machine, after all, without this thing, he can hardly find the treasure.

The other half belonged to the energy cubes produced by the system.

Holding the Dowsing Machine in his hand, Celebi patted his chest bang bang and said: Don't worry, I will definitely bring you the treasure.

As he said that, he flew directly to the ancient giant tree, but the Three God Pillars did not stop him.

They believe that as a natural Pokémon, Celebi will never do anything to harm the ancient giant tree.

On the other hand, Jiang Qing took out a recliner and found a relatively flat ground. After putting down the recliner, the person lay directly on it.

"I'll wait for Celebi to come back, how about you go back first?"

But the Three God Pillars didn't move, they still stood where they were, apparently not believing Jiang Qing's words, thinking that if they left, Jiang Qing would sneak in.

Jiang Qing is also happy to see this scene, and keeping the three of them here will also make it easier for Celebi to steal the treasure.

Seeing Jiang Qing, Sanshenzhu really didn't seem to have any intention of going in, instead of playing tricks with them, thinking that Jiang Qing was pretty good,

Holding the Dowsing Machine, Celebi headed towards the red dot all the way, with a strong expression of excitement on his small face.

It used to look at Jiang Qing and found many treasures with this thing, and later it wanted to use it to hunt for treasures, but Jiang Qing refused, being very stingy.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Qing would hand this thing over to it this time.

Be sure to find out that treasure, and let Jiang Qing know that she is not just good at eating.

On the ancient giant tree, there are many Pokémon living, and the levels are all at the Elite level, which is very scary, and they are mainly grass-type and flying-type.

Plus the three pillars.

If someone who doesn't have a good eye comes to destroy the ancient giant tree, there will be no return.

No Pokémon attacking Celebi.

First of all, Celebi has a special status, bearing the name of a natural Pokémon.

Second, here is an ancient giant tree, a place where fighting is prohibited.

If the Pokémon who usually live here have a conflict, they will find a place far away from the ancient giant tree to fight to resolve it.

Celebi's Flying speed is not very fast, but it is not very far from the red dot itself, so it has come to the position of the red dot.

a tree hole.

Dowsing Machine shows that the treasure is in this tree hole.

Celebi: Treasure, you, Lago, are here.

As he spoke, he flew in directly.

After flying into the tree hole, Celebi didn't see the so-called treasure, only a Rest Pokémon lying in the tree hole.

Take a closer look at the Dowsing Machine, the red dot displayed is that Pokémon.

Celebi: Too busy.

It also knows that the Dowsing Machine can display Pokémon with blue aptitude and above, and obviously the so-called treasure is the Pokémon in front of it.

...... Seeking flowers 0

Celebi is not a Trainer, so it cannot be subdued at all.

Just when Celebi was about to think about how to deal with Jiang Qing when he went back, a sound came out of his ear.


The sudden sound made Celebi startled for an instant, and the Dowsing Machine in his hand dropped.

It immediately went to pick it up, but a pink figure was faster than it, and got the Dowsing Machine first.

The strange Pokémon looked at the Dowsing Machine curiously, with a puzzled expression on its small face.

Celebi: Give it back!

Celebi was in a hurry, if this thing was lost, Jiang Qing would definitely kill it, and immediately flew towards that Pokémon, wanting to draw the Dowsing Machine to get it back.

That Pokémon's body was so flexible that Celebi couldn't even touch the hem of its clothes.


After coming down several times, I was exhausted to death.

Celebi: Bastard, you Thief.

Can't fight, can't catch up, Celebi can only scold each other.


The Pokémon found Celebi's pissed-off look very funny, and couldn't help laughing while clutching his stomach.

Celebi can bear this qi, Celebi usually dares to give it qi except for Jiang Qing and Duda's qi.

Celebi: You have the ability to stand still and see if I can't kill you.

After speaking, he rushed towards the Pokémon again.

The Pokémon really stood still, but when Celebi was about to approach, a transparent protective cover appeared in front of it.


Celebi bumped his head against the protective cover, and his body rolled dozens of times in the air before stopping.

Shaking his dizzy head, a strong sense of grievance surged up, with tears in the corners of his eyes, pointing at the Pokémon: You are despicable, you even use moves.


The unfamiliar Pokémon looked at Celebi with a smile, and raised the Dowsing Machine in his hand, as if to say you come and get it.

Celebi: Hmph, let me replenish my energy.

As he spoke, he took out a fried chicken leg from the small bag behind him.

It asked Jiang Qing to customize this small bag, and carrying it on its back would not affect it in any way.

Just about to put the fried chicken legs in my mouth.

The pink figure flashed past, and the fried chicken legs disappeared.

Celebi: (Dish)

Ahhh, I spelled nine for you. .

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