Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

712 Space Backpack Technology

In terms of eyesight, Jiang Qing is certainly not as good as Metagross. It is a bit difficult to find the library on the map with dense place names, but Metagross can find it immediately with a glance.

"Kang Jin"

Metagross: Here it is.

The paw pointed to the upper left corner of the map, where the five words City Library were written.

But Jiang Qing and the others are not very far from this library.

After riding Dragonite, about ten minutes later, Jiang Qing came to the city library, and the prefix was written with the word Lalu.

In other words, the name of this city is Lalu City.

There is also a stone tablet in front of the library gate, which shows the establishment time of the library and the collection of books inside.

It was established in 1236. Of course, this time is the time inside the ruins and cannot be followed by the time of the outside world.

The number of books in the collection is 330 million.

This is definitely a very scary number. You must know that the Xia Kingdom National Library has a total collection of only a little over 200 million books.

And there are more than 300 million copies here.

The entire library has a total of thirty floors, and the area of ​​each floor is very large.

"Metagross is going to copy all the books here," Jiang Qing said.

Books represent knowledge. There are 330,000,000 books, and the knowledge contained in them is absolutely massive.

There are hundreds of categories in this library, such as transportation, aviation, electricity, medicine, nursing, performance, Fire Type Pokémon research, etc., all-encompassing.

Jiang Qing casually picked up a water-based Pokémon study and read it. The text is in modern Pokémon language, which is quite convenient to read.

Perhaps there are too many books here, it took Metagross more than half an hour to copy all the books here into his Mega computer.

The collection of books here, Quanqing did not put the system space as a minister.

One is that Metagross has been copied.

The second is because after he comes out of this ruins, he will inform the officials of the Xia Kingdom. When the official people come in to explore, they will definitely find that the library has been emptied, and they will definitely find him at that time.

So simply do not move.

"Is there any more important information?" Jiang Qing asked.

The Mega computer in Metagross has already recorded all these books, as long as Metagross thinks about it, the knowledge will come out.

In terms of erudition, any Metagross surpasses the most famous scholars.

Compared with knowledge, they like fighting more. Knowledge can increase strength. Some knowledge can, but most of them can't.

"Kang Jin"

Metagross: There are manufacturing techniques for space backpacks.

"What, it's all there," Jiang Qing said in surprise.

Metagross nodded.

"Go and find me all the books on space backpack manufacturing technology," Jiang Qing said.

Then Metagross flew away.

Of course, this kind of technology must be in the hands of its own group, and it will be fine to cooperate with the official at that time.

In the future, the space backpack technology will be another unique technology of Xia Guo, and it is still a very important technology.

Whether it is field or secret exploration, because there is no space technology, the things you carry and what you bring out are limited.

And Gengar is a more dangerous Pokémon, and its own vitality will be easily absorbed by Gengar unconsciously.

Therefore, most Trainers can only bring a larger backpack into the secret realm or the wild, and things should be as simple and light as possible.

People like Jiang Qing who have Gengar and more system space do not feel the trouble of insufficient space at all.

The technology of the space backpack is actually to create a subspace.

This is the same as Poké Ball.

Poké Ball is actually a space technology.

However, this technology has not been able to be applied to other conveniences. Researchers from various countries have not broken through the key point for decades.

Otherwise, the space backpack technology would have been developed long ago.

Including the Jiang Group is also researching space backpack technology.

The businessmen knew very well that if any group mastered the space backpack technology, then this technology alone would be enough to become the world's top 500.

And it's a monopoly.

What makes the most money, it must be a monopoly.

And space backpack technology can be used in all walks of life, not just for trainers.

So of course Jiang Qing hopes that his family can master this kind of technology.

However, if you can find relevant information about space backpack technology in the library, then it should exist in other places as well.

If you want to monopolize this technology, you have to find out all the technologies about space backpacks in the entire scientific and technological secret realm. This is a big project.

And this technological relic, not only has the space backpack technology, the car without wheels, most likely the magnetic levitation technology, in addition to their metallurgical technology.

This magnetic levitation technology is not inferior to the space backpack technology at all. For the role of the country, the magnetic levitation technology is even better. This thing can be used in weapons.

No matter how bad it is, this technology can also be used to create a Soaring in the sky city, and illuminate the fantasy city into reality.

Think about a floating city Soaring in the sky, how shocking the picture is.

In general, the science and technology of this technological relic should be 50 or 60 years higher than that of the outside world.

If all of this is understood, then Xia Kingdom's technology will definitely surpass that of the Stars and Stripes, and there will be one more champion than them.

Then Xia Kingdom can become the well-deserved number one country.

It didn't take long for Metagross to come back, claiming that books on space pack technology were ruined by it.

**-Is there no technology for magnetic levitation here?" Jiang Qing asked.

Metagross shook his head.

All right, Jiang Shu didn't think too much about it.

"Where is the technology company, we will go there next stop"

Metagross's Mega computer has recorded all the books in the library, and among these books, there must be relevant information about the local technology company (Wang Haohao).

Technology companies must have the most science and technology, and where to obtain the information is the greatest.

As Metagross used the Teleport, Jiang Qing had already arrived in front of a building in the next second.

Just looking at this building is full of sense of technology.

"Go in and copy all the contents inside, and the precious information will be destroyed," said Aiqing.

The good things will be left to his family, and the ones that are a little worse will be given to those who enter the ruins to explore at that time, otherwise he will take away all the good things.

Xia Guo's high-level officials would definitely be unhappy in their hearts, thinking that the Jiang family's appetite was too great.

So things can't be too extreme.

Fortunately, he has Metagross, which can copy all data without restriction, especially for hosts and servers, Metagross is more convenient to copy.

If it is another trainer, I can only look at these materials, there is nothing I can do. .

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