Pokemon: I Was Born In Rome

701 Jiang Feng Is A Love Brain?

"My dear grandson, why didn't your little girlfriend call?"

At the dinner table, she was eating the spring rolls she had made blankly, and grandma showed a surprised expression. The taste was better than any spring rolls she had eaten before.

"Her experiment has reached a critical moment, so she can't come," Jiang Qing explained.

In fact, Jiang Qing didn't call her at all, maybe subconsciously, love didn't really recognize Gongyang Nan.

If she was called at this banquet, it would have been confirmed that she was the daughter-in-law of the Jiang family.

I am only in my early twenties, how can I decide the rest of my life so quickly.

Besides, my goal is to become a champion, let's put aside the affair of the four daughters.

In general, Jiang Qing's current behavior is a scumbag.

"Gongyang Nan is not bad, he took care of us and grandma in the hospital during that time," Tian Judao said.

Her senses of Ram Nan are not bad.

But after all, this is the son's own business, and parents will not interfere too much.

And his son is so good, no woman can't find him.

Tian Rou wouldn't care too much unless she was at the age of urging marriage.

20 "Good grandson, Gongyang Nan is a good Stephanie, don't delay her. In a few years, when your grandpa and I beat the old man Ram, it will be fine."

Jiang Oreburgh picked up a piece of beef and wanted to put it into Cao Ying's bowl, but the other party moved the bowl away. In embarrassment, he put the beef in Jiang Qi's bowl next to him.

Jiang Qing: As expected of a grandpa.

Gongyang Nan's identity is not Normal, if Jiang Qing really does something like lifting his pants and denying people, even if he has saved the Gongyang Army, he will definitely be pinned to the ground and held up by him.

At the same time, the relationship between the Jiang family and the Gongyang family will also fall into a freezing point.

Fortunately, Jiang Qing hadn't made the final breakthrough with Gongyang Nan, of course, he took advantage of a lot during the period.

"Dad, you will teach Xiao Qing'er badly"

Jiang Qi, who is also a woman, glared at Jiang Oreburgh with some dissatisfaction: "If someone dares to treat me like this, what will happen to you?"

"I'll kill him," Jiang Oreburgh said viciously.

The Jiang family is all about helping relatives and not helping relatives. It doesn't matter if you are right or not, as long as you bully our people, it is your fault. You are very overbearing.

The Jiang family is small, and they are all one family, so it is naturally extraordinarily united.

"Xiaoqi, you are in your thirties now, why haven't you found a boyfriend yet?"

Grandma Cao Ying put the chopsticks on the bowl and looked at Jiang Qi seriously.

Although Xia Guo's average life expectancy has reached 120 years old, Stephanie's son-in-law, who is in her thirties, can indeed be called a leftover woman.

If this were placed in ancient times, a thirty-year-old woman would be a half-old mistress.

"Mom, I'm still young," Jiang Qi muttered.

Here Jiang Qing said: "Sister-in-law has a suitor, she is a colleague"

As soon as this remark came out, the family suddenly became energetic.

"Little Qing'er, are you courting death?"

Jiang Qi looked at Jiang Qing with a fierce look in his eyes.

With grandma here, Jiang Qing didn't panic at all, and even looked at Jiang Qi with a taunt, which made her grit her teeth in hatred.

"Tell me what's going on," Jiang Oreburgh asked curiously.

Of course he was very concerned about his daughter's marriage, and he had introduced many geniuses from the aristocratic families, but it was a pity that she didn't like any of them.

As time went on, it dragged on to the songs in their twenties.

"It's nothing, just chasing me, I lazily agreed, I don't even look down on people whose research fields are not as good as mine," Jiang Qi said.

"Sister-in-law, then you can just say that you are lonely forever," Jiang Qing said speechlessly.

Who is Jiang Qi? She is the youngest winner of the Arceus Award in the world.

She won this award at the age of 28. Before her, the youngest person was 40 years old, and she was directly refreshed to 28 years old.

What an achievement.

Comparable to Trainer becoming a champion at twenty-eight years old.

"People who are better than you may not fall in love with you," Jiang Feng muttered.


Jiang Qi still heard it, and looked at him tenderly.

"It's wrong, it's wrong, if there is someone better than you, the elder brother will definitely tie him up." Jiang Feng hurriedly apologized with a smile.

The most favored of the Jiang family is the grandson Jiang Qing, followed by the only daughter Jiang Qi, who is the last son of the Jiang family.

"Brother, you still say that you are not married yourself," Jiang Qi said.

"Xiao Qi"

Jiang Oreburgh suddenly snorted coldly.

Jiang Qi realized that he had said the wrong thing, and when he looked at Jiang Feng, the other party's expression had become very serious.

Immediately said: "Brother, I didn't mean it, don't be angry"

After speaking, he walked over, like Charm when he was a child, hugging Jiang Feng's arm, shaking and shaking.

"I'm not angry, I made my father and mother worry about it." Mei Feng laughed.

The smile was extremely bitter.

Jiang Qing could feel the extreme pain in the waveguide emitted by the uncle at this moment.

What's going on here,

Uncle Jiang Feng has never been married, and there is absolutely no problem with his body. Jiang Qing thought that he just didn't want to get married, or he didn't meet the right person.

That doesn't appear to be the case now.

"Uncle, the person you like doesn't like you, and then dumped you, but you still love her, so you have been waiting for her"

Jiang Qing took a look at the TV series of Kimchi Country, and the possibility of this plot is relatively high.

"good grandson"

Cao Ying glared at Jiang Qing, signaling him not to continue talking.

"oh oh"

Jiang Qing nodded hurriedly.

Because he found that his uncle's waveguide became even more sad now.

Damn it won't really be guessed by me.

This is a woman who doesn't have long eyes, but dares to 707 despise my uncle.

Grandpa is also really, he doesn't know how to use his family background to threaten that woman to submit. If the woman disagrees, he will use her family to threaten.

I don't believe that such a woman has not compromised.

If Jiang Qing didn't have a villain system, based on this idea and his family background, he would definitely be a big villain.

As for whether the so-called twisted melon is sweet or not, Jiang Qing doesn't care, it doesn't matter whether it is sweet or not, as long as it quenches his thirst.

The so-called love naturally exists, and Jiang Qing also believes it.

But in his life creed, family members Pokémon are all at the top of the list, and love may only be at the back.

This may also have something to do with Jiang Qing's own experience.

But in general, he is right if he is not in love.

Looking at Uncle Jiang Feng now, he seems to be a pure love brain.

It's hard to believe that Jiang's eldest son is actually a love brain.


Magearna came out of the kitchen and put the dishes on the table.

There are two foodies, Jiang Qing and Celebi, and although there are a lot of meals cooked by Daidai, they consume almost all of them.

Jiang Qing was still talking.

Celebi is eating all the time, and the belly is swollen.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion, but Celebi thinks that the food made by Dadai this time tastes better than before

It's not an illusion, because Daidai's cooking skills have broken through the original shackles today. .

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