In the hospital, Jiang Lan, Tian Rou, Jiang Feng, and Jiang Qi were accompanying Cao Ying. Jiang Oreburgh was not here. As a national champion, he had too many things to do.

But Gongyang Nan is here.

The day after Jiang Qing left the hospital for the Hala Desert, Gongyang Nan came to Chimecho Hospital from Imperial University to visit and take care of Jiang Qing's grandmother.

"Uncle, Auntie, let's have some food first"

Gongyang Nan pointed to the lunch box he had just packed up.

"Thank you Nan Nan"

Tian Rou took the lunch box and gave Jiang Lan a copy.

Celebi flew in front of Ram Nan.

Celebi: Where's my fried chicken?

"Here, but you should eat less of this stuff."

Gongyang Nan actually couldn't understand Celebi's words, but Celebi knew how to use a mobile phone, and had added Gongyang Nan as friends, so he could directly contact him with his mobile phone if he wanted to say something.

Looking at Celebi who is usually stupid, he has already mastered tens of thousands of Xia Guo characters, and he is also proficient in pinyin and Wubi typing.

You must know that Jiang Qing doesn't know how to use Wubi.

In Celebi's words, I learned these by myself in order to be able to order takeout better.

Sure enough, the potential of foodies is endless.

Eating fried chicken and drinking Coke, Celebi said that he is very happy now, but Jiang Qing is not here, so he feels a little bored.

At the same time, Jiang Qing also took Daidai away. Without Tongtian, he would kneel while playing Pokémon Glory these days, and was often reported.

Now the reputation points are not enough, so they can only play matchmaking, and the reputation points can be scored before they can be ranked.

"My son doesn't know what to do"

After eating, Gongyang Nan took the initiative to clean up. Tian Rou was very satisfied with this future daughter-in-law, and couldn't help but sigh when thinking of Jiang Qing.

"Don't worry, Dad's Metagross is on him, even if he can't find the meat Ganoderma lucidum, he will be fine," Jiang Lan comforted.

Then he looked at his mother on the hospital bed with a gloomy expression.

"As a son, I let my kid go to the Hala desert, I really failed~`failed"

After speaking, there was a strong self-deprecating color on his face.

Jiang Feng patted Jiang Lan's shoulder lightly: "Xiaoqing will find the meat ganoderma, and mother will be fine."

"Yeah, second brother, don't worry, the big deal is to use Bing Po, as long as it can save Mom's life, we can look for the meat Ganoderma lucidum in the future"

Jiang Qi also followed suit.

Although the two were comforting Jiang Lan, they felt no less uncomfortable than Jiang Lan.

One of them is the person in charge of the Jiang Group, and the other is a Pokémon scholar. They are no less busy than Jiang Oreburgh.

So it has been more than a year since I saw my mother.

Jiang Lan, who is a steel elite, has more time because he often fishes, but this guy spends all his time on fishing.

As children, they don't have time to visit their mother Cao Ying, but when they came to visit, their mother was already lying on the hospital bed.

Guilt, remorse, sadness and other emotions are self-evident.


Several people's mobile phones rang together.

In the family group, Jiang Qing sent a message.

Group favorite Jiang Qing: Ganoderma lucidum has been found and is rushing back (with photos)

He is the only junior in the whole family, not a group favorite.

"Xiao Qing'er found the Ganoderma lucidum, I knew he could do it, now mom is fine"

Jiang Qi saw the information above and the picture of Ganoderma lucidum, and hugged the neck of his elder brother Jiang Feng, like a normal girl of 28, and jumped on his body, "thighs sandwiched between Jiang Feng's waist.

Jiang Feng, on the other hand, smirked and showed a happy smile. At this moment, he didn't have the momentum to be in charge of the chairman of hundreds of thousands of people.

Jiang Lan clenched her fist and shook it hard.

Tian Rou lowered her hair for the message.

Field Breeder: My son is awesome.

Ai Guanshi who dotes on Jiang Qing: My cub is really amazing.

At home in Lancang City, Ai Guan waiter put down his mobile phone and continued to start its daily cleaning work, thinking about raising books and not knowing when he will come back next time.

It is a good thing that the cubs have grown up and become more sensible, but the number of times they go home is also less.

Jiang Oreburgh also saw the information in the family group, and his tense face finally relaxed at this moment.

At this time, the Ram Army came in: "There are meat Ganoderma lucidum in the treasury of the Pampas Kingdom, but their prime minister wants you to exchange it with the heirs of the golden monster."

The most precious treasure of Ganoderma lucidum is very rare, Xia Guo has only found one in the past few decades, and it has been used by the Ram Army.

But the world is so big, there will always be countries to find.

So during this period of time, Ginger Oreburgh has been contacting other countries to ask if they have meat ganoderma, and Rams has also joined in.

The Pampas Kingdom gave the news, saying that they have it, but if you want it, you can exchange it with the heirs of the silver Metagross.

"No need, my good grandson has already found the meat Ganoderma lucidum, they are unlucky, if they agree earlier, I might agree."

Ginger Oreburgh shook his head and sneered.

"That's good, I'll reject them now." Gongyang Jun nodded, feeling relieved.

The silver-white giant gold is the symbol of the Jiang family, but the Jiang family is from the Xia Kingdom, so the silver-white Metagross written in it can also be regarded as the heritage of the Xia Kingdom.

If Jiang Oreburgh agrees to exchange with the Pampas Kingdom, the officials of the Xia Kingdom will not be able to stop it. After all, if he wants to save his wife, what reason do you have to stop it.

And the silver-white Metagross itself belongs to the Jiang family.

"." Please help me with the documents, I'm going to the hospital"

After speaking, Jiang Oreburgh left directly.

Looking at the documents piled up on his desk, he saw that there were more documents than a few days ago. I'm afraid this guy hasn't dealt with them all the time.


The Rams have long been used to handling these things for Ginger Oreburgh.

He is the strongest champion of the Xia Kingdom, so most of the time he has to sit in the country and rarely go out.

And Ginger Oreburgh often performed external and terrorist organization missions during the Elite period, and the people and Pokémon killed by him were enough to fill a small town.

If the high-level leaders of foreign countries are afraid of the Ram Army (Li Mo's), then they are afraid of Jiang Oreburgh, because the opponent is outright killing embryos.

His existence is the sharpest knife altar in Xia Guo's hands.

A few hours later, Jiang Oreburgh had arrived at the hospital, seeing that his sons and daughters were all here, and his grandson had also found the meat Ganoderma lucidum.

The mood is undoubtedly much better.

"When your mother wakes up, our family will have a good meal," Jiang Oreburgh said with a smile.

Since their divorce from Cao Ying, their family has never been together.

"Dad, Mom is awake, Riding will not have dinner with you," said daughter Jiang Qi.

"It's okay, when the time comes, let the good grandson go, your mother still likes the good grandson, just like me"

"Indeed, since Xiao Qing'er was born, I have not been the most favored person in my family"

Jiang Qi looked at Jiang Oreburgh with some resentment, at first she was the youngest and naturally the most favored.

After Jiang Qing was born, all this naturally changed. .

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